Deathstroke Movie In The Works

Deathstroke Movie

Warner Bros. is developing a Deathstroke movie starring Joe Manganiello and directed by The Raid‘s Gareth Evans.

While THR reports Gareth Evans is in talks to write and direct a Deathstroke movie, the director did tease Deathstroke a couple of days ago on Instagram, so it seems like a done deal.

The report says the Deathstroke movie will be a solo solo film based on the assassin and a starring vehicle for Joe Manganiello, with it noted Manganiello hasn’t signed a deal as of yet.

Update: Joe Manganiello took to Instagram to tease the Deathstroke mask, so we can assume he’s signed on for the movie as well. See the image below.

Joe Manganiello was previously set to play Deathstrok for Ben Affleck in The Batman, but it’s currently up in the air if new director Matt Reeves will feature Deathstroke.

The good news is that WB realizes the potential of Joe Manganiello and is keeping the actor as Deathstroke even if the character doesn’t appear in Matt Reeves’ Batman movie.  

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