Lassoing The Truth: Wonder Woman’s Kryptonian Connection Revealed by Zack Snyder

Wonder Woman Almost Kryptonian Confirms Zack Snyder

Zack Snyder confirms they were actually toying with the idea to make Wonder Woman a Kryptonian in his Justice League DCEU universe.

There was actually a rumor a while back prior to the release of Batman vs. Superman that said Wonder Woman was going to be a Kryptonian, but at the time, our DC entertainment source shut that rumor down.

It turns out that making Wonder Woman a Kryptonian was actually thought about along with Zeus and Ares. So since Zeus is the father of Wonder Woman, she, too, would have been a Kryptonian, along with all the other gods, which explains why they have powers as they would all be supermen in their own right from Krypton.

Heck, why not throw in Aquaman, too?! There was actually a wild rumor back then that Aquaman and Wonder Woman were going to be cousins.

First look at Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman

What did Zack Snyder say about Wonder Woman being Kryptonian?

At this past weekend’s Full Circle SnyderCon event, it was revealed that Zeus was going to be a Kryptonian and that Ares was going to be the one who caused that Scout Ship to crash into the ice and that Ares killed his crew, which according to the official tie-in Man of Steel comic book actually was Supergirl.

“The whole thing of whether or not magic and the gods….there’s a version where, ‘okay, that’s cool, I guess,’ but there’s also the more scientific, you have mythology built up… Where do gods come from? What is that about?” Snyder said. “We had played around with that quite a bit.”

Watch the video below where Zack talks about it, which is a pretty wild idea and while maybe cool as part of an “Elseworlds” type of story, probably wouldn’t have fit with the general audience and DC fans. Zack did have some pretty wild ideas.

Snyder ended up using Ares as the villain of the Wonder Woman movie, and Zeus and Ares are featured in that super cool Snyder Cut extended scene battling Darkseid. Watch below!

Zeus, Ares & Old Gods vs DARKSEID 4K Battle scene   Snyder's Justice League 2021

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