Scarlett Johansson Rumored For Huge Black Widow Payout

Scarlett Johansson Rumored For Huge Black Widow Payout

Following The Avengers: Infinity War movies at least one Assembler is confirmed to be returning as a Black Widow movie is currently in development at Marvel Studios starring Scarlett Johansson.

Now it’s being rumored that Scarlett Johansson will actually become the highest paid actress in Hollywood as a result of her new Marvel deal.

According to the Daily Mail, Scarlett Johansson’s payout for Black Widow will move her up a notch – above Jennifer Lawrence – giving her the top pay for an actress in Hollywood.

It’s said Scarlett Johansson, who debuted in Iron Man 2 as Natasha Romanoff,  is being paid a whopping $25 million to star in Black Widow.

Scarlett Johansson Black Widow

An “insider” for the site is also claiming that Disney thinks Scarlett Johansson and Black Widow will be bigger than DC’s Wonder Woman movie, which starred Gal Gadot and was directed by Patty Jenkins, and was a huge hit with fans, critics and at the box office.

It’s noted Scarlett Johansson will also get a revenue bonus if the Black Widow movie does well at the box office (over $900 million), meaning she could walk away with at least $31 million.

While the $25 million might seem like a large figure, it pales in comparison to the $50 million salary Robert Downey Jr. received for The Avengers back in 2012 (RDJ is said to be getting $200 million for The Avengers: Infinity War movies).

Scarlett Johansson Black Widow

The report further notes Scarlett Johansson may also receive a producer’s credit on Black Widow, which fits with the recent news of Johansson meeting with the writer on the film where it’s said the two are working closely together on the plot. 

The article offers that Black Widow looks to get released in 2020 as well.

Note: The article also states “The Black Widow film has Jude Law and Ben Mendelsohn as potential co-stars” but I’m guessing they mixed up their female Marvel movies as Jude Law and Ben Mendelsohn are starring in the upcoming Brie Larson Captain Marvel film.

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