Comic Book News

Here you can find our Comic Book News section which includes all the latest and related articles, reviews, trailers and reviews for comic books and more.

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for July 18th, 2012


The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


( A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER! )


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these five titles to your list of goodies! Forget that “apple a day” nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five books of the week!


1. Sunset (Original Hardcover Graphic Novel) :  Cristos Gage brings the hammer of revenge down with a thunderous strike in this original crime noir tale! Part Clint Eastwood, part Frank Castle — Nick Bellamy is the man no one wants to mess with! But when thirty years of past comes calling for payback, Nick locks and loads everything he has for one final stand! Grab this one as fast as you can!

2.  Alabaster Wolves #4 (of 5) : Caitlin R. Kiernan’s well woven tapestry of horror and mysticism, will entrance you and make you fearful of the dark in the same breath! This issue unveils the secrets of the town our albino heroine travels through, but will she be able to make it back out again? Amazing stuff!

3.  Saga #5 : Brian K. Vaughan has crafted an amalgam of Romeo & Juliet, Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings; all the while putting his own majestic spin on all of them! If you want a book that is truly epic in both scope and execution — look no further!

4. Captain Marvel #1 : Awesome art and a well paced, solid story; Carol Danvers is finally back in her own book! No matter what moniker she may have had before, she is now Captain Marvel and everyone should give this book a chance! Check out Byron’s full review here for further raving!

5.  X-O Manowar #3 :  Finally, Aric is wielding the X-O armor and no one will stand between him and freedom! Fast paced and to the brim with action, this is the issue that turns the series on it’s head and into the modern day! BANG!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Sunset (Sneak Peek One-Shot)

Christos Gage and Jorge Lucas are giving readers a “sneak peek” into their seedy, crime noir tale, Sunset, this week — and all it will cost you is a dollar!

Although the 160 page, black and white, graphic novel does not hit store shelves until July 18th, the 22 page “sneak peek” will be available for purchase on July 4th! And it is something all comic readers do not want to miss!

With the depth of the original comic, A History of Violence, and the vibe of the movie Gran TorinoSunset is a powerful tale of what happens when your past finally catches up with you. It is a gripping look at a man who has been left behind by the fast paced, ever evolving present and has safely evaded his sordid past — at least until now! When a man has everything taken from him, everything that has kept him going all these years, all he has left to fuel him through the rest of his life — is vengeance!

Gage and Lucas have crafted a classic noir tale of revenge and redemption. Both visually stunning and prophetically powerful, Sunset is both true to the tradition of crime noir and fluidly evolves beyond it as well. It is viciousness at it’s best and you have a “shotgun” seat next to Nick Bellamy as he cuts a swath of revenge from past to present!

At only a dollar, you cannot give up the chance to see a preview before the graphic novel is released! This is a fantastic book, and I am truly looking forward to the full story in a few short weeks!

Comic Book News

“DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for June 27th, 2012


The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


( A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER! )


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these five titles to your list of goodies! Forget that “apple a day” nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five books of the week!



1.  Hit-Girl #1 : The Millarworld just keeps turning, and finally — Mindy Macready gets her own book! Taking place between Kick-Ass Vol. 1 & 2, Hit-Girl gets to make a man out of Kick-Ass — just like her father would have wanted! This blood bath of a book is all you need to get you through the week!

2.  Hypernaturals #1  : Fan favorites, DnA, are finally loose from the confines of editorial shackles and years of confusing continuity. Now they can unleash their TRUE cosmic power in the form of — Hypernaturals! This star spanning story will get you over all the Marvel cosmic mediocrity!

3.  The New Deadwardians #4  :  Not to be outdone by himself, Dan Abnett, continues to create one of the best Alt. History books on the racks today! Part murder mystery, part social commentary, this book about the “Young” and the “Restless” is amazing! And no, I do not mean the soap opera! Wait, how would I know that? Umm… move on to number four, please! 

4.  Before Watchmen: Nite Owl #1 (0f 6)  :  JMS, CBN E.I.C. Matt McGloin’s favorite sparring partner, tells an in depth tale of when old and new Owls meet. Weaving in scenes from Watchmen, makes this issue feel like a true homage to the Alan Moore classic!

5.  American Vampire #28  :  Scott Snyder changes the status quo for the entire series in this issue! When Pearl and her husband are attacked, there is only one thing left to do — kill ’em all! Awesome first issue of the new “The Blacklist” arc!

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Avengers Vs. X-Men #6

After the shocking- and some what confusing- ending to issue five, this series could have gone anywhere. Fortunately for fans, Jonathan Hickman took up the reigns with this issue and created the best single story of this series yet!

Along with fan favorite, Olivier Coipel, Hickman has crafted something that is worthy of the word “classic”! The pacing of the tale is perfect, luring the reader into a world that has begun to change in the blink of an eye. We can see the awe and wonder on the characters faces, and the same emotions are dredged up in the reader as well, as something new lay before us!

War, famine, and drought have all been removed from the planet by five individuals, and the status quo has begun to shift to the meek from the mighty. So, why then is there still opposition by the Avengers, and more importantly — the government — to stop the X-Men from changing the world for the better? One word — FEAR! Fear of the unknown, fear of a power struggle, but mostly, a fear of losing an upper hand on those seen as lower class citizens.

In a time of great political unrest in our country, Hickman’s tale is sure to strike a cord with all who have ever felt that they will never get a fair shake in life. At it’s core, it is a tale of striving to not only better oneself but the world around you as well. It is about the struggle to achieve power enough to make that change and yet, when you do, you are still shunned for not doing it the way certain parties preceive to be right. What can you do when all you have achieved is still not good enough for those you have sworn to protect? You lash out, destroying the thin membrane of peace between you and hope someone will finally appreciate you in the future. 

With only a single issue, Hickman has given me new hope for this series. He has given it a new life, one that will hopefully be cared for and evolved with the next writer into something even better than it is now! He has created a memoir to classic tales while crafting his own! That , my friends, is something to be proud of! 

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for June 20th, 2012


The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


( A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER! )


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these five titles to your list of goodies! Forget that “apple a day” nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five books of the week!


1.  Green Lantern Corps #10 : Peter J. Tomasi has created quite an amazing run with this series and it only continues here! What are the plans of the Guardians? What is the Third Army? You’ll just have to wait and see because this issue is all about John Stewart being sentenced to DEATH!

2.  The Grim Leaper #2 : An amalgam of Final Destination and Quantum Leap, this quirky series is definitely worth your time! What would you do, if you woke up in a different body and died every day? Look for love of course! Great book!

3.  Avengers Vs. X-Men #6 : Finally, this is the issue that the series should have been all along! Great art and an even better story, the Marvel U. is changing and it’s at the hands of the Phoenix Five! Awesome!

4.  Before The Watchmen: The Comedian #1 : Brian Azarrello is the best he is at what he does — and that’s make great comics! This period piece about the Comedian and the Kennedy’s, is a TRUE testament to what comics can be if handled correctly! Burt, we all know Alan Moore will still complain!

5.  B.P.R.D. Hell On Earth: The Devil’s Engine #2 :  Fennix can see the future in sporadic glimpses and what she sees — is the end of the world! Mike Mignola has this train running at full speed down a track that ends in tragedy! Brilliant stuff!

