Comic Book News

Here you can find our Comic Book News section which includes all the latest and related articles, reviews, trailers and reviews for comic books and more.

Comic Book News

Review: Worlds Finest #1

DC’s “second wave” hits the stands today! Although not as grand as the first time around, this second set of the New 52 definitely has some shinning stars! The first of which — Worlds’ Finest

Now, even before this series launched, George Perez had been getting some pretty heated fan response to his renderings of “Power Girl.” Once you read this, I hope all of your reservations can be put aside. DC has been letting you know that this “Huntress” and “Power Girl” are not ones you are familiar with, believe me — it’s true!

I do not want to spoil anything that Paul Levitz has created here, and it is very difficult to do a review that can entice you to check out this book without blathering on and on about the story. So, I will try and keep it brief, yet, exciting!

Hailing from the pages of Earth 2, also on sale today, two heroines escape from a devastated planet only to awaken in one similar, but not their own! They change their identities in order to better conform to their new world and set off to fight the good fight, all the while searching to find a way home.

There, hope I didn’t give away too much!

Paul Levitz has crafted a tale that is already rich in the history of the New 52. From the Huntress mini-series to the recently canceled Mr.Terrific book, we are already familiar with these characters and their motivations. But now we are privy to parts of their lives we had been previously kept in the dark about, building those, “Ah ha!” moments comic fans all love. Pieces from this tale and other stories converge together, making the scope of Levitz tale brighter and broader than one could have foreseen. But it is the characterization of these two heroines, both singularly and dually, that make this story flow so naturally. It’s as if we are watching two old acquaintances stroll through our door with an incredible tale to tell us after a long hiatus. It is comfortable and engaging, drawing you into a world you already thought you new.

I have always been a fan of George Perez’s art, but this book reminded me of why and just how much I missed it! His skill is fathomless and just keeps getting better! Not that Kevin Maguire’s flashback sequences are anything to scoff at either! It is the duality of theses great artists that help project this book to a higher level!

This story has it’s fingertips on the biggest array of books in the New 52 that I have ever seen! If you are a fan of great art and amazing tales of misplaced heroes — this is the book for you! This “second wave” is bound together tighter than the first one — so get Worlds’ Finest and Earth 2 in tandem! You won’t regret it!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Avengers vs. X-Men #3

Editorial Note: Slight Spoilers Ahoy!


Well, it didn’t take long for this series to start to unravel, now did it?

Like all the big events Marvel has produced in the past few years, it begins with a bang and then slowly petters out to a whimper. This issue is the turning point to that feeble end!

It begins with Logan recouping and then running out to see what has happened since Hope took him out of the battle. What he sees is nothing – absolutely nothing – as both sides stand complacent with Cyclops’ surrender. What? Surrender? The last issue ended with battles galore sprouting up all over Utopia! Ah, yes, the Marvel engine must have made a stop in Storytelling 101 in another book or maybe decided to think we would all just except this story change like good little doggies. Regardless, all isn’t as it seems and the Avengers must now chase the merry mutants around the globe in order to find the missing Hope. But as divisions in Wolverine’s ranks are revealed, one more change in the status quo emerges — Cap vs. Wolverine!

This book had glimpses of grandeur but the characterization that has been happening in this story since issue one, has been overbearing at best and atrocious at its worst! The first two issues portrayed Cyclops as some religious zealot that couldn’t see what his decisions were doing to those around him! This issue has Captain America coming off as a tyrannical overlord that would rather destroy alliances than see disobedience! Since this issue was scripted by Ed Brubaker, I was surprised by this total disregard for character. Even in the worst situations, Cap wouldn’t do what he does to Wolverine at the end of this tale. I was expecting him to scream, “Die mutie scum!” as he threw his personal choice for Avenger membership out the proverbial door!

If this is what the “architects” can build when they all come together, I’m not too sure I want to stand anywhere near the construction site! It seems as though the eventual outcome of this tale is all that was focused on regardless as to how they get us there. Forcibly directing a story just to placate to a set in stone ending, makes for a shoddy tale overall! Readers hunger for a tale that will leave them satisfied, a well rounded course that is more than just a light show and dessert. I will gladly pay you for the flash of satisfaction I had reading this book, but I want a refund for the other twenty pages of mediocrity! The way I see it, Marvel owes me $2.99! Now, if I could only figure out where I could spend three bucks on a good comic. Anyone have any ideas? 

Comic Book News

Nova Takes Center Stage On The Super Hero Squad Online Card Game!

