Batman #40 Spoilers Land Online!


The finale to “Batman Endgame” hits tomorrow in Batman #40, but a pic from the issue has landed online!

Spoilers follow.

It appears as if Scott Snyder is taking a page from Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns storyline – and flipping it upside down!

Friend to Cosmic Book News, “Superman is not human,” sent over the following spoiler image from the issue.

While Batman took out the Joker’s eye in TDKR with a batarang, we now see it’s the Joker’s turn!

Here is the description from the issue:

The finale of “Endgame” is here! Batman risks everything against The Joker! Who will laugh last?

This issue is also offered as a combo pack edition with a redemption code for a digital download of this issue.

Update: Now that the issue is out, more pics and details are known:

Joker kills Batman in an underground tunnel. Joker stabs Batman, burns his face. They beat the hell out of each other. Explosions make the tunnel start to cave in, and they both lay there bleeding. Alfred is in the hospital and refuses to have his hand sown back on because there is no one left to help, he says.

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