Ray Fisher Fires Back Against Warner Bros. Investigation


Oay Fisher fires back against the Warner Bros. investigation into his treatment while filming Justice League.

WarnerMedia’s statement released on Friday in part said that Ray Fisher wasn’t cooperating with the Justice League investigation claiming:

This investigator has attempted multiple times to meet with Mr. Fisher to discuss his concerns but, to date, Mr. Fisher has declined to speak to the investigator.

Saturday, Ray Fisher again took to Twitter and offered that he actually did speak with the investigator, but before further speaking to the investigator about his issues, Fisher says he wanted to verify the investigator, and Fisher also says the investigator is from the WB Film division and not WarnerMedia, which is where he wants his complaints to go to.

So while the statement from WB is technically correct – as Fisher hasn’t spoken with the investigator about his “concerns” – according to Fisher, more is going on. See below.

Update: Fisher releases 15-minute video with more allegations against Geoff Johns and more.

Original article continues:

Ray Fisher Justice League

Ray Fisher responds to WarnerMedia’s statement:

“Thank you all for the support and for seeing through @wbpictures desperate and scattershot attempt to discredit me to continue protecting those in power. I met with the investigator via Zoom on Aug 26th. Below is an email I sent to my team and @sagaftra immediately after,” tweeted Fisher. “It’s also worth noting that I made it clear to the world on Aug 21st that I would be vetting the investigator to ensure a fair and protected process for all witnesses. @wbpictures has escalated this to an entirely different level, but I’m ready to meet the challenge.”

The letter from Ray Fisher to his team states:

Hey Crew,

Just got off the line with the investigator. Had to end the interview early before going to detail with him.

He’s definitely been put on the case by Warner Bros. Pictures and not Warner Media. His finding will go directly and soley to Warner Bros. Pictures legal.

He also had another person on the line as a witness which we weren’t made aware of. I told him I needed to have a rep on the line as seccurity for myself.

He tried to keep me on the line, but I told him I would need to consult my team before proceeding.

Can we jump on a call to discuss soon?



Ray Fisher Justice League Cyborg

Ray Fisher alleges poor treatment at the hands of Whedon, Berg, Johns on Justice League

Ray Fisher has alleged that he received poor treatment on the set of Justice League from director Joss Whedon and producers Jon Berg and Geoff Johns, and Fisher has also said that Johns threatened his career, and most recently said the head of DC films, Walter Hamada, asked him to recant what he said about Johns, but not about Whedon and Berg.

WarnerMedia’s statement also said that Fisher wasn’t happy with The Flash script and confirmed members of the Justice League will appear in the flick.

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