Comic Book News

Here you can find our Comic Book News section which includes all the latest and related articles, reviews, trailers and reviews for comic books and more.

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: X-Men: Schism #5

Jason Aaron's opus to divide the X-Men has come to an end. The line in the sand has been drawn, and when all the dust has settled, we will have ourselves yet another X book to purchase on the racks of the local comic shop. But has all the hype regarding this seemingly grand tale […]

Comic Book News

Review: Detective Comics #2 (Daniel)

Someone has broken the nefarious Joker out of Arkham, but not all of him has left the building. Joker's face has been pinned to the wall of his cell, and not even the Batman knows why – or even if the Joker is still alive. By the time James Gordon, Harvey Bullock and Batman can

Comic Book News Reviews

Review: The Fury Of Firestorm: Nuclear Men #1

Firestorm was always an odd sort of hero for me because as powerful as his abilities were, what made the character interesting was the fact he was a physical manifestation of dichotomy.  The first Firestorm was a fusion of the young Ronnie Raymond and the old Dr. Martin Stein.  Youthful creativity combined with experienced wisdom

Comic Book News

Review: Justice League Dark #1 (Milligan & Janin)

After writing my article, Drawing the Line At Constantine, on why John Constantine would not work in a team book, I couldn't wait to trash the new Justice League Dark book. But now I stand in front of the world, proclaiming that Peter Milligan is a genius – and I apologize for ever doubting his

Comic Book News

Review: Batman: The Dark Knight #1 (Jenkins & Finch)

Well, the third and final Bat book has hit the stands, but the punch has been pulled back a little. The art is outstanding, the story good, but there is really nothing that grabs you and makes you say "wow" when you close the book.  Last week we saw a breakout at Arkham in the

Comic Book News

Review: The Savage Hawkman #1 (Daniel & Tan)

Carter Hal may still technically be Hawkman, but this is far from the Hawkman that I remember! Besides the Nth metal and ties to archeology, nothing is the same, and normally I would be ecstatic about all the possibilities. But this book really did nothing for me. Not that it was a bad read or

Comic Book News

Review: Teen Titans #1 (Lobdell & Booth)

I have never read Teen Titans before, I just want to put that out there. So, going into this I had no preconceptions regarding the book. Yes, I knew all the characters that had been on all the different variations of the team, but I didn't really KNOW them. But I have to say, Lobdell

Comic Book News Reviews

Review: Blackhawks #1 (Costa & Lashley)

The New 52 delivers another team book in Blackhawks #1, DC’s answer to S.H.I.E.L.D.; well kind of.  What’s most interesting about this covert operation is the fact that it was commissioned by the United Nations, an organization notorious for not having a practical means of enforcing mandates and treaties because it has no threatening military

Comic Book News Reviews

Review: Voodoo #1 (Marz & Basri)

The New 52 wants all you guys out there to “get your hands out of your pants and into your pockets” to spend a little on some memories from Voodoo #1, yet another addition to DC’s re-launch that is all about sex, violence and a little mystery; but mainly SEX!  You know what kind of

Comic Book News Reviews

Review: Birds of Prey #1 (Swierczynski & Saiz)

Hurray for more sexy babes in comics!  As much as there are, there just doesn’t seem to be enough.  Thus, we are introduced to the new Birds of Prey, an all female team of vigilante heroines that does things their way with a slight preference towards brutality. The logistics with team based books can be quite

Comic Book News Reviews

Review: Nightwing #1 (Higgins & Barrows)

Of every comic book character “family,” I must say that Batman’s is by far my favorite, and thankfully, The New 52 elaborates on the Dark Knight’s extended with a book of Nightwing’s own, which will certainly include several satisfying cameo appearances as this series evolves.  This first issue, as it seems to be the overall

Comic Book News

Review: Green Lantern Corps #1 (Tomasi & Pasarin)

Though not a true "reboot," this book does come off as fresh and exciting as any of the "new" books. A refocus on the men that wield the emerald rings, Tomasi has crafted a tale that is full of realism without losing any of the cosmic fun that we are accustomed to. I will admit,

Comic Book News

Review: Batman #1 (Snyder & Capullo)

Snyder and Capullo step up to the plate and swing for the fences in the Dark Knight's second solo book of the New 52. A totally different vibe than Tony Daniels' take on Detective, where Bruce Wayne is bathed in the shadow of the Bat, Snyder lets Bruce take center stage throughout most of the

Comic Book News

Review: Red Hood and the Outlaws #1 (Lobdell & Rocafort)

If you are ready to be blown away by an exciting, action-packed, even somewhat sexy book — then you have to pick up Lobdell and Rocafort's Red Hood and the Outlaws! I am calling this one the sleeper hit of week three! Lower orders and less hype than most of the others, can't keep this book

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Mystery Men #5 (of 5)

