‘Moon Knight’ Gets Horror Writer Jeremy Slater


The Disney Plus Marvel Moon Knight series now has a head writer in the form of Jeremy Slater who also happens to be known for horror projects as well as for developing the super cool Netflix series The Umbrella Academy.

Slater’s creds also include The Exorcist horror series that aired on Fox, which was a great show, and Slater also has credits for the Netflix movie Death Note, the 2015 Fantastic Four movie and the horror flick, The Lazarus Effect.

Jeremy Slater will develop and lead the writing team on Moon Knight for Marvel Studios, and judging by his creds, Slater should fit right in with the titular character who has multiple personalities and a fractured mental state.

Moon Knight rumors Disney Plus

Moon Knight coming to Disney Plus

Recent rumors also offer that the Disney Plus Moon Knight series is near R-rated and shocking with Shia LeBoeuf possibly being eyed for the lead role or possibly Keanu Reeves.

In the comics, Moon Knight is often compared to DC’s Batman, but he is different as the various related characters were resurrected by the Egyptian Lunar-God of Vengeance and Justice, Khonshu, to serve as his avatar. The character’s powers include psychic resistance, with most telepathic or mental attacks not that effective, a high degree of pain tolerance in addition to proficiency in hand-to-hand combat and weapons training.

Marvel.com describes the comic book version of Marc Spector as: Struggling with multiple personalities and amoral inclinations, Marc Spector fights on against all odds as the cloaked avenger Moon Knight. Over his years as Moon Knight, Spector has also exhibited periodic demonstrations of supernatural powers such as enhanced strength during nights with full moons, prophetic visions and dreams, and the ability to drain another person’s life energies through physical contact.

(via THR)

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