Stan Lee Honors Steve Ditko

Stan Lee Honors Steve Ditko

Legendary comic book creator Steve Ditko recently passed away at the age of 90 who co-created Spider-Man, Doctor Strange and other Marvel comics characters.

Now Stan Lee, who co-created Spider-Man with Ditko, took to Twitter to offer his condolences.

“I cannot let the week go without commenting on Steve Ditko,” Stan Lee said. “Steve was certainly one of the most important creators in the comic book business. His talent was indescribable.”

Stan Lee and Steve Ditko didn’t have the best business relationship as Ditko left Marvel in 1966, but Ditko did continue to work in the comic book industry for years following.

“I worked with him for many years and was always impressed with how he saw everything in terms of photos and pictures and movement and scenes,” Lee said. “He told a story like a fine movie director would.”

Steve Ditko passed away as a result of a heart attack alone in his apartment; Ditko was a recluse who shunned the spotlight and media.

“I’m sure there will be a lot written about him as time goes by and I will be one of the guys who buys the first book,” said Stan Lee. “You made a real impression here in the world. Excelsior!”

Watch the video with Stan Lee below:

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