No More Deathstroke For Arrow Because Of Joe Manganiello Movie

No More Deathstroke For Arrow Because Of Joe Manganiello Movie

Once again Arrow will not be able to use certain DC characters because of the movies, with the latest being Deathstroke.

Arrow executive producer Marc Guggenheim confirmed the TV show will no longer be able to use Deathstroke while speaking with Discussing Film at the Ace Comic Con convention, which is similar to what happened with Suicide Squad and Deadshot.

“We were basically told [by DC] we got other plans for Suicide Squad, particularly Deadshot, so that is why we sort of did what we did. These are DC’s characters, we’re just renting them you know, so we use the characters that they tell us we can use when we can use them, and we work around whatever limitations that places us. 

For a time they were saying you can’t use Deathstroke, then that changed and we were able to have Slade Wilson back on the show, but now we’re back to can’t use him. Well, they are working on the feature film version. Spoiler alert, Deathstroke appears at the end of the Justice League movie… there are these intervals and we try to take advantage of opportunities when we have them.”

As noted, Joe Manganiello appeared in a post-credit scene in the Justice League movie along with Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor where the Legion of Doom was mentioned.

Back in October also saw it learned that a Joe Manganiello Deathstroke movie is in development.    

Manu Bennett plays Deathstroke in Arrow.

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