Venom Movie Rumored To Be R-Rated


Confirming what I wrote earlier, it’s now being said that the Venom movie will be R-rated and will be the launch of a new franchise.

According to Collider, Sony is developing the Venom movie to be R-rated and also a movie that is launching their own Marvel Universe–not connected to any of the Marvel Studios films.

It’s said Sony has the rights to around 900 Marvel characters and wants to capitalize on them.

Sony is also developing a movie surrounding the female characters of the Spider-Man universe with Black Cat and Silver Sable, currently being written by Thor scribe and comic book writer Chris Yost.

To reiterate, these Spider-Man universe movies are not connected to Marvel Studios, not connected to Kevin Feige, not connected to Spider-Man: Homecoming, and it remains to be seen if the Tom Holland Spider-Man will be involved at all.

These movies are being developed by producers Avi Arad, Matt Tolmach and Amy Pascal who were behind the Amazing Spider-Man films and are also behind the upcoming Miles Morales animated Spider-Man feature film (not connected to Marvel Studios). 

The Venom movie has an October 5, 2018 release and is said to start filming this Fall. 

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