New Mutants Gets August Release Date


New Mutants finally has a release date as Disney announced Wednesday the X-Men film will be released on August 28, 2020 in theaters.

The flick’s previous release date was supposed to be in April, but due to the coronavirus which caused the closure of movie theaters worldwide, Disney was forced to cancel releases and change release dates.

Back at the start of April when Disney updated its release date schedule, which includes Star Wars and Marvel movies, New Mutants was taken off the schedule, but now Disney has found a place for it in August.

Disney CEO Bob Chapek recently touched upon the reopening of movie theaters offering that he doesn’t think there will be a big problem.

Films set to be released this Summer include Christopher Nolan’s Tenet (July 17), Disney’s Mulan (July 24), DC’s Wonder Woman 1984 (August 14), and John Krasinski’s A Quiet Place Part II (September 4).

The release of New Mutants has been a roller coaster ride as initially it was supposed to be released over two years ago (April 13, 2018), but it saw a delay of a year (February 22, 2019) when it was pushed back to avoid Deadpool 2. Rumors of problems surrounding the director and Fox executives, including that the film might get a VOD release, sprang up which surrounded Disney purchasing Fox Studios, with New Mutants eventually getting delayed yet again to a Summer of 2019 release (August 2, 2019), and then once the Fox purchase went through by Disney, New Mutants was set for an April 3, 2020 release, which didn’t hold as well.

Recently saw promotion for the movie as details and image stills have been released featuring Anya Taylor-Joy. It could be possible that a new trailer gets released soon to promote the August 28 release date.

New Mutants images:

Anya Taylor Joy as Illyana/Magik:

New Mutants Anya Taylor Joy

New Mutants Anya Taylor Joy Demon Bear

The Demon Bear:

New Mutants Demon Bear

New Mutants Demon Bear

The Smiley Men:

New Mutants The Smiley Men

New Mutants The Smiley Men

Dr. Cecilia Reyes:

Dr. Cecilia Reyes New Mutants

New Mutants is directed by Josh Boone and stars Maisie Williams as Rahne Sinclair / Wolfsbane, Anya Taylor-Joy as Illyana Rasputin / Magik, Blu Hunt as Danielle Moonstar, Charlie Heaton as Sam Guthrie, Henry Zaga as Roberto da Costa / Sunspot and Alice Braga as Dr. Cecilia Reyes.

Synopsis: An original horror thriller set in an isolated hospital where a group of young mutants is being held for psychiatric monitoring. When strange occurrences begin to take place, both their new mutant abilities and their friendships will be tested as they battle to try and make it out alive.

New Mutants trailer:

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