Disney Responds To Little Mermaid Backlash: Can Be Black


Hollywood has once again replaced a white character of red hair, as the latest sees The Little Mermaid become the victim of PC race bending with the casting of 19-year-old R&B singer Halle Bailey.

Following the announcement, fans took to social media to criticize the casting with the hashtag #NotMyAriel, which has now seen Disney respond via their Freeform network Instagram page, which says it’s okay to have a black Little Mermaid and that black people of Danish decent can even have red hair. Halle Bailey stars in the Freeform series Grown-ish.

“Yes. The original author of The Little Mermaid was Danish. Ariel … is a mermaid. She lives in an underwater kingdom in international waters and can legit swim wherever she wants (even though that often upsets King Triton, absolute zaddy),” Freeform’s post began. “But for the sake of argument, let’s say that Ariel, too, is Danish.”

The post continues with the mention of The Little Mermaid being black and having red hair.

“Danish mermaids can be black because Danish *people* can be black. Ariel can sneak up to the surface at any time with her pals Scuttle and the *ahem* Jamaican crab Sebastian (sorry, Flounder!) and keep that bronze base tight,” the text post continued. “Black Danish people, and this mer-folk, can also *genetically* (!!!) have red hair.”

Disney then offered the casting of Halle Bailey is “inspired.”

“So after all this is said and done, and you still cannot get past the idea that choosing the incredible, sensational, highly-talented, gorgeous Halle Bailey is anything other than the INSPIRED casting that it is because she ‘doesn’t look like the cartoon one,’ oh boy, do I have some news for you…about you,” the Freeform post concluded.

Here is the full post:


An open letter to the Poor, Unfortunate Souls: ______ #TheLittleMermaid #Ariel #MyAriel

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The Little Mermaid casting spawns backlash

Regarding Hollywood recasting “Gingers,” in addition to The Little Mermaid, the character of MJ was changed for the Disney Marvel and Sony Spider-Man movies, Annie was changed, Jimmy Olsen, Iris West, April O’Neil (TMNT), LEGO Batgirl, Wally West and more.

As I also previously posted, a YouTuber’s video went viral when he called out Disney’s race bending of MJ in Spider-Man and Hollywood changing white characters arguing that the characters shouldn’t be replaced, but new and existing ones should be developed:

Anybody that supports race-bending of comic book characters is a f’n loser. It’s one of the most unnecessary things that producers are doing right now in TV and film. It’s nothing but a joke of a concept by the production companies to appease you chumps that foam over the mouth about the concept of diversity and representation. Granted this is almost exclusively done to white characters, but the fact that folks actually champion these actions is sort of laughable.

Then when we say, let’s say the character in the recent Spider-man movies is only MJ in name, which she literally is, these clowns have the nerve to claim that people are racist. Imagine having your head so far up your a– that think that someone wanting to see a character be depicted by the same sort of white redhead character that she’s been is somehow racist.

These fools have no connection to the source material, so leave it to these normies to change every character they can to someone that’s non-white. Of course, if Black Panther was portrayed by whitey-mc-white-face everybody would be up in arms, including me. The whole “it’s just a fictional character” line would be immediately retired.

The funny thing about all of this is they’re too stupid to recognize that they are being insulted. Instead of the classicly black characters being developed, they instead tokenize the classicly white characters. And give you the sloppy seconds. And you consider that a victory. A victory when they gave you a character that they put through the grinder for decades unlike they do for some of the black characters, and because you have no connection to the source material, and you are a f’n normie, you don’t say anything when they crap on the legacy of classic and original black characters like Monica Rambeau for the sake of boosting up a white tokenized version of Mar-vell that is Carol Danvers aka the current Captain Marvel. Again you are too stupid to realize you are being insulted.

Cry to your mama about representation and diversity, which is just a buzz term way of saying that they want less white people, more specifically white men. See what they did to Mar-vell.

Monica never looked up to Mar-vell or Carol Danvers, but now considers her an aunt, and the father is oddly missing from the movie, presenting this stereotypical single black mother. So no two original females with superpowers are f’d. Yet I’m supposed to somehow be proud as a black man because some biracial chick fills a role as a tokenized MJ. Get the hell out of my face.

It’s not too much to ask, nor is it racist, to ask that characters be made to look like they’ve always looked in a comic book. Keep Blade black. Keep Fantastic Four white. Keep Luke Cage a dark-skinned brother, and keep MJ and the love interest of Spider-Man as a red-haired white woman.

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