Snyder Cut: Harry Lennix Wants To Film Martian Manhunter Scenes


Harry Lennix wants to film Martian Manhunter scenes for the Snyder Cut, as the actor played General Swanwick in Man of Steel and Batman vs. Superman and has been revealed to be the alien from Mars, J’onn J’onzz.

In a recent interview, Harry Lennix was asked if he would film unfinished Martian Manhunter scenes that Zack Snyder never got the chance to shoot for the “Snyder Cut” of Justice League.

“I would love to do that,” he said.

Harry Lennix also offered his support for the Snyder Cut: “I hope that it will be seen. I really do.”

Regarding the Martian Manhunter, Zack Snyder revealed, as may fans have theorized, that General Swanwick is indeed the Martian Manhunter.

Snyder revealed storyboard art from his version of the Justice League movie which sees Lois talking to Ma Kent, with Ma Kent revealed to be the Martian Manhunter in that scene (see below).

Snyder also seemingly teased the Lois and Ma Kent/Martian Manhunter scene recently as he revealed new images from the Snyder Cut featuring Amy Adams and Diane Lane (also see below).

Zack also let it be known that, yes, Martian Manhunter is well aware that Superman is Clark Kent, with it also thought that Superman also knows Swanwick is an alien.

Recall two scenes from Man of Steel: The one where Superman breaks the handcuffs while being interrogated, but Swanwick doesn’t flinch while all the other cops do; the second being the end of Man of Steel where Superman responds to Swanwick with: “Guess I’ll have to trust you.”

Zack also recently said he isn’t quite done with the CGI, with rumors offering that Zack wants to film more scenes, so possibly those scenes may be of Harry Lennix as Martian Manhunter.

Justice League Snyder Cut Martian Manhunter storyboard:

Snyder Cut Martian Manhunter

Snyder Cut Amy Adams and Diane Lane:

Snyder Cut Amy Adams as Lois Lane

Snyder Cut Diane Lane as Martha Ma Kent

(via the Comic Book Podcast)

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