Comic Book News

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Comic Book News

NYCC 2012: Walking Dead Exclusive Merchandise!

Just announced on, the website revolving around everything Robert Kirkman, we get to see the FINAL approved NYCC 2012 Walking Dead Exclusives! These will be in extremely high demand and will only be available at the Skybound Booth #1229! So get there early!

Below is the official press release from


Michonne and Pets PVC Figure Set and The Remains t-shirt
Robert Kirkman, creator and writer of The Walking Dead and Executive Producer/Writer of the hit AMC TV show based upon his bestselling comic book series and graphic novels, saved the best New York Comic-Con Exclusive Merchandise for last. Kirkman and Skybound, his imprint at Image Comics, bring you a limited edition PVC figure of The Walking Dead fan favorite badass, Michonne. That’s right, everyone’s favorite katana-wielding survivor and her “pets” are immortalized as limited edition PVC figures to be devoured by the hordes at New York Comic-Con. Also, a limited-edition black 100% cotton t-shirt, The Walking Dead The Remains shirt, pays homage to the last of the original survivors.
The Walking Dead Michonne and Pets PVC Figure Set is a limited edition set available in three colors:
·         Grey, like the post-apocalyptic world the survivors are living in, is limited to 1000 sets, $15 each
·         Purple, like the stylish and unique Michonne herself, is limited to 250 sets, $20 each
·         Glow in the Dark, well, that’s just cool, is limited to 250 sets, $20 each
The Walking Dead “The Remains” t-shirt is limited to 250 shirts for $20 and if you’ve read the record-breaking 100th issue of The Walking Dead [Spoiler Alert], you know that means Rick and Carl, Michonne and Andrea. Show off your insider cred by sporting this tee and impress all the other aficionados of The Walking Dead comics and graphic novels.



Speaking of graphic novels — While you are waiting in line to meet the incredible Robert Kirkman, you may need something for him to autograph. Well, what could be better than the NYCC Exclusive The Walking Dead Hardcover Compendium (Red Foil Edition)? This beautiful crafted book is limited to only 1500 copies and will set you back $100! But it’s well worth it! 

 Don’t know when your comic gods can sign all your newly acquired goods? I got ya covered! Below is a full list of times and appearances for you so you can factor in all your other events!

So empty your bank account and get out there for the coolest swag from your favorite book! And please, somebody send me a “Remains” t-shirt! I’m beggin’ ya!


Skybound Signings:


Thursday, October 11th:

5:00PM-6:00PM         Robert Kirkman signing, creator/writer of The Walking Dead,                                               InvincibleSuper Dinosaur and Thief of Thieves


Friday, October 12th:

1:00PM-2:00PM         Thief of Thieves signing with artist Shawn Martinbrough, writer                                            James Asmus and colorist Felix Serrano

 4:00PM-5:30PM         Robert Kirkman signing, creator/writer of The Walking Dead,                                               InvincibleSuper Dinosaur and Thief of Thieves


TBD                             Robert Kirkman and Jay Bonansinga sign advance copies of their                 upcoming novel, The Road to Woodbury. For further details, keep checking


Saturday, October 13th:

1:00PM-2:00PM         Witch Doctor signing with creator/writer Brandon Seifert and                                               creator/artist Lukas Ketner

5:00PM-6:00PM         Thief of Thieves signing with artist Shawn Martinbrough, writer                                            James Asmus and colorist Felix Serrano


Sunday, October 14th:

11:00AM-12:00 PM    Jason Howard signing, artist for Super Dinosaur

3:30PM-5:00PM         Robert Kirkman signing, creator/writer of The Walking Dead,                                               InvincibleSuper Dinosaur and Thief of Thieves

Comic Book News

Review: The Walking Dead: Michonne Special #1

We are just days away from the third season of one of the most anticipated television shows in the past decade, and what better way to introduce all those fans to the resident katana wielding bad-ass, than too give her her own special!

Reprinting The Walking Dead #19 — the first appearance of Michonne — in conjunction with the Playboy “origin” story, we finally get a more solid look at what created such a fan favorite character. From using her boyfriend and his best friend as moving camouflage, to the first time Rick and Michonne meet, this was a nice overview of the character that has endured so much at the hands of Robert Kirkman.

Though regular collectors of the series, and the Playboy story, will see nothing new in this book; it is still nice to have both stories together in one place. A singularly hand held origin piece that can be accessed anytime for your perusing pleasure! No digging through back issues needed!

My only qualm with the book is the definitive difference in the quality of the grey tones and line art. The Playboy story is much darker in hue than the original series and Adlard’s pencils used to be much thinner, a crisper style with much more detail. I know Charlie Adlard had to quicken his art style a few years back to keep the pace of a monthly book on track, but there is a clear division between the two tales now. Silly, I know, but the rest is still perfect!

So before you head out to your TWD parties this weekend, I’ve been invited to attend a few, be sure to hone up your knowledge about that mysterious girl from Season Two! Michonne will be the word on everyone’s lips at the water cooler — don’t be left out!