Comic Book News

Hope’s Not The Chosen One: Look Out For The Phoenix Force Five! Wait! What?!

Just What The Doc Ordered

“1,2,3,4 — 5 Against One!”

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley



[[wysiwyg_imageupload:2022:]]Well, the message boards are blowing up regarding the end of Avengers Vs. X-Men #5. The scene in question, has the Phoenix Force entering five X-Men instead of Hope. As Hope lay unconscious, Cyclops, Colossus, Namor, Emma Frost and Magick, are chosen as the recipients of one of the most powerful cosmic energies in the universe! Shocking? Yes. Foreseen by readers? Hell, no! But what could have been an interesting idea – the first of the A vs. X series – turned out to have an already less than thrilled readership — become completely irate!

So, your personal X-pert – me – is here to set a level playing field for all readers to see if we can’t clarify the situation!

I will not delve into all the little nuances leading up to the point in question. I will however, try to give as much knowledge about the events leading up to it so everyone fully understands how we got there.

To begin, “Who is Hope?”

Hope was the first, and only, mutant birth after the events of M Day; in which the Scarlet Witch declared, “No more Mutants,” and made it so! An anomaly, she was hunted by friend and foe, and eventually was taken by Cable into the future in order to be raised away from Bishop, who blamed her for the dystopian era he came from and swore to kill her. Cable raised her from infancy to her teenage years, training her in all methods of combat and survival techniques just to survive the harsh environment they lived in. A few years ago, both Cable and Hope “time jumped” to the current Marvel U. and set off the amazing “Second Coming” storyline that ran through all the X titles! Hope was then, and is now, seen as the “Mutant Messiah” that will eventually bring forth a mutant birth resurgence. Her powers are vast, being able to manipulate all powers anywhere near her for as long as needed. But her TRUE power, is the ability to “calm” the awakening powers in the “five lights.” The “lights” are the five mutants that had latent powers manifest after Hope returned to our time. Without Hope’s guidance, their powers would have driven them insane or worse yet — killed them! Hope and her “five lights” are bonded together emotionally — whether they like it or not!

Hope has also been privy to “flare-ups” of the Phoenix Force. Though at first only Emma Frost was able to see them, now all of the X-Men have seen these glaringly scary flashes of power! Cyclops may preach that she is the Messiah of their species, but some see her as a complete terror. First among them — the Avengers!

Tony Stark and the Avengers set up a power signature tracking system that would warn them if the Phoenix Force was to enter anywhere near Earth’s atmosphere (again). Learning from the horrors Jean Grey went through with her bonding of the Phoenix Force, the Avengers will do anything to keep the cosmic entity away from Earth at all costs. That being said, when the tracking system picked up a reading, Wolverine tells Captain America exactly where the Phoenix will be heading — Utopia! 

With the recent “Schism” of the X-Men, Utopia is now inhabited by what Cyclops calls his “Extinction Team.” Consisting mainly of the most powerful mutants: Namor, Magneto, Juggernaut/Colossus, Storm, Emma Frost, Hope. And led by Cyclops, these “powerhouses” make a safe haven for any mutant that seeks sanctuary. But, Cyclops hand picked this team in order to send an imposing message to all who threaten the mutant race, a message that says, “We will not be targets anymore! If you hit us — we will hit back harder!” That is exactly the message the Avengers got when they tried to take Hope from Utopia, thus started — Avengers vs. X-Men!

The battle over Hope has led to Marvel’s biggest franchises slugging it out on Earth, in space and on the moon. As most of the battle rages on Earth, the Secret Avengers are sent to space in order to stop the Phoenix Force from ever arriving. Without going into all the cosmic zaniness and team betrayals going on in this series, let’s focus on the main point —Mjolnir can hurt the Phoenix! As the team gets trounced by the Phoenix, Tony Stark and Henry Pym use the information about Thor’s hammer to create a Mech unit that can replicate Mjolnir’s power signature. It will be a last ditch effort to destroy the Phoenix, but Iron Man is ready to fly the machine into the belly of the beast.

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:2018:]]On Earth, a diabolical alien machine named Unit (from Kieron Gillen’s short lived S.W.O.R.D. series), was captured by the X-Men and placed in the prison block of Utopia. But he is not there against his will, in fact, Unit’s entire plan is to manipulate Hope’s bonding with the Phoenix! You see, Unit has been alive for quite some time and has seen the power of the Phoenix before on a distant planet. As he cons Hope’s “five lights” into listening to his story, and we see threads as to why the five X-Men receive the Phoenix Force unfold! According to Unit, in Uncanny X-Men #13, once there was a planet that was ruled by a lineage of demon princes. They would do everything to oppress the eventual evolution of any species in order to remain the dominant one. Eventually, a Messiah emerged and she found five acolytes that became bonded to her spiritually. She then called out to the Phoenix Force, causing the complete destruction of their oppressors and the eventual evolution of the planet. After the tale, Unit and a manipulated Danger, decimate the “five lights,” leaving Hope alone to receive the power of the Phoenix.

Hope eventually teams with Wolverine, who then calls his Avengers buddies — which is weird because Cap and Giant Man just beat the hell out of him, and they go to the moon to face the Phoenix. Lo and behold, the Avengers, Secret Avengers and Cyclops’ core “Extinction Team” all converge on the moon to deal with the Phoenix. Hope can feel its presence taking her over and screams for Wolverine to kill her; she no longer wants to be one with such a powerful creature! In the meantime, Tony Stark flies his Mech into the heart of the Phoenix causing a massive explosion that rocks everyone! As the dust settles, Hope is found unconscious, but the Phoenix has chosen its vessel anyway. Without the Messiah and her “five lights,” the Phoenix has chosen to bond with the oppressed mutants that are on the brink of extinction. Cyclops, Emma Frost, Namor, Magick and – a now Juggernaut free – Colossus hover above all as the combined might of the Phoenix! 


We have already begun to see what this new Phoenix Force Five’s mission is in X-Men Legacy #268. Cyclops has traveled to Narobia and has outlawed war, disarming all militias, rebels and even the government’s army! So far, it looks as though the leader of the X-Men is trying to bring true utopia to the world at large. But can one who posses some of the most unstable cosmic power, ever truly see the world as more than a spec that needs to be cleansed? I guess we will just have to wait and see, but this preview page from Avengers vs. X-Men #6 doesn’t bode well for humanity!

So, if you made it through this lengthy article, I hope you have some clarity as to why there are five Phoenix wielders. Not that Marvel has really given us a great reason to begin with, but at least I try! So hang in there, this may just turn out to be something completely fantastic in the long run!

Oh, who am I kidding? It’s horrible!

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for June 13th, 2012

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


( A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER! )


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these five titles to your list of goodies! Forget that “apple a day” nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five books of the week!



1.  American Vampire: Lord of Nightmares #1 :  Scott Snyder starts to destroy Agent Hobbes’ whole world, in this follow up to the “Survival Of The Fittest” storyline! If you pick up only one book this week —  this is it! The future of American Vampire begins here!

2.  Batman #10 :  This is the book that will divide Bat fans! Shocking revelations abound, as Scott Snyder changes the status quo of the Bat mythos yet again! Plus, the back-up story about Alfred’s father, Jarvis, brings the Wayne family’s dark secrets to the surface! Check out M.E., Byron Brewer’s full review here!

