Ben Affleck, Kevin Smith, Michael Rosenbaum Support ‘Release The Snyder Cut’


The support for the “Release The Snyder Cut” of Justice League continues as now Ben Affleck and Kevin Smith respond, as well as Smallville star Michael Rosenbaum.

Following a new image of Batman released by Zack Snyder, Ben Affleck joined on in Twitter by tweeting Sunday: “#ReleaseTheSnyderCut.”

Kevin Smith added that the version of Justice League should be released on HBO Max.

“Dear @wbpictures: If even Batman is calling for it, it’s time to #ReleaseTheSnyderCut! Sounds like it would be a great subscription driver for @hbomax,” Smith said.

The pair of tweets saw Smallville Lex Luthor actor Michael Rosenbaum add, “Does warner brothers listen to anyone? Just saying. #justiceleagueunlimited.”

Ben Affleck Batman Snyder Cut

“Release The Snyder Cut” support is growing

A few days ago also saw NBA Star DeAndre Jordan support “Release The Snyder Cut.”

Former Green Lantern actor Ryan Reynolds also supports the cause.

“Honestly, I thought ‘Release the Snyder Cut’ was something you’re supposed to yell while making love. My bad,” Reynolds joked on social media.

“Release the Snyder Cut” is a fan campaign to get the Zack Snyder version of Justice League released. Zack was unable to finish his version of the movie, which saw Joss Whedon take over and basically redo the entire film at the direction of WB execs. The runtime was cut from 3 hours or more to a 2-hour mandate, with basically all the Henry Cavill Superman scenes reshot, which led to the mustache controversy. It’s also become known that WB execs were unfortunately influenced by Marvel fans and demanded the Whedon version to be more goofy, similar to the MCU.

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