HBO Max Announces Green Lantern and Adam Strange


Breaking news: WarnerMedia announces that a Green Lantern series will be coming to its HBO Max streaming service along with an Adam Strange series.

HBO Max is currently holding a live presentation where they announced the news on Twitter.

“One more for DC Comics fans. In partnership with Greg Berlanti we’re excited to bring to series the beloved Green Lantern AND intro audiences to Strange Adventures, about ‘man of two worlds’ Adam Strange, an archaeologist-turned-intergalactic-hero when he’s zeta-beamed to planet Rann,” the tweet states.

Update: Read the official announcement.

Update #2: Check out posters:

HBO Max Green Lantern Adam Strange posters

Adam Strange

Green Lantern, Adam Strange coming to HBO Max

A Green Lantern Corps series was actually rumored recently for HBO Max, said to be featuring the Kyle Rayner version of Green Lantern, while the Hal Jordan version would be featured on the big screen.

As the series was just announced, details are scarce, so it is unknown if the HBO Max series will be a Green Lantern Corps series or GL series.

While at Comic-Con this past Summer, DC insiders also filled me in that J.J. Abrams will be taking on both Superman and Green Lantern, so it remains to be seen if J.J. is still involved with GL or if the HBO max series is indeed for GLC and Abrams will be doing GL in a DC movie. 

Regarding Adam Strange, the character was featured in the short-lived SYFY series Krypton, but rumors offer up that this version of Adam Strange for HBO Max is not the same version.

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