Review: Convergence #0


DC Comics latest event kicks off today with Convergence #0, which promises: “Everything matters. Every story matters.” 

The issue follows Superman as he is transported to a universe between universes by Brainiac where he finds himself lost among many alternate versions of Metropolis.

The issue is heavy on exposition and is rather drawn out with a few pointless “Pow” punches here and there. The dialogue is spotty, and at times the panels don’t flow all that well. It’s also not the best art I’ve seen from Sciver.

The book is extremely overpriced at $5.00 as the issue could easily be toned down to a five-page story and made as a free prequel giveaway or some sort. You easily get more from Dan DiDio’s Convergence trailer than anything this issue provides.

The problem with the issue is it does little to get the reader excited for the main event title. For one, it’s only a Superman story, which in itself isn’t a bad thing, but since this is a prequel, just how much “Convergence” story can be told? And that is probably the reason why the issue feels so drawn out – it’s because they can’t tell much about Convergence, and it only focuses on Superman, who really just goes on and on about trying to get home while the different versions of Brainiac attempt an explanation, which comes up rather lacking. It would have been a much better read to use numerous DC characters (i.e. Justice League characters) to give teases for what’s to come in the main Convergence series that starts next week.

While we don’t give official star-ratings here at Cosmic Book News, if I had to, Convergence #0 would get a 2 out of 5 stars as the issue is a rather lackluster attempt at kicking off a big event series and can be considered anything but a must read – or a must buy. 

This one really doesn’t matter all that much.

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