NBA Star DeAndre Jordan Supports ‘Release The Snyder Cut’; New Aquaman Image


The momentum surrounding “Release The Snyder Cut” continues as NBA star DeAndre Jordan supports the campaign to get the Zack Snyder version of Justice League released.

DeAndre Jordan, who plays for the Brooklyn Nets, took to Twitter on Wednesday: “Release the Zack Snyder cut dammit!!!”

The tweet has been retweeted over a thousand times with over 2,600 likes.

Fans jumped in as well.

“Release the Snyder Cut for Christmas, Warner Bros. AT&T,” a fan replied.

“MY MAN!” another said.

“Thank you for joining us,” said a tweet.

“This is awesome! Hell yeah!” said another.

“Wow! Thanks so much for the support DeAndre Jordan. This means a great deal!! I’m sure Zack Snyder appreciates it too!” another fan tweeted.

Back in October also saw DeAndre Jordan retweet Zack Snyder’s tweet where fans donated to a suicide prevention charity, so we see Jordan is a big fan.

Speaking of Zack Snyder, earlier saw Snyder release a new image of Jason Momoa as Aquaman from his Justice League cut.

“An image no one has seen but you. Enjoy and use as you see fit,” Snyder told a fan on the Vero app. 

“OMG That means everything!” the fan replied.

Check it out:

Release The Snyder Cut Aquaman Jason Momoa image:

Zack Snyder Cut Jason Momoa Aquaman

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