3.  The Ravagers #2 : Howard Mackie has changed my mind about this book in a single issue! But, it’s not the “heroes” that are the selling point of this book — it’s the villains! Sadistic and cunning, these characters are well worth the price of admission! Read my full review here!

4.  Uncanny X-Force #26 : Rick Remender has finally reminded us as to why this is THE X book to read every month! After a few sub par issues, this one is completely outstanding! Believe the hype, and check out my review here!

5.  Before The Watchmen: Silk Spectre #1 : Do I really need to tell you why this one is on the list? Watchmen prequel, folks! ‘Nuff said! Plus, the amazing, Amanda Conner is on art chores! That’s enough to get anyone running to the local shop! Right, Mr. Napoli?

Comic Book News Marvel

Advanced Review: Uncanny X-Force #26

Phil Noto is back! Omega Red is back! Sabretooth is back! Mystique is back! The Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants is back! And the Rick Remender, that we all know and love — is back! For the first time in awhile, Uncanny X-Force brings back all the excitement, craziness, wittiness and brutality —  that made this THE best X book around! If you aren’t salivating by the end of this book — you are dead inside!

The team is fractured! Betsy has quit, Fantomex has had his heart crushed by Psylocke and wallows in depravity, Deadpool no longer has a healing factor, and Nightcrawler and Wolverine are finding it hard to breathe with the Omega Clan pumping them full of toxins! Needless to say, the have seen better days! Especially, since there are even worse things lurking in the shadows, manipulating the course of X-Force’s future with every passing minute! There is a storm coming, one that will burn X-Force to the ground —  if they can survive that long!

I have to say that I am so excited this book is finally back on track! Too many art changes, too many “out there” storylines; it seemed that the fanbase just became burnt out with all the changes —  me included! But now, after trudging through the “Otherworld” storyline, we are rewarded with this issue! Amazing art and Remender at the top of his game, we are privileged with greatness yet again! Weaving past, current and future storylines together, this issue paves the way for the future of X-Force. They have made too many enemies in the past, and now they will have to contend with the ramifications that people actually know they exist!

Remender brings all the things that has made this book so great in the past — back to the table. The suspense, the characterization and – of course – Deadpool’s witty banter, is all there — making for one hell of a twisted ride! The viscous attacks, the personal struggles, the suspense — truly outstanding! Greatness is just waiting inside, ready for you to devour and let your hunger for great comics be satiated!

Remender and Noto have made this book outstanding! You shouldn’t just get this book, you should be knocking people over and standing in triumph as you grab it off the shelves! Now — get to it!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: The Ravagers #2

Coming off a mediocre first issue, The Ravagers #2 is a book that will hook you instantly — leaving any qualms you had about how good this series could be by the wayside!

Howard Mackie has done a full three sixty with only two issues out on the shelves. The Ravagers #1 was a mish-mash of concepts that never struck a cord with readers and left another “Second Wave” book teetering on a precipice to oblivion. But this issue is a TRUE page turner that ensnares a reader, creating a new core “teen” title that is on par with Teen Titans!

Issue two finds our rag tag group of survivors trying to refocus after an attack by Warblade and Rose Wilson. Though not fully trusting one another, they manage to keep each other alive long enough to encounter the most heinous Ravager yet — Shadow Walker! This sadistic menace has tortured Thunder, Lightning and Ridge before, and it is their fear that feeds his insatiable thirst. Can Fairchild teach this group enough about their own humanity to save them, or are they already too far gone?

Ian Churchill’s art is outstanding and his correlation with Mackie’s script — makes one beautiful book! The odd thing about this series, is that the “heroes” of the book are not the main reason why it is so good! It is the perfectly honed villains that push this book beyond its limits! They are pure evil, a sadistic cornucopia of horror and “super villain” that creates a perfect suspense filled ride! The “heroes” almost seem like an afterthought when it comes to their development; they are there, but not as thoroughly fleshed out as the villains seem to be. And for now, I am completely okay with that! Especially after seeing what is coming up next for Caitlin Fairchild and her runaways! They say every hero is only made better by the caliber of their villains, if that is so, then The Ravagers will become some of the best heroes ever created!

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for June 6th, 2012


The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile


By: Chris “DOC” Bushley

(A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. In no particular order!)


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these books to your list of goodies! Forget that “apple a day” nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five titles of the week!


1. Harbinger #1:  Valiant’s second series comes out today, and it surpasses the original series in every way! Great characterization, coupled with a cool premise — makes for one amazing book! Read my full review here!

2.  Earth 2 #2:  Though we have all seen the hype this book is getting for the sexual orientation of one Alan Scott, this book is bigger than just that! Here we finally see the return of Mr. Terrific, a winged warrior’s first appearance to the New 52 and Jay Garrick become the Flash! They might not be the J.S.A. of old â€”  but it’s awesome just the same! Read my full review here!

3.  Before the Watchmen: Minutemen #1 (of 6):  Do I really need to explain why this is on my list?! One of comics “Holy Grails” has a prequel, ya know you’re going to get it â€”  if you can find it! ‘Nuff said!

4.  Fairest #4:  This great series from the pages of Fables, continues on with it’s amazing retelling of the classic Sleeping Beauty story! But will Jonah betray Ali Baba and Briar Rose to the Ice Queen before the tale is even finished? Great book with spectacular art by the one and only Phil Jimenez!

5.  The Mighty Thor: Annual #1: So I hear that people are sick of Marvel not doing cosmic correctly anymore. Well, this ones for you! Taking place before The Mighty Thor #1, this tale has Uatu, Scrier, one thousand Thors, one thousand Silver Surfers and the cosmic granddaddy of them all â€” Galactus! This ones a throw down for the ages, folks!

Comic Book News

Review: Earth 2 #2

I must say that I have been a JSA fan for many a year, and I was quite disappointed when DC announced that those characters would not be arriving in the New 52 amongst their peers. And once it was announced that the JSA characters would be arriving in the “Second Wave” as “new”versions of themselves — I was taken aback for a second time. So, when Earth 2 #1 came out, and I wasn’t blown away, it didn’t shock me! But today, as I read Earth 2 #2 â€” I was completely shocked!

This issue was fantastic, THIS is why I read comics!

Now, don’t think I was shocked by what you have all heard in the media regarding this book. Yes, DC has made the first Green Lantern, Alan Scott, gay. That’s great, we need more diversified characters – and readers for that matter – in the genre. When has ones’ sexual preference ever determined how great of a hero they will be? Never! 

No, I was shocked at how well James Robinson channeled classic DC storytelling to create new origins for some of the oldest characters in the DCU! This is great storytelling personified! Not only do we get Mr. Terrific back into the swing of things, we get Jay Garrick back as the Flash! And the fumbling, self critical Jay Garrick is a refreshing look at how an everyman would act if thrown into an incredible situation such as his! Robinson’s story was fluid, touching on all characters without diverging from the overall story and creating intriguing situations and – even a new villain – along the way! A new villain that will strike a cord with old JSA fans to say the least! By book’s end there were four old JSA teammates together again in the same book – for the first time – and it just felt exiting! Robinson made this book feel like home again for old JSA fans — a classic for future generations!

Now I do have one complaint, what is up with Jay Garrick’s helmet? I thought I was watching an old Buck Rogers episode and Twiggy was running around! Seriously, Nicola Scott is a great artist, but that thing has to go!