Squaddies Assemble: Nova Corps!”

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


[[wysiwyg_imageupload:1573:]]Wednesday saw the launch of of the most anticipated super hero card game ever! The Super Hero Squad Online Card Game blasted its way into local shops and found its way into eager fans hands that had been waiting outside in anticipation! The proprietor of a local shop had this to say about the hype surrounding S.H.S.O.C.G., “I have been getting phone calls for the past two weeks about when the cards will come in. Everyday someone is asking about them. I ordered a ton of stuff and it will probably be gone by the end of the week!”

No kidding! As I picked up my Avengers vs. X-Men two player intro pack, and some boosters to go along with it, five other customers were grabbing theme decks and wiped out two boxes of boosters before I could cash out! That’s 48 packs people! I knew this was going to be big, but not that big! 

As I pondered why fans were so ravenous about the game, my daughter and I began to unwrap our haul at home. Then it hit me, as soon as I unfolded the playing mats you get with the two player intro pack. There, beside Emma Frost, Cyclops and Dr. Strange stood — Nova! Not Sam Alexander Nova, the original cosmic cop — Richard Rider Nova! The same one you can play as in Super Hero Squad Online (Hint, Hint)! Could this be why fans were burning through boxes of boosters like a cosmic blast through a Dire Wraith? No, it can’t be — could it?

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:1574:]]Boosters were gently torn open, so as not to ruin the codes we could use in S.H.S.O., and a bevy of heroes began to pour out. We got Hulks and Caps, Gambits and Jean Greys, but as we opened our fourth pack there it was — Nova! Again and again, Nova cards were found strewn throughout our booster packs like a sprinkling of extraordinary in a pot of awesomeness! I couldn’t believe that all I had to do to find Richard Rider prominently displayed again, was to play S.H.S.O.C.G.! This had to be why so many people were clamoring for packs! True Nova fans racing for a glimpse of their beloved character again! That, and the game is fantastic! Perfect for kids and grown-ups alike and way easier to play than most other card games on the shelves today!

So, we built our decks. The “DOC” as the Avengers and “Lil’ Thunder” as the X-Men, with a couple Nova cards thrown in for good measure! As the smile on my daughter’s face widened with every turn we played, I relished every moment of it! This was AWESOME! Time spent with my daughter and something we both enjoy — comics! Nothing is better than that! Especially if you have Nova in your deck!

Comic Book News Marvel

Advanced Review: Avengers: X-Sanction #1

The crossover event of the year is finally upon us! The solicits have been out, the press has been geared up for months, even the NYCC was all a buzz about the ramifications Avengers: X-Sanction will bring to the future of the Marvel Universe. Loeb and McGuiness have brought Cable back from Marvel's ever expanding

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Fatale #1 (Brubaker, Phillips & Stewart)

  From the critically acclaimed creative team that brought fans both Criminal and Sleeper, comes their new work of pure genius — Fatale!   Taking place between the years 2011 and 1956, fans are enthralled within the pulp noir world that this trio always creates so poetically. Following Nicolas Lash, in the present, we find

Comic Book News

Review: Swamp Thing #4

  In the desert, something is building a kingdom. It is not built with brick or mortar, or by the hands of man. It is built with pain and flesh. Disease and sinew are it's bonding agent, and it is growing bigger by the day. In the desert, where few things can survive the brutal

Comic Book News

Review: Animal Man #4

  Buddy Baker has always known he was special. Animal activist, father, superhero; the man does it all! But when his link to his animal powers begins to grant him with strange new abilities, he begins to question his role in the grand spectrum of things. A role that now casts him in the shadow

Comic Book News

Review: Invincible #85

  Since the end of The Viltrumite War arc, Mark has been biding his time on Earth doing quite a bit of soul searching.  The pace of the storyline had slowed a bit – and some fans were beginning to wonder where Kirkman was heading.  With #85 hitting the stands, now we know right where

Comic Book News

Review: Severed #4

Snyder, Tuft and Futaki converge to create a book that surpasses anything in the horror genre, actually — it surpasses everything in any genre! There is a richness to this story, one that transcends the confines of a comic book and elevates the tale into the realm of classic American horror. It is an eerie

Comic Book News

Review: Butcher Baker, Candlestickmaker #5

Directly from the pages of The Boys, comes a tale of the history of their fearless leader — Billy Butcher! Garth Ennis has finally given his fans an inside look at the horrific events that made Billy Butcher a stone cold, calculated killer of supers. From his abusive father, to the utterly heart breaking death

