Green Lantern TV Series Features Hal Jordan And John Stewart

Green Lantern TV Series Features Hal Jordan And John Stewart

Tuesday’s DC announcement includes the news that the Green Lantern TV series will feature both Hal Jordan and John Stewart.

At one time a movie was being developed featuring both characters, with a Green Lantern Corps HBO series also in development featuring Guy Gardner and Alan Scott.

However, with James Gunn and Peter Safran taking over the DCU, both projects have been scrapped in favor of the new HBO Hal Jordan and John Stewart series.

“The next thing is a big premiere HBO television series called Lanterns,” said James Gunn in his video announcement. “This is the story of a couple of Green Lanterns, John Stewart and Hal Jordan, and we have a few other Lanterns peppered in there.”

Green Lantern HBO James Gunn series

What is the Green Lantern TV series about?

Gunn continued by describing the show (which sounds like they are saving money as the Green Lantern Corps series was described as a space opera while Gunn’s new series sounds Earth-based).

“This is really a terrestrial-based TV show which is almost like True Detective with a couple of Green Lanterns who are space cops watching over precinct Earth,” Gunn said. “In it, they discover a terrifying mystery that ties into our larger story of the DCU.”

Worth a mention is that Gunn chose to use the artwork from the Green Lantern: Earth One graphic novels which is an all-new origin story for the characters, and the art on the right happens to feature John Stewart with Yellow Lantern powers.

The official press release describes Lanterns as “this enormous TV event series follows intergalactic cops John Stewart and Hal Jordan as they uncover a dark mystery.”  

“Our vision for this is True Detective,” Safran said at the press event. “It’s terrestrial-based, it’s got two of our favorite Green Lanterns –Hal Jordan and John Stewart…it plays a really big role in the main story that we’re telling across our film and Television. This is a very important show for us.”

The trades also report that Greg Berlanti is no longer involved with the series, as it’s been reported that while Berlanti recently signed a new deal with WB, Berlanti is not expected to be heavily involved with DC Comics programming.

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