Okay, now go get this book!

Comic Book News

Review: Avengers vs. X-Men #5

Well, this is it! Issue five of the story that was supposed to rock the world of comics to the ground — has hit the stands.

And I am still waiting for this book to “WOW” me in any fashion at all!

The Phoenix Force has arrived on the moon to greet the combined mass of the X-Men and the Avengers. There are slight fisticuffs, a giant robot and a pretty significant twist for an ending, but yet again — nothing REALLY happens!

There are panel after panel of heroes gawking at one another, gawking at Hope, gawking at computer screens and gawking at the heavens as the Phoenix Force approaches! If you think I am over exaggerating, you will be sorely mistaken! This story is extremely bland, it’s as if Marvel is too afraid to actually make any significant changes in the status quo of their beloved franchises to make this series the thing it was supposed to be. This was the tale that was going to be Marvel’s epic crossover between its biggest franchises, something that would usher in a new era of greatness to Marvel. Instead we get pathetic skirmishes that take place in a completely different series and a lot of name calling and finger waving! Even the shock and awe that should be felt by the coming of the Phoenix, is lost due to the poor execution of the overall tale!

This issue is supposedly the game changer for what comes next. And the ending we see in this issue, was definitely not one I saw coming! So, maybe – just maybe – this series will take an upswing next issue. At least I hope so, I was really looking forward to this series and so far it has been a total disappointment! I guess we will all find out in two weeks when there will be — “No More Avengers!”

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: X-O Manowar #2

Valiant is exploding on the scene this week! Not only does the amazing Harbinger #1 hit the shelves at your local comic shop this Wednesday, but the second installment of Robert Venditti and Cary Nord’s — X-O Manowar does as well!

Issue two of Valiant’s flagship series begins directly after Aric and his most trusted ally, Gafti, are captured during an escape attempt. Though they are beaten and thrown into a slave pit by the alien race known as the Vine, Aric cannot help but dwell on the artifact they saw while they looked for an exit. The suit of armor, that seemed almost alive, will steel Aric’s heart and strengthen his resolve to one day escape the horror that has become his life! If he cannot choose how he will live, he most certainly will choose how to die — fighting!

Venditti and Nord have created another classic issue that will stoke the fires in any man’s belly to live free and fight against oppression! This is a rallying tale about rising yourself up from bleak circumstances and choosing to die under foot or become master of your own fate! It is a story that will leave Aric scarred, broken, and beaten physically, but it will also solidify him as a leader of men and a warrior king! One that will wait, planning his precise moment to strike a blow against his captors — claiming freedom as his ultimate prize! 

Visually stunning and conceptually brilliant, this testosterone infused tale will send any adrenaline junkie into an euphoric state! The build up and characterization of Aric as a TRUE leader of men — is pure, classic storytelling at its finest. If you are a fan of heroes that will not falter in the face of extreme odds, than you need look no further to find your new favorite book — X-O Manowar is the one for you!

With only three books under their collective belts, Valiant, has become a breath of fresh air in the comic world! If you are looking for amazing books that will give you a truly satisfying read this Wednesday – be bold, be adventurous – be Valiant!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Harbinger #1

I have to admit, I never read the original Harbinger series! My favorite Valiant book had always been Shadowman, ask me anything about Jack Dominique Boniface — and you will have my undivided attention. Harbinger however, never had enough characterization for me. It didn’t have enough “meat on its bones” to pique my interest. 

Well, just like the nineties — those days are over! This new Harbinger series is what great comics are made of!

From page one, you cannot help but be captivated by the richness of the world both Joshua Dysart (B.P.R.D., Unknown Soldier) and Khari Evans (Carbon Grey) have created. It is fantastic in nature, yet so realistic that these characters could be living in your own neighborhood. But it is the juxtaposition of characters, Toyo Harada and Peter Stancheck, that is the most captivating factor! Both harbor amazing gifts, but it is their use of them – or lack there of – that set them apart. While Harada is trying to save the world the best he can, Stancheck is just trying to escape the voices in his head! 

Joshua Dysart has created an amazing character that is so hard to like, I actually couldn’t put this book down! The character of Peter Stancheck is a disheartened, pathetic junkie that uses his telepathy to rob pharmacies in order to stop hearing the thoughts of all the people around him. Teamed with his Zyprexa popping best friend, Joe Irons, they travel the East Coast — staying one step ahead of the mysterious Mr. Tull. You want to pass on Peter as not just a hero but as a human being. But there is something about him, a lost innocence, a quest for normalcy, a broken soul — that makes you want to continually read on and engulf all there is to know. It is a thrill ride of discovery, even if you think he’s despicable!

Harbinger is a stunning character piece, infused with mystery, intrigue and top notch art! Comic fans should stand up and take notice — Valiant is churning out some amazing books! First there was X-O Manowar, now Harbinger! They have created a solid foundation for their resurgence — let’s see how high they can build this new vision!

Comic Book News

Review: The Ravagers #1

I was anticipating another great “teencentric” book from the company that does them so well. But Ravagers is a hit and run of fantastic art and nothing more!

If you have not been reading the “Culling” storyline – the crossover that has been going through Teen Titans, Legion Lost and Superboy – you will find yourself lost in a quagmire of action and a befuddling storyline! Even if you have been reading the crossover, this issue does nothing to engage the reader with the cast of characters that have escaped the clutches of N.O.W.H.E.R.E.! There is no time to flesh out the core characters, besides what you have seen in other books, and the reader has no vested interest in them when everything goes from bad to worse. You will be privy to brutal slayings and a sheer lack of respect for human life, as the escapees take out their fear and anger on surrendering guards and each other in order to live free.

New characters like Ridge, Thunder and Lightning, do little to make the reader feel anything for their plight and background characters, Bright Eyes and Windshear, come off more interesting. Caitlin Fairchild, the scientist that worked for N.O.W.H.E.R.E., is placed as the central character that tries her best to form this rag tag group into something more, but her plight is laughable and she comes off more whiny than Luke Skywalker in “A New Hope!” Any chance of reconnecting with characters that longtime Titans fans will recognize, Beast Boy and Terra, are doused as they leave the book by page five! My only hope for this book was when Warblade and Rose Wilson were unleashed upon the masses and a true culling began. Unfortunately, they didn’t wipe out the entire cast!

I will give this book a second chance to draw me in , but if issue two follows the same formula as the first one — it will be staying on the racks. So far, DC’s “Second Wave” has been mired in mediocrity, and The Ravagers is no different! Besides Worlds’ Finest, “Second Wave” doesn’t stand a second chance!

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for May 30th, 2012

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile


By: Chris “DOC” Bushley

(A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. In no particular order!)


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these books to your list of goodies! Forget that “apple a day nonsense”, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five titles of the week!



1. The Walking Dead #98  : If I told you once, I’ve told you a thousand times, when Kirkman uses red covers â€” bad things happen! This is a biggie, folks! Do not miss this issue or YOU will have “Something To Fear”! Check out my review here!

2.  Supercrooks #3  : Mark Millar’s homage to Ocean’s Eleven — with a twist, continues here! Just as the team gets back together, they find out who their “mark” is. This ones going to be waaaay tougher than they thought! Great book!