Comic Book News

Review: Red Hood and the Outlaws #3

Chaotic, craziness jumps off the pages of Scott Lobdell's fan favorite Red Hood and the Outlaws! But don't get lost in the nexus of insanity, there is an intriguing tale hidden just beneath the surface that allows us to see our "heroes" in a whole new light! To describe this book in one word would

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Green Lantern Corps#3

The Corps has their back against the wall, broken, beaten and excepting of their fate. This could be the end of the Corps "honor guard," and the cover says it all — "Beware the Ring Slayers!" Tomasi gives new meaning to the phrase "action-packed!" From start to finish, we are continually assaulted by scenes of

Comic Book News

Review: Batman #3

The Court of Owls has taken roost within Gotham, and neither Bruce Wayne nor the Batman will ever be the same! Scott Snyder conjures up an eerie tale of hidden secrets and a haunted past. A tale that will send shivers of excitement down your spine as glimpses of Gotham's past emerge before you, as

Comic Book News

Review: Mister Terrific #3

Issue three of the DCnU's sci-fi, cosmic epic has hit the stands — and I couldn't be happier! When Eric Wallace told the CBN staff that something in issue three would change the status quo of Mister Terrific — he wasn't kidding! The tectonic plates of his whole existence have begun to shift, and Mister

Comic Book News Marvel

Timelord Reviews Point One #1: Nova: “Harbinger”

This take on Nova made my teeth hurt from all the grinding I did of them.

Where do I start?
Characterization:  Hated it.  After Annihilation, we had a Nova who had finally broken away from the teenage Peter Parker-ish personality, acquired an Alpha-Plus power set, and through his wartime experiences had evolved into a respected leader of men.  Now, Loeb and Brevoort hand us something more akin to the silly side-kicky teen Nova most recently seen in the alternate universe Marvel Adventures Superheroes “all ages” book.  This new and not very powerful Nova easily gets his ass handed to him by Terrax while shouting “Nooo!” like a little girl.  He then flies away from the battle crying — that’s right, I said crying — he’s drawn with tears flowing from his eyes as he whines about what an “Epic Fail” he was in his mission.  Seriously Mr. Loeb?  Seriously Mr. Brevoort?  This is your understanding of Nova and of Cosmic? Epic fail indeed on the part of both of you.  This weak characterization will not attract new fans, will alienate old fans, and will only reinforce the disrespect of the character by those who never bothered to learn about the true renaissance of the character in Annihilation.  Maybe Nova’s tears were triggered by the disrespect of this characterization. If Marv Wolfman bothered to read “Harbinger” — I’m sure he was as saddened as all the rest of us long term fans by this concept rape.
New Uniform:  Hated it.  This uniform looks like a bad combination of Mega-Man, Tron, and Power Rangers.  It’s sure to turn off every non-fan of manga-influenced art.  To add to the disrespect — the ranking system of the uniform is incorrect.  This Nova wears a Denarian star on his helmet and Centurion stars on his chest.  What’s his rank? I don’t know.
Storyline:  Hated it.  The writers of the Superhero Squad cartoon appear to understand Nova and Cosmic well enough to identify all the old cliches and skewer them.  Sadly, “Harbinger” trots out all the old cliches with a straight face.  Weak teenage Nova faces a vastly superior foe, makes bad or impulsive decisions, gets beaten up, fails his mission and has self-esteem problems, etc.  Let me guess what’s next.  The Phoenix Force destroys Xandar leaving the entire Nova Corps and all of Xandar dead except for this new Nova who then journeys to 616 Earth to warn the Avengers the Phoenix is coming and ask for their help.  He takes up residence on Earth and becomes a teen sidekick for The Avengers.  The “Lone Ranger”  teen Nova rides again! (Playing second fiddle to Cap, Thor, and Iron Man of course).
When I first saw the solicits for “Harbinger” I was afraid we were in for a Kyle Rayner treatment of Nova.  Now I’m desparately hoping this is a Kyle Rayner treatment.  I really hope this is an alternate universe version of Nova (who is not named Rich Rider) and not some brutal retcon of 616 continuity ignoring everything that happened between Annihilation and Thanos Imperative.  Why? Because we can then forget about this version and work to bring our 616 Rich back from being marooned in the Cancerverse.
There was never any reason for a new Nova to be created.  Rich could’ve easily been brought back from the Cancerverse to play a big role in this Phoenix storyline.  This reboot of Nova stems from a mistaken belief by editorial that a teen rookie Lone Ranger Nova will attract more fans than a powerful more mature young adult military commander Nova.
I’m glad Marvel Editorial finally wants to make Nova a star by promoting him and involving him in the major upcoming storylines.  I just wish they’d shown that kind of love to Nova right after Annihilation.  If they had, maybe Volume IV would still be being published.
Comic Book News Marvel

