Doctor Strange Comic-Con Action Figure Set Revealed


With Marvel Studios launching a Doctor Strange movie next year comes word of a Hasbro exclusive Comic-Con Doctor Strange Marvel Legends action figure set, which is actually based on the comics.

The set will be available at this Summer’s Comic-Con for $99.99 and available through the online Hasbro Shop for a limited time.

The set includes 6-inch figures for Doctor Strange in his blue astral form, Brother Voodoo, the mutant sorceress Magik, the Asgardian goddess of death Hela, Strange’s arch nemesis – and ruler of the Dark Dimension – the dreaded Dormammu, and a wearable Eye of Agamotto (via USA Today).

Last year’s Comic-Con saw Marvel Cosmic figures sold for Thanos Imperative and The Infinity Gauntlet, which now cost a pretty penny, so if you attend Comic-Con this year, the Doctor Strange set might be worth picking up if just for resale value alone.

Comic-Con runs July 8-12th.

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