3.  Batman Annual #1  : You think Scott Snyder has created an amazing version of Batman, wait till you get a load of his Mr. Freeze! Completely twisted with a shocking ending, Snyder throws out all you thought you knew and carves a new niche for himself in the Batman mythos! Amazing! Check out my full review here!

4.  Animal Man Annual #1  :  This is a great “down time” issue, that lets us see the first battle that teamed a Swamp Thing and an Avatar of the Red together! Creepy and engrossing, this one paves the way for the war with the Rot!

5.  X-Men Legacy #267  :   An Avengers Vs. X-Men tale that actually has a complete battle set up in a single issue â€” without roping you into buying more books! This is a great Rogue-centric tale that is all about control and when to lose it! One phrase can sum up this book â€” Rogue Smash Puny Avengers! Fantastic stuff! Don’t believe me, check out my review here!

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: X-Men Legacy #267

Christos Gage has been writing some of the best X stories out there right now, and X-Men Legacy #267 is the best yet!

A complete Avengers Vs. X-Men tie-in, and what I mean by complete is that you don’t need to read anything else in order to understand exactly what is going on in this issue! Falcon, Moon Knight, She-Hulk and their secret weapon – Iron Man – have come to the Jean Grey School to “check-up” on our mutants. But when Moon Knight strikes Frenzy in a fit of rage, Rogue takes the gloves off — literally! 

Starting right where last issue left us, the school has become a battle ground and Rogue must keep the students as safe as possible while trying to deal with the intense situation. But it’s not the exterior battle that is the must pressing one, Rogue must overcome her inner demons in order to save her friends and herself from utter destruction!

Cristos Gage makes an all out slugfest into a compelling tale of a person trying to overcome their faults in order to grow, not only as a person, but someone that others can look up to. It is a tough situation to put such a personal, and character driven piece, directly within the chaos of a battle — but Gage pulls it off flawlessly. He has developed Rogue into strong character that can finally rely on herself without having to worry about the trappings of her past failures. Making her one of my new favorite X characters! But don’t get me wrong, This book isn’t solely a soul searching character piece, there are plenty of things getting destroyed to whet the appetite of any action junkie fanboy! Especially,when Moon Knight pulls a fast one on the X-Men — can anyone say “Rogue Smash?”

Amazing art by Rafa Sandoval solidifies this tale as the best X book on the shelves this week! You want great storytelling focused on character development and utter destruction through fisticuffs — all mixed in a single book? Than you have to pick this one up!

Comic Book News

Review: Batman Annual #1

This may not be the first time you have seen Mr. Freeze in the New 52, but this is the issue that you will remember him from!

Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV have given this “cool” villain a definitive origin and this is the only place that you will be seeing it! And oh, what a twist they have in store for all the loyal Bat readers! This is not the Mr. Freeze that you all remember from days gone by, this is a man that is far removed from just a second rate villain that pines for his lost love. This character has a depth to him that has never been touched upon before, bringing the emotional and mental states of Dr. Victor Fries both to the forefront and into question. There is a ruthlessness about him that makes him on par with the sadistic Joker, making this “fill-in” villain a major force to be reckoned with! 

Through flashback sequences, we are privy to not only the first encounter between Bruce Wayne and Victor Fries, but his childhood memories and the eventual evolution of the Mr. Freeze persona. It is a thorough tale that makes you feel the true torment of a character and his reasoning behind what he does. A perfect character piece that will have you forever change your outlook on just how great this villain can be in the right hands. The symbolism of Mr. Freeze’s goggles and the revelation at the end sequence, is enough to solidify Scott Snyder as my favorite writer of the year! And let’s not forget Jason Fabok’s amazing job on art chores! He gives Mr. Freeze an aura of subtle viciousness that is beyond compare. And his eerie, icy images have a beauty to them that is oddly alarming! 

If you call yourself a Bat fan than you must get this book! Even if you are not but want to read an amazing story that can be thoroughly enjoyed in a single book — you must pick this one up! The new Mr. Freeze is here and you won’t believe how fantastic he can be!

Comic Book News

Review: The Walking Dead #98

(Editor’s Note: Extreme Spoilers Dead Ahead!)


The signs were on the wall. The ominous 100th issue looming in the distance, the happiness that has befallen numerous characters lately, but it is the covers that have given it all away! I told you all last time — when Robert Kirkman and crew decide to churn out the infamous “RED” covers, bad things happen to our favorite band of survivors! And I’ve never lied to you, have I? Well, only that one time, but we made it out of that Mexican prison pretty much unscathed — so it was worth it! 

Here’s a gentlemanly tip: If you do not want to know any spoilers — stop now! If you are itching to see what Kirkman has done to all the characters we hold so dear, read on. But I warn you, once you know you can never go back!

Issue #98 begins with Abraham and Eugene walking to find supplies in order to manufacture bullets. But all is not what it seems, danger awaits them in the darkness, and it will change the status quo of The Walking Dead forever! Meanwhile back home, Rick and Andrea are working on their new relationship as machine gun fire rings out in the distance! It’s all hands on deck as our band of survivors rush to the gates to see what is happening. Negan has sent a retaliation squad to their very doorstep and everything changes in the blink of an eye! One character does all he can in order to survive, but survival is not in the cards for everyone — as a major character dies! 

Now, I will not tell you exactly who dies — where’s the fun in that? But, if you read carefully, I have given you all the clues you need to piece it together! I for one, was completely shocked at how Robert Kirkman completely makes a reader feel numb as they watch these characters die. You cannot even catch your breath as you are thrown through a whirlwind of chaos, let alone have time to fully process what has just happened! And the most gut wrenching part, is that you know things are just going to get worse from here. There is no stopping it, the juggernaut of fear will roll over everyone until there is nothing left! In the end, as our survivors try to deal with what just happened, there is an overwhelming sense of bewilderment. Their confidence is gone, their bravado is gone, their ammo is almost gone and the worst part is — their attackers are gone! Nothing will ever be the same, and I thank Robert Kirkman for giving us these characters to get so emotionally attached to. Comics are suppose to make you feel something, this one certainly will. Issue 100 is coming — I just hope there is anyone left for issue 101!

Comic Book News Marvel

What’s Your Angle On The Tesseract?

Just What The “DOC” Ordered


“What’s Your Angle On The Tesseract?”

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley



Ever since Marvel Comics decided to unveil their most powerful weapon in Iron Man 2, the cosmic cube – renamed the Tesseract – has been causing fanboys to drool and movie goers to ponder, “What is a Tesseract?” That’s the million dollar question, I suppose! And it all depends on what company, field or genre you support!

A tesseract, first used in the book A New Era of Thought by Charles Howard Hintin in 1888, means the four lines from each vertex to other vertices, or the four-dimensional analog of the cube. The tesseract is one of the six convex regular polytopes. Even in geometry, there are numerous names and ideas as to the different functions of a tesseract. There is no definitive idea of the tesseract that does not open itself to other possibilities.

Take for instance, the use of the tesseract in the great work of fiction, A Wrinkle In Time, by Madeleine L’Engle in 1962. Here it is used more as a wormhole, a portal that sends Meg Murray and her friends through time and space by literally bending the space-time continuum. This seems more in line with the “cosmic cube” that was created by Marvel Comics in July 1966. Is it a possibility that good ol‘ Stan and Jack loved A Wrinkle In Time so much that they created a homage to it in Tales Of Suspense #79? Possibly, but Stan will probably never admit to hearing of the book and claim sole creative control!

