The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for 3/6/2013



The Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


This is a “quick pick” look at the Top 5 comics that EVERYONE should be reading this week! Whether it’s rife with characterization, filled with emotional strife, has a bevy of high octane battle sequences or is just a plain ol’ great read — these books belong at the “Top Of The Pile!”


1.  Hellboy: In Hell #4 (Dark Horse): Mike Mignola’s triumphant return to art chores on his creator owned character, Hellboy, has sent fans into a frenzy for this book! Mix in a deep, dark look at the history of where Hellboy truly came from and you have one of the best looking and powerfully story driven books on the racks today. 



2. Green Arrow #18 (DC): Jeff Lemire’s second issue of the floundering series, Green Arrow, has turned the book and it’s fan base on it’s head! Taking away everything Oliver Queen ever had as a crutch in his life, has made the character one that fans can now empathize with and root for. Lemire has pulled away all the pomp and flashiness that muddled this series and has created a book that is streamlined, gut-wrenching and completely enthralling! Become a fan all over again — today!



3. Animal Man #18 (DC): Jeff Lemire hits the Top of the Pile for the second time this week with a harrowing tale that will change Buddy Baker’s world forever! After surviving a horrible possible future, Buddy gets a second chance to set the world right. Too bad not everyone will be able to see this new, brighter future! Jae Lee’s fantastic cover DOES NOT lie, folks! This one’s a doozy!



4. Shadowman #5 (Valiant): Justin Jordan has put his new Shadowman character through the ringer in the first four issues! Well, now it’s time to learn more about the past and just what a Shadowman is. New characters [ like the return of Dr. Mirage after twenty years!] and ancient, deadly foes are introduced as well, creating the perfect amount of drama and intrigue. A fantastic read and the perfect jumping on point for any reader wishing that their comics were laced with perfection!



5. Superior Spider-Man #5 (Marvel): Dan Slott has finally done what I have been hoping for since this book debuted — he pushed the character over the edge! Yes, this “new” Peter Parker might think he is superior but he just did the one thing the old Peter would never do and things will never be the same again! Let the roulette wheel of fun begin and let’s see how drastic Slott will change the status of Spider-Man in the Marvel U.! This one goes out with a BANG!

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