Fantastic Four Rumored 3-Way Love Feud

Fantastic Four Rumored 3-Way Love Feud

Possible new insights are learned about Marvel’s Fantastic Four movie which is said to involve a three-way love feud involving Sue Storm and Reed Richards.

The info follows it said that Pedro Pascal is in final talks to play Reed Richards, with some reports stating it’s a done deal.

It’s also said Vanessa Kirby is playing Sue Storm, aka Invisible Woman, with Joseph Quinn as Human Torch, and Ebon Moss-Bachrach as TheThing.

fantasic four fan art pedro pascal
Fan art

What does the rumor say?

The rumor comes via John Rocha on The Hot Mic who also says Kevin Feige is bringing back the Avengers: Endgame writers to save the MCU, and that the Wonder Man actors have been asked to move on.

Rocha doesn’t say much, just that he has heard Fantastic Four involves some kind of love triangle.

The info seems to fit as it has been said the Fantastic Four movie is all about Sue Storm, and she is the focus of the movie and the lead character.

It’s also said that Reed Richards has been holding her back and that the FF movie portrays Reed in a negative light.

We can also add that Pedro Pascal is close to 50 years old, while Vanessa Kirby is 35 years old, so there is also a difference.

So assuming this is all true, if we put it all together, Sue is miserable with Reed who is probably too involved with his work and doesn’t pay Sue enough attention, so Sue finds herself in the arms of another man.

In the comics, Sue Storm has a thing for Namor, and what’s pretty interesting about the casting of Pedro Pascal as Reed Richards is that Namor is played by Tenoch Huerta, and not only are they both Latino actors but also starred together in Netflix’s Narcos.

pedro pascal reed richards fan art fantastic fourf
Fan art via Boss Logic

More FF rumors:

Obviously, the whole Fantastic Four movie won’t be about their love feud (hopefully) as it is said Galactus, possibly now played by Javier Barden, will be the villain.

It’s also said Kevin Feige is giving Galactus a female herald in the flick. While it has been rumored and thought to be Frankie Raye Nova, there is now rumor/speculation Feige might gender-swap the Silver Surfer and go the female route with the Sentinel of the Spaceways.

Reportedly, Feige thinks the FF are “way too white” and wants/wanted people of color to balance out the cast and play Reed and the villain.

Jeff Sneider also adds to expect a Fantastic Four full cast announcement by Thanksgiving or the first week of December at the latest.

Marvel hasn’t officially announced anything, so hold on to your hats.

Fantastic Four has a May 2, 2025, release date with Matt Shakman directing, Josh Friedman is writing the current draft of the script.

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