Though there have been three different versions of the “tesseract” in various Marvel comics over the years, there has been one constant about them. They have all had the potential to be the most powerful cosmic device ever created! They can alter reality, transfer the essence of one individual to another, make any wish come true regardless of the consequences and — it has even become a sentient life form! Its powers, creators, users and destroyers have all been linked to cosmic energies in some shape or form. And just like Avengers the movie, I am sure we will be seeing a lot more of what destruction can be wrought by its power!


But now there is a new version of the tesseract that is completely different than all other versions. While previous incarnations have all been birthed in true science, geometric shapes and cosmic fundamentals — this new version is birthed in magic! Found on the last page of Justice League Dark #9, DC Comics has entered into the fan frenzy of the tesseract movement. Jeff Lemire has wasted no time amping up this book in only one issue, and it will only get better from here! DC’s version of the tesseract is said to be The Eighth-Dimensional Map, not just a map but â€” THE map to the four most powerful artifacts in the DCnU! Locked inside the tesseract is the hidden locations to the Four Pillars Of Existence, the source of all magic on earth — The Books Of Magic! As astounding as that revelation is, it is a comment that is made by a character named Dr. Mist that has piqued my interest more. He not only calls the box the tesseract but the FIRST tesseract! Does that mean there are more? Maybe a total of three? More? Remember folks, during the Avengers/JLA crossover a cube was seen in the DCU! Could this be it? Who knows? All I know, is that I am extremely excited to see where this is going!

To wrap up, “What is a Tesseract?” I guess you can choose your own answer. A scientific theory, a portal to save your father, the Cosmic Cube or a map to The Books Of Magic! Hell, there’s even a band! So, pick what best suits you and run with it! No matter who Marvel and DC’s characters are getting married to, comics’ real buzzword is — Tesseract

Comic Book News

Just What The “DOC” Ordered: A Review of CLiNT Magazine #2.1!

Just What The Doc Ordered

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


The All-New, Freshly Scrubbed — CLiNT!



You know that feeling you get when it’s your first day back to work after a nice vacation? That “everything sucks” feeling? Well, that’s exactly how my day began. My shared cubicle seemed too small, encroaching on my very life essence. M.E. Byron Brewer cranked out a ton of reviews in my absence, making the “assistant” part of Assistant Managing Editor seem glaringly relevant! And my favorite vending machine button in the world -F5 – the one that holds the glorious goodness of my daily Snickers bar was empty. “Everything sucks” would have been my mantra for the entirety of the day, if not for the mail delivery! There, amongst solicits and previews, sat my advanced copy of the magazine that shattered the mediocrity of the day — CLiNT 2.1! The best damn magazine you will read all month!

You think Mark Millar can only create some of the most explosive, irreverent, in your face comics in the world? Well, that’s where your wrong, son! He can also bring you an informative, explosive, irreverent and in your face magazine as well! 100 pages of comics, interviews, previews and strips, await your grubby little fingers — and you won’t want to put it down!

First, you are hit with a rousing interview with Mark Millar and his ideas regarding the Supercrooks and American Jesus movies! Tons of information regarding filming locales and script direction that you will only find within the pages of CLiNT, folks! Although you won’t find any of Supercrooks director Nacho Vigalondo’s ideas in the magazine, you can head on over to for an exclusive interview with him! Yeah, it’s a shameless plug but you really should check it out!

Have you been drugged, kidnapped and sold to the highest bidder in a tournament in Kentucky? No? Than you have no excuse to have missed the premiere issues of Supercrooks and Secret Service! But if you have – sorry and welcome back – you have the chance to catch-up on two of the best books on the shelves today. That’s right, you will find the entire first issues of Supercrooks and Secret Service reprinted inside this amazing mag! Where else can you find two complete best selling comics and tons of extra goodies in one place for one low price!

Speaking of extra goodies, you will get a 4 page preview of Lenore #4: Revenge of the Creeping, the next totally insane chapter of Rex Royd, the tracking of the real-life hero Clint and tons more! But, the best part is the CliNT exclusive Death Sentence comic! This tale follows three main characters that have been infected with an STD that will grant them super powers before they die from it! Totally fresh, engaging and crazy enough to grab you and make you question your weekly pull list! This is the future of comics and you can only get it here!

This is without a doubt, THE best magazine you will pick up this month! Regardless of all the other magazines you may, “read for the articles,” this one won’t give you carpal tunnel! Plus, you can actually leave it out on the coffee table and not get weird looks from your friends! As a matter of fact, this single magazine will probably raise your coolness factor through the roof! So, beware hep-cats and daddios — there is a blast of awesomeness hitting the racks!

Remember, “everything sucks” without a CLiNT in your hand! 

Special Offer: Subscribe to “CLiNT” and Save 20%, plus get a FREE signed Dave Gibbons “The Secret Service” Art Card! Act now, only 200 available! To find out more visit –
Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for May 23rd, 2012

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


(A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. In no particular order!)


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these books to your list of goodies! Forget that “apple a day” nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five titles of the week!



1.  Resident Alien #1 : A mystery tale about the murder of a small town doctor is enough to get me in the door, but it’s the twist about the choice of a stand-in doc that puts it on the list. He’s an alien, folks! And no one knows the truth! Intriguing and completely different than anything out there today!

2.  Dark Horse Presents #12 :  Just in time for Ridley Scott’s Prometheus, we get a brand new Aliens tale from John Layman and Sam Keith! Plus – Cosmic fans rejoice – the return of Mike Baron and Steve Rude’s — Nexus! But it’s the Black Beetle tale by Francesco Francavilla that really helps this book get on my list. Well, that and the hysterical strip of Sabertooth Vampire by Mike Russell! Hilarious!

3.  Mind MGMT #1 : 121 people get on a plane but only 120 get off when they land! And all of them have complete memory loss of their previous lives —  except one small boy! Matt Kindt, creator of Revolver, brings forth another outstanding book that is complete action and intrigue! Plus, there are added secret images and numeric sequences that Matt Kindt says will never be republished into trade form! He wants this to be THE monthly book on the top of your list! Well, he’s made it on mine — it should be on yours!

4.  Justice League Dark #9 :  The only thing that this book was missing before was a solid direction and a “team” leader. Well, now we have both in — Jeff Lemire! That’s right, folks! The man behind the amazing Animal Man, makes his JLD debut here! Not only does he put Constantine as “leader” of the group, but he also debuts Felix Faust to the DCnU! Anyone who loves Vertigo books will feel right at home!

5.  Fables #117 :  Bill Willingham and Mark Buckingham are celebrating ten years of Fable goodness with this issue! Not only do you get an eerie tale of Dare’s journey to save his sister from the Land of Discardia, but you get a back-up tale of Bufkin and the revolution in OZ! Plus, as an extra bonus, we get to see a sneak preview of Scott Snyder’s new limited series — American Vampire: Lord of Nightmares! All for only $2.99! Ya can’t beat that with a stick!

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Avengers Vs. X-Men: Versus #2

(Editor’s Note: Tread Lightly, This Way There Be Spoilers!)


This is going to be painful. Not as painful as reading this book, but painful enough! 