Comic Book News Marvel

Advanced Review: Uncanny Avengers #1

Welcome to the most pre-ordered book of all time! The “Revolution” has begun and Marvel Now! is officially underway! 

Fan favorites, Rick Remender and John Cassady, have laid the groundwork for the future of the Marvel U. with a book that changes the status quo! Former heroes are behind bars, a classic X villain re-emerges with more than a little angst and a mass murderer gives a eulogy! Cyclops’ Extinction team is on the run and the mutant race is more hated than ever! Wait, how is this different? Because “big blue,” Captain America, has a plan to introduce the world to how heroic the X -Men have been over the years.

Everything tastes better when Cap’s got your back!

But seriously, Remender brings a voice to these characters – X-Men especially – that is just not found in their regular books. He brings a depth to them, a richness seldom found and it makes the debut issue of this series that much better. This book will sell no matter what, but it is the pitch perfect characterization by Remender that will keep the fans returning. From Xavier’s eulogy to the completely off-the-wall ending, you will be enthralled by every page. If this is the type of tales we can expect from the rest of the Marvel Now! books, we are in for a resurgence of the Marvel books of old!

Smart and intriguing with just a hint of Remender’s patented craziness — this one’s a solid read that will leave fans wanting more!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Batman #13

Scott Snyder has done something that has not been done in an extremely long time. He has taken a book, with one of the most recognizable characters in the entire world, and perfected it! This issue is completely devoid of banality, it is the pinnacle of great story making and no one should go without sampling it.

Everyone knows that issue #13 is the “return of the Joker”, we have all heard the hype for months, and it is well deserved! Everything about this book exudes fear. The art, the pacing, the reveal — virtually EVERYTHING — is unnerving! Your heart rate will quicken, palms will sweat and anxiety will rule the day as you tread deeper and deeper into the diabolical world controlled by the Joker. Gone are the hokey gag weapons and the imbecilic henchmen, this is a Joker that likes to get “hands on” with his work — to truly feel is art being perfected! He is more sinister, more lethal and even more cunning, making the Batman’s world a living nightmare that he is always one step behind in. And at the end of the day, the “detective” will fail and brutality will prevail!

Even though the meat of the book lies within the opening story, the back-up tale by Snyder and James Tynion IV, is a quintessential part as well. Revolving around the “Clown Prince” and his love, Harley, we find that their relationship has become as unhinged as the Joker’s face! The writing is volatile, making the conversation disturbing to say the least. You will gape in horror as discussion trends towards the removal of skin and you finally realize that this “Clown Prince” is no longer a joke. It is a menacing look at what the future will hold for Gothamites! 

THIS style of book is what has kept me reading comics more than half of my life! A tale that resonates with you, that leaves you bewildered and breathless. One that melds scenes from classic tales with current ones, building a richness of history and solidifying it’s future. A tale that can truly show how emotional and artistic the medium can be when it is not held down. A book that is pure gold  — tarnished with blood and soot!

Thank you Scott Snyder for creeping the hell out of me! It is amazing!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Archer & Armstrong #3

Fred Van Lente creates a seemingly never ending cavalcade of hilarity, excitement and action, in a book that deserves to be on everyone’s pull list!

Archer & Armstrong #3, brings the search for the pieces of the Boon full circle as Archer comes face to face with his past! Not only has he turned his back on his parents by teaming with, “He Who Must Not Be Named”, now he must explain his actions to the person he holds most dear — Mary-Maria! Plus, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — Ninja Nuns!

An emotional and enthralling read that will envelop your senses; A&A is one of those books that you look forward to ever month! It is witty and exciting, mixing “alt-history” and the ensuing hijinks of the best “buddy” stories to create a truly rare book that can please any comic fan! If you blended the intrigue and action of “National Treasure” with the charismatic characters of “Lethal Weapon”, you would be somewhere near the amazement that Archer & Armstrong brings — but, only near!

Clayton Henry, Pere Perez and Matt Milla converge their artistic talents to create a stunning visual experience that will tantalize the eyes! From highly stylized action sequences to tender emotional moments, this trio makes every panel jump off the page. There is nothing wasted, every miniscule detail has been paid attention to, making seemingly simple line art into something outstanding!

But, it is Fred Van Lente’s craftsmanship of the tale that keeps you enthralled. A page turner to say the least, it is rife with intrigue and captivating moments that keep you on the edge of your seat! Characterization is what comes first in this book and it is what will keep you coming back. From the aloof buffoon to the naive assassin, we are bewildered by how good a story about polar opposite characters can be. But it works — extremely well! 

This is the first book that begins the “shared universe” of Valiant Entertainment. From here on out, you will see details from other books working their way into different stories. Although they may seem miniscule at the time, these are the stepping stones that will solidify Valiant’s titles together. So, pay attention! You are on the cusp of seeing a universe being built before your eyes! Breathe it in!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Avengers vs. X-Men #12

The amazing variant cover says it all — “The End,” but is it as epic as Marvel is making it out to