Review: The New Avengers #18

Bendis is up to his old tricks again, dipping into the well of past ideas and spinning them in a new way. But this time, it was done precisely, with a keen eye for detail and made perfect sense! I am overjoyed at the return of The Dark Avengers, and felt pure excitement by the

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Uncanny X-Force #17

The Dark Angel Saga continues here, and our heroes finally get some help from some A.O.A. friends of their own!  Hands down, Rick Remender out does himself each and every issue! His mind churns out some of the most insane, and yet the most enjoyable, books on the shelves today. If you want to know

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Suicide Squad #3

I have read every incarnation of Suicide Squad and Adam Glass' take is hands down — the best version ever! Some may say that this is just an action junkie book, filled with third tier characters that no one even cares about. But it is so much more than that! It is an intriguing espionage book,

Comic Book News

Review: Invincible #84

As Invincible closes in on the final stretch to issue #100 it looks like many interesting changes for the character are in store.  Issue #84 finds Mark soul searching in earnest about all the decisions he has made and how these decisions have ultimately affected humankind for better or worse.  He makes a touch decision

Comic Book News

Review: Batman: Detective Comics #3

The Dollmaker has torn the streets of Gotham asunder — literally! Jim Gordon has been taken captive, Batman has been poisoned, and the little girl that everyone has been looking for –just might be linked to numerous deaths. This will take all of Bruce Wayne's detective skills just to live through the night!  Tony Daniel

Comic Book News Marvel

Advanced Review: Uncanny X-Men #1

As one man surrounds himself with friends and students, the other brings criminals and tyrants into his inner sanctum. This is no longer a game, too many have died in the years of gene wars to warrant anything less than utter deviance. One man will save them all, but to what ends must he go

Comic Book News Marvel

Advanced Review: Wolverine and the X-Men #1

Long ago, a man made a decision to teach those who were more than mere children how to harness their inner strength. His dream for a peaceful coexistence between human and mutant gathered thousands to stand beside one another in a singular voice of harmony. But all dreams must end when we awake to the

Comic Book News

Wolverine and the X-Men #1: School Starts Tomorrow! Don’t Forget Your Class List!

That’s right kiddies, tomorrow begins the first day of classes at the newly renovated — The Jean Grey School For Higher Learning! But are you prepared for class?

What’s that? You have no idea who your teachers are and you didn’t think you’d need books? Well, thankfully Quinten Quire thinks he’s “too cool for school” and left his syllabus behind in tomorrow’s issue of Wolverine and the X-Men #1.

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Fear Itself #7 (of 7)

The stage has been set, the players are in position and the end is nigh. The Serpent's "Worthy" are about to meet Odin's "Mighty," and the world will never be the same!  Fraction and the entire Marvel staff have created a high water mark for "event books" with Fear Itself. From an overall great story,

Comic Book News

NYCC 2011: In Kirkman We Trust!

Robert Kirkman not only showed CBN’s EIC Matt McGloin and the “DOC” some fun zombie lovin’ but he was a real man of the people. Arriving late due to some car trouble, Kirkman not only told the fans that the seven o’clock cut off would no longer be in effect for tonight, but he also signed everything fans brought. And I mean everything! Fans had stacks and stacks of books that Kirkman joyously signed with his patented silly grin. And he stayed after the lights began to dim on the convention in order to make every fans dream come true.

Comic Book News Reviews

Review: Deathstroke #2

It looks like Slade is continuing his all out war on his perceived diminished capacity as an all purpose, always getting the job done, merc with an attitude by DCU’s seedy underbelly, always looking to hire the best at top dollar.  This issue opens up with a little carry over from issue #1, namely, the

Comic Book News

Review: Suicide Squad #2

Glass and Dallocchio unleash their second installment of Suicide Squad on the masses, blasting your senses across the page like a hollow point to the head! Amanda Waller drops her band of misfits into their first mission, retrieve the "package" and kill eighty thousand people in the process! As you can probably guess, nothing is

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: X-Men: Regenesis #1 (One-Shot)

Two friends and teammates, men who have been through everything together over countless years, have decided to go their separate ways. And in doing so, they have not only dissolved their friendship, but they have also torn the entire mutant race asunder. Who will stay a fighter and who will become a student? This book

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