As I stare at the final page of the last issue of Mystery Men, David Liss poses a question, "The End?" And my answer to him is, "I most sincerely hope not!" David Liss has dared to create original pulp heroes in a market that is fickle at best and down right vicious at it's

Comic Book News Reviews

Review: Batwoman #1

Batwoman #1 is another volume of “The New 52” that is clearly less of a reset and more of a business-as-usual day in the complex life of Kate Kane, the Batwoman who conceals her pale complexion and fire engine red hair with a costume that reveals her pale complexion and highlights her red hair even

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Fear Itself #6 (of 7)

With thirteen new number ones debuting again this week from DC, it might be easy to forget about some of Marvel's books today. But the book that you should have at the top of your pile as you leave the local comic shop is — Fear Itself #6! This is the penultimate issue of Marvel's blockbuster

Comic Book News Reviews

Review: Deathstroke #1 (Higgins & Bennet)

The “New 52” is an attempt to renew, refresh and perhaps even reboot several major characters within the DC Universe to reconnect with fans, receive new ones, rejuvenate sales and rethink the overall fictional routines of super people in the comic book medium.  It’s not exactly wiping the slate clean, but it may seem like

Comic Book News

Review: Resurrection Man #1 (DnA & Dagnino)

DnA bring their creation from the nineties literally back from the dead in the pages of Resurrection Man #1! Is it just me or has DC really amped up the focus on non-mainstream characters with their New 52 books? Not that I am complaining, I love the fact that the DCnU has tapped into the

Comic Book News

Review: Suicide Squad #1 (Glass & Dallocchio)

Okay, Suicide Squad has been re-released more times than Batman has trounced the Joker! And every time the premise is the same thing — bad guys get picked by the government, usually Amanda Haller, to do dirty jobs no one else will. And if they just so happen to die in the line of duty —

Comic Book News

Review: Grifter #1 (Edmonson & CAFU)

Though there are some heavy hitters in the second week of the New 52, this is the one that I have been most looking forward to. Grifter's introduction to the DCnU is finally here and I am ecstatic! I have read Grifter stories for years, from WildC.A.T.'s to the solo series, all the way to Point

Comic Book News

Review: Green Arrow #1 (Krul & Jurgens)

Well, I knew that with changes there will inevitably be some disappointment. But I didn't think it would with this magnitude and from one of my favorite DC writers — J.T. Krul. Where to begin? Okay, I am not going to pull any punches, it's not fair to you nor me at this point and

Comic Book News

Review: Batman: Detective Comics #1 (Daniel)

The Joker kills without prejudice. No man, woman or child is safe while the deranged murderer prowls the streets of Gotham. That's why one man takes to the streets, nightly stalking this devil, so that one day — Gotham's pain can be washed away. Besides the Flashpoint tie-in, which was AMAZING, I haven't read a

Comic Book News

Review: Men Of War #1 (Brandon & Derenick)

After all these years — Sgt. Rock is back! But as with all the New 52 titles, it's not the Rock my daddy grew up with! Modern military, modern weapons and a modern tale await you as you wade through the most "human" of tales to emerge from the DCnU. We see Rock as a

Comic Book News

Review: Justice League #1

I hold in my hand — the beginning. The new era at DC has emerged from the pages of Flashpoint #5, and I am torn between a feeling of loss and utter excitement. What we knew has changed with the speed of light, and what we are left with is something strangely familiar yet, curiously

Comic Book News

Review: Flashpoint #5 (of 5)

The end is here and the CBN offices are blown away by the shocking, yet some say — confusing, end to an era of DC comics! Me? I say bring it on! Geoff Johns continual love affair with Barry Allen has turned the DC Universe on it's ear, creating one of the most creative stories

Comic Book News Marvel

Advanced Review: Ultimate Comics Hawkeye #1

Once again, our good friends at Marvel have slid an advanced copy of a book across my desk. This time it's the debut issue of Ultimate Comics Hawkeye, written by fan favorite — Jonathan Hickman!  With all the hype DC is getting with their relaunch, people seem to forget that the Ultimate Universe is breathing

Comic Book News

Review: Justice Society of America #54

This is it, the last hurrah, the nail in the coffin for the JSA. And I have to admit, I wish my favorite DC team book would have gone out with a bang instead of limping off into that goodnight! In no way do I blame Marc Guggenheim for the way this storyline wraps up.

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Uncanny X-Men #542

Kuurth, Breaker of Stone, walks towards Utopia, slowly, steadily and unstoppable. Nothing can slow his march, plan after plan crafted to hinder the Serpent's Worthy has failed. Man's fear of mutants has escalated to heights never seen before, and everything Scott Summers has worked so hard for — may be destroyed before his very eyes.

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Daredevil #2 (2011)

Waid and Rivera hold no punches in their opening salvo of issue two, making this "Big Shots" book number one on my pull list! Yes, I have a biased opinion in regards to Daredevil – it is the first book I truly collected after all – but even that doesn't overshadow how good this book

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