‘Star Wars: Rogue Squadron’ May Be Delayed For ‘Old Republic’ Movie


It’s claimed that Patty Jenkins’ Star Wars: Rogue Squadron movie may be pushed back and that instead, an Old Republic film will take its release date.

The rumor first came about when Twitter user Big Screen Leaks tweeted a new Star Wars movie is planning to film next year and it’s not the Patty Jenkin Rogue Squadron film, the Taika Waititi movie, or even the Star Wars film that Kevin Feige is involved with:

Star Wars rumor Old Republic

Star Wars The Old Republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic rumors:

StarWarsNewsNet then did some digging of their own and claims the Star Wars movie to go into production next year is an Old Republic film which was first mentioned a couple of years ago with Laeta Kalogridis (Shutter Island, Alita Battle Angel, Altered Carbon Season 1) as the writer.

Regarding Rogue Squadron, it currently has a December 22, 2023 release date, but it’s claimed Rogue Squadron may be pushed back to 2024 and that the Old Republic flick would take the December 2023 release date, and this also means that Disney may be considering going back to yearly releases for Star Wars.

It’s also said that Lucasfilm is taking their time with Rogue Squadron and that they want to get the screenplay just right before filming begins, where it’s said the recent version of the script recently received a major rewrite.

It’s also mentioned that Patty Jenkins is busy with Wonder Woman 3 and a planned Amazon spinoff, but as I noted, Jenkins was supposed to start Rogue Squadron before Wonder Woman 3, but maybe that is not the case anymore if Rogue Squadron has been delayed. Jenkins also has Cleopatra in the works with Gal Gadot which is also listed as coming before both Rogue Squadron and Wonder Woman 3.

Also interestingly enough and as pointed out, Disney and Lucasfilm are remaking the Knights of the Old Republic video game, so maybe it has to do with a movie coming out.

In Star Wars lore, The Old Republic takes place approximately 3000 years before the events of the original movie trilogy.

Update: Additional rumors offer The Old Republic is happening:

Update #2: It is reported Rogue Squadron has been shelved indefinitely.

(via SWNN)

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