When the premise of this Versus book came out, a battle royale of fights too big to fit inside the A vs. X series, I was psyched! Childhood daydreams would finally come to fruition and Marvel was promising that these battles would have definitive winners! As a matter of fact, this is what Marvel says on page one of this book, quote: “Did you read the cover? This is Versus #2, the comic where Avengers and X-Men pound the snot out of each other one-on-one until there’s a clear victor!” end quote. I don’t exactly know if Marvel knows what a “clear victor” is, but out of four total battles they have given us in the past two books — only one is definitive!

So let’s get out the score card, shall we?

Book One of Versus has Iron Man vs. Magneto. Cool premise, better fight — no clear winner! Magneto lies there in awe of the coming Phoenix Force and plays possum so Iron Man will leave! Winner: Iron Man. Second fight is Thing vs. Namor. A classic battle of two characters that hate each other — no clear winner! Both characters emerge from the ocean at the exact same time, but the Thing is declared the winner! Wait, what?

So, issue two has Gambit vs. Captain America by Steve McNiven. This one had very cool moments by Gambit. Charging Cap’s shield was cool, but when he charges a smug Cap’s chain mail — it is awesome! Except, Marvel would never let anything happen to Cap, so the explosion does nothing to him but tear his costume! He then knocks Gambit out with a single punch while talking to Tony Stark on his Bluetooth! Really? I’m afraid so! Winner: Cap.

Fight #2 is Colossus vs. Spider-Man by Kieron Gillen and Salvador Larroca. Strange choice for combatants and an even stranger battle. Pretty much, it was Spidey shooting webs and spewing banter in Colossus’ face while he swung with all his might! Colossus gets some wallops in, but Spidey finally just swings off with Daredevil as Colossus stands seething! Winner: Colossus!

How is someone swinging away as another one stands there a “clear winner?” Am I wrong about this, does anyone else find this an utter cop-out?  If I am paying four dollars for a smash mouth battle royale with a “clear winner,” I want someone broken by the end of it! Not someone feigning sleep or following another combatant and certainly — NOT RUNNING AWAY! 

Marvel may excel at making completely amazing movies, but their books have fallen by the way side! If they expect to continue to have a fan base that is true to their product, then they should begin by standing by their word. Give readers what we want and deserve, we’ve been loyal to you all these years — it’s about time for some reciprocation!

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for May 16, 2012

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley

(A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. In no particular order!)



I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these books to your list of goodies! Forget that apple a day nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription for good health starts with these top five titles of the week!


1.  Hardcore #1:  Kirkman brings his A game with this action/sci-fi/thriller about an assassin that can manipulate another person’s body! Part Quantum Leap, part The Bourne Identity — 100% amazing! This is the “Next Big Thing”! Check out my full review here!

2.  Danger Club #2:  Great story by Landry Q. Walker and even better art by Eric Jones — this tale of a world that has lost all it’s adult heroes will enthrall you! The future for Kid Vigilante looks bleak as he must do the unthinkable in order to save the entire world! Walker and Jones have hooked me on this sleeper hit, so get it if you can!

3.  The Secret Service #2:  The combined comic might of Mark Millar and Dave Gibbons unite on a tale of family and country! Gary’s Uncle Jack is trying to help him escape from his hell of a life. But is it better to deal with the hell you know or the one you don’t know? Another hit from the Millarverse that will have you begging for more!

4.  B.P.R.D.- Hell On Earth: The Devil’s Engine #1:  Johann Kraus has changed, Abe Sapien has been removed from action, Liz Sherman is in hiding and Hellboy is dead! Everything the B.P.R.D. has built up over the years, begins to fall all around them! And if they fall — the entire world does as well! Mike Mignola continues to break his world one piece at a time! Get on board while you can!

5.  Red Hood and the Outlaws #9:  The “Night of the Owls” storyline continues here, but it’s the first appearance of a certain Bat villain in the DCnU that makes this book so “cool!” That’s right, folks — Mr. Freeze enters the fray and all the corny “Arnie” lines can now flow freely around in your head again! Great story about the prodigal Bat-son and his team of reluctant heroes! Scott Lobdell and Kenneth Rocafort continue to make “chilling” stories month after month! So,”Chill Out!” and get this book!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Hardcore #1

Our good friends at Image Comics have yet again graced us with an advanced copy of another sure fire hit! But this isn’t just any ol‘ book, this one is — Hardcore! Created by fan favorite – and CBN’s “Creator Of The Year 2011” – Robert Kirkman!

An amalgam of Quantum Leap and The Bourne Identity, Hardcore is an espionage/sci-fi thriller that exudes excitement on every page! You thought Kirkman just did zombies and aliens? Well, think again kids — this one will blow you away!

Following Agent Drake, a stylized government assassin, we enter the world of shadow agencies and their ability to eliminate threats. But this isn’t just the same old covert ops that we have all seen before, this is technology at its finest and most brutal! Using a sniper and a “hardcore” bullet, a brain command bypass system that is shot into the neck of its intended target, Agent Drake can mentally “take over” the physical abilities of the victim. While the victim is placed in a dream-like state, Agent Drake can manipulate their body in order to use them to get close to the true target! An old friend, a business partner, a lover or family member, Agent Drake can become any of them — and put a bullet in your brain! A 72 hour window is all he has to eliminate the threat and pull himself out of his victim; if he doesn’t, he could suffer massive brain damage as the “hardcore” dissolves away! Easy, right? But what happens when you can’t pull back out and the minutes start ticking away?!

Action/Thriller, Sci-Fi/Drama, call it what you want! This book is intriguing, exciting and full of enough action to make Joss Whedon smile! Seriously, I was not expecting this type of story from the creator of Invincible, Thief of Thieves, and The Walking Dead! But that’s exactly what Robert Kirkman does — breaks the shackles of conformity to bring you amazing stories! This tale of high stakes espionage will astound you and make you yearn for more! Highly recommended, this will be a true “sleeper” hit that no one should miss!

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: X-Men Legacy #266

(Editor’s Note: Slight Spoilers Spotted Dead Ahead!)


There is a division between those that see the Phoenix Force as the end of the world and those who dream it to be the beginning of a new one! But the division is not as simple as merely Avenger vs. X-Man. There is a deeper separation within the mutant race, one that even Team Cyclops and Team Wolverine can’t encapsulate. There is a difference between “team” and “family,” and only now is the mutant race realizing that even a schism cannot separate them for long!

Christos Gage gives us the perfect amalgam of characterization and high octane action in this issue, falling directly within the flow of Avengers vs. X-Men and not involving flashbacks — no other crossover book has so far! We see the teachers of the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning ponder their places in the current war. While most of them stay to give the students a semblance of normalcy during this time of chaos, both Iceman and Rachel Grey leave to join Cyclops against the Avengers. Meanwhile, Falcon, Moon Knight and She-Hulk arrive at the school in order to “check-in” on the X-Men and make sure they won’t cause any trouble in the future. As hindsight is 20/20, maybe Falcon should have chosen his group more wisely, as it is his team that breaks rank first and brings the war down on children!

More than just another smash mouth issue, Gage writes an intelligent story dealing with the worries of a “family” and their actions. The individual choices are hard and yet, cunningly in line with each characters sense of self. There are no drastic deviations in character – like some other crossover books – and it helps the story feel realistic and true. And when the inevitable battle does ensue, it is powerful and exciting with an undercurrent of hatred and confusion. Truly, a pitch perfect offering from Gage that will resonate throughout the other X books!

