‘Wonder Twins’ Casting Details Reveal Villains


A Wonder Twins live-action movie is presently in development for HBO Max, and now, casting details reveal the villains and more.

That Hashtag Show has once again got their hands on a casting call (read the Quantum Leap reboot descriptions here) where descriptions for the various characters include Jayna’s roommate and a pair of villains.

Black Adam writer Adam Sztykiel is writing the film, and based on the casting descriptions below, the flick sounds a bit on the goofy side, which of course fits with the characters, so this looks to be more of a comedy.

The Wonder Twins were first introduced in the Super Friends cartoon where the twins are an alien twin shape-shifting brother and sister pair named Zan and Jayna who activate their powers by a fist bump where Zan can turn into any shape of water and Jayna the shape of an animal, and they are accompanied by their pet monkey, Gleek, who assists in their crime-fighting activities.

Wonder Twins Super Friends

Wonder Twins casting descriptions:

Jayna’s roommate, Kenzie

The casting for Jayna’s roommate is for a female character named Kenzie where the casting call is requesting an Australian female over the age of 18 to play an 18-year-old as they want the actress to sport an Australian accent.

Kenzie is described as “optimistic but isn’t all there, with a couple of screws loose” and that she is trying to become best friends with Janya “no matter the cost.”

It’s further said Kenzie has a crush on Chad, which is the Earth name of Zan, and that Kenzie encourages Chad “even though his powers are turning into various forms of water.”

Villains are a set of evil twins

The villains are said to be a set of 17-year-old twins, Pils and Vinka (though it’s possible there could be a larger, main villain), where they are described as “kind of like the creepy girls from The Shining.”

It’s said Pils and Vinka “talk in unison, walk in unison, and wear matching outfits” and also that “they’re unnerving and are sent on a mission to kill Jayna and Zan.”

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