James Bond 25 Gets Skyfall Writers

James Bond 25 Gets Skyfall Writers

Following the departure of Danny Boyle over creative differences, now it is being reported James Bond 25 has veteran Skyfall writers Neal Purvis and Robert Wade back on the franchise.

The duo have written six previous James Bond films also including SpectreQuantum of SolaceCasino RoyaleDie Another Day and The World Is Not Enough.  

According to the Guardian, Danny Boyle walked out on James Bond 25 when the producers wanted to use another writer, but a separate report offers the producers and star Daniel Craig wanted to kill James Bond and replace the character with either a person of color or a female actress.

It’s said a new director hasn’t been found as of yet, but the new script is underway.

Neal Purvis and Robert Wade were actually first hired to write James Bond 25, but when Danny Boyle was brought on board, he brought his own story and writer with John Hodge.

Now we see the producers don’t want Boyle’s story and are bringing back their original writers.

James Bond

The villain of Boyle’s version also recently became known as Wonder Woman star Saïd Taghmaoui confirmed he was cast as the villain, but he said he is unsure if he will return.

“I was cast by Danny Boyle, and just now he left the project, so of course there’s some uncertainty,” Saïd Taghmaoui told The National. “We don’t know who the director will be, and the producers don’t know if they’re going to go Russian or Middle East with the baddie right now. I literally just received a message saying: ‘If they go Middle East, it’s you. If they go Russian, it’s someone else.’ It’s the story of my life. Always on that line between something that could change my life and something that disappears.”

The departure of Danny Boyle and the new script will also lead to a delay for James Bond 25, and when a new director comes on board, the script will need to be tweaked yet again. As it stands, James Bond 25 has a current November 8, 2019 release.  

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