Not only is Gage’s tale fantastic, but Rafa Sandoval’s art solidifies it as one of the best books this week. Sandoval is completely underrated for the talent he posses. Clean, crisp lines that give off a vibe of hyper excitement in even the most mundane sequence, Sandoval takes every page to the next level! Utterly, fantastic!

This issue has everything that a comic book reader craves in one small package! You will ponder, you will wince and you will cheer when Moon Knight gets put down like a rabid dog! So, drop three bills in the plate and worship on bended knee in the House of Gage and Sandoval! ‘Nuff said!

Comic Book News

Review: Batman #9

Exciting, engaging and enthralling, Scott Snyder’s Batman opus continues here with the “Night of the Owls” storyline!

Trapped beneath Wayne Manor, with all his secrets revealed to the Court of Owls, Bruce Wayne and Alfred make a last stand for the very soul of Gotham! Encased in his “Bat Armor,” Bruce holds the ferocious Talons at bay, while Alfred directs the rest of the “Bat Family” from a secure room. But even if Alfred and Bruce survive this brutal attack, Gotham’s leaders may not!

Each issue brings a depth of history to the Bat mythos that makes you yearn for more! Compelling back story, crazy fisticuffs and a dinosaur that stomps Talons into a pulp — makes this issue the most action oriented yet! Everything is fresh and exciting, creating an epicenter for the entire Bat family to live up to. Snyder and Capullo continually make Batman the MUST read book each and every month!

Even though the main story will get fans in the seats, it is the back-up tale by Snyder and Albuquerque that is the most compelling. Following Jarvis Pennyworth as he writes to his son Alfred about the dealings in Wayne Manor, we may just be privy to the first attack by the Talons on the Wayne family! Could it be that Thomas and Martha weren’t just gunned down by some random act of violence? Could the Court of Owls be responsible for the birth of Batman? Okay, maybe I’m putting the cart before the horse — but it’s fun to speculate!

Get this book and get in on the most intriguing crossover running through the DCnU! You don’t need to pick up all the other series to understand what’s happening , but it’s amazing to see how this story affects every aspect of Gotham! So, collect ’em all!

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for May 9th, 2012

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


(A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. In no particular order!)


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these books to your list of goodies! Forget that apple a day nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five titles of the week!



1.  Alabaster Wolves #2 (of 5):  Caitlin R. Kiernan’s tale of a young albino girl’s quest to rid the world of evil — continues here! Anyone that loved Neil Gaiman’s Sandman, will find this book just as engaging!

2.  X-Men Legacy #266:  The Avengers bring the fight to the doorstep of the Jean Grey School! As “Wolverine’s Team” stands divided, one teacher decides to push an Avenger over the edge! This is the best written A vs. X book to date — you shouldn’t miss it!

3.  Batman #9:  “Iron Batman” versus the Court of Owls — in the depths of the Batcave! Awesome story! But it’s the back-up story of Jarvis Pennyworth and the horrors of Wayne Manor that is well worth the extra buck!

4.  Green Lantern #9:  The secret to the Indigo Tribe is revealed! You won’t believe who the big evil is! You want some good cosmic? We got it right here! Revelations abound!

5.  Grifter #9:  I know, I couldn’t believe it either! Rob Liefeld has taken over and this book finally has a clear direction! But to me, it is the amazing art of Scott Clark that makes it land on my list — simply awesome! Plus, it’s the return of Deathblow! Nineties fans rejoice!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: The Walking Dead #97

As issue 100 slowly crawls towards us, Robert Kirkman sets his pieces in motion again for a terrible fate to befall them! 

In this issue, Rick and group, return from the Hilltop to let everyone know about the deal Rick struck with its citizens. But there might be a few bumps in the road, as some of Negan’s men follow them! Meanwhile, back home, Eugene begins to test his boundaries with Abraham regarding Rosita and their “relationship.” And finally, when our heroes arrive back home, four of their lives will be changed forever as the impending darkness begins to envelop around them! Kirkman doesn’t call this arc “Something To Fear” for no reason, folks!

After a long run building up to this arc, Kirkman has begun turning the screws, ever so slowly again, to make us uncomfortable. He is a master of suspense, giving subtle hints as to what might happen to our favorite characters and leaving us no option but to watch in unbridled horror! We try to scream to them, “Look out!” but it falls upon deaf ears! Even the most hardened of the group can only take so much before they crack, and with so much joy entering into their lives again — the emotional turmoil beset upon the reader will be escalated to the Nth degree!

This series is untouchable when it comes to characterization and the emotional connection the reader has with Kirkman’s characters. I have never had so many “Oh, no!” moments in my twenty plus years of reading comics as I have reading this series! Kirkman has a way of making you believe in these characters and their plight to survive so much, that you feel emotionally drained when something horrible befalls them.

So, steel yourself for this new arc, it looks as though the winds of change have begun blowing again! Plus the cover tells it all! Fans of the comic series know all to well what happens when Adlard and Rathburn churn out the “Red” covers! Nothing good my friends, nothing good.

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: X-O Manowar #1

As I walked towards my desk through the CBN offices, a wave of nineties nostalgia washed over me. Recently, everything old seems new again! Variant covers are all the rage, there are superhero cartoons gracing my TV screen every Saturday and Sunday, the Age of Apocalypse is still running rampant, Soundgarden has a new single on the radio and Rob Liefeld is actually drawing comics again! But what really pushed me over the edge — the advanced copy of X-O Manowar from Valiant comics laying on my desk! One of the biggest independent comics publishers of all time, is back and ready to carve their names in the history books yet again!

New York Times best-selling author, Robert Venditti, and Eisner award-winning artist, Cary Nord, converge on an amalgam tale of sword play and sci-fi that will make any comic fan’s testosterone levels exceed maximum capacity! It begins as a savage look at life for the nomadic Visigoths and their dealings with the ever growing power of the Roman Empire in 402 A.D.! From there it progresses into a tale of revenge and eventually, delves into the world of sci-fi in epic fashion! I must say, Cary Nord is the perfect choice to portray the brutality of the battlefield and the viscousness of our young hero — Aric! Who else could bring the scope and horror of war to reality than the man who drew Conan? No one!

For fans of the original series, you will feel right at home with Venditti’s rendering of Aric and the situations that befall him in order to finally become one with the X-O armor. For those of you that are coming aboard with a fresh set of eyes, you will be astounded by how Venditti has created a character that is so rich and fleshed out in a single issue. He takes a character that is steeped in arch-types and makes him exceed them all, giving us the perfect new icon to usher in the new era of Valiant!

I don’t want to ruin any of the amazing story that Venditti and Nord will lay before you next week, so I promise you no spoilers. But I also promise you this — with but a single issue under their belts, X-O Manowar will become the next big cosmic title you need to get your hands on! From swords to laser cannons, from slaughter to sentient suits of armor — you will relish every page and yearn for more! 

The nineties will never come back! But Valiant has, and they will make the “big boys” quake! As Aric says before leaping into battle, “The time for talk has passed. It is time to fight!” and that’s exactly what they intend to do!

“X-O Manowar” #1 goes on sale Wednesday May 2nd, 2012! And look for the FCBD issue May 5th!

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