Stan Lee Threatens To Sue The Ass Off Accusers

Stan Lee Threatens To Sue The Ass Off Accusers

Stan Lee is fired up!

Following a report from Tuesday claiming the creator of Marvel was suffering from elder abuse, now Stan Lee releases a video where he says he is going to sue the ass off the people making the claims.

“It’s as if you suddenly have a personal vendetta against me and against the people I work with,” he said. “Well, I want you to know I’m going to spend every penny I have to put a stop to this and to make you sorry that you suddenly gone on a one-man campaign against somebody with no proof, no evidence, no anything, but you’ve decided that people are mistreating me, and therefore you’re going to publish those articles. I’m going to get the best and most expensive lawyers I can, and I want you to know, if you don’t stop these articles and publish retractions, I’m going to sue your ass off.”

The report on Tuesday from The Hollywood Reporter claimed, among other things, that Stan Lee was being held prisoner by his daughter and her cohorts as they are attempting to steal and get ahold of Stan Lee’s estate and money. 

Stan Lee denies the accusations in a video he released.

Stan Lee has been making a number of headlines as of late – none good – including his ailing health, his blood being stolen, and accusations of sexual harassment

Watch the video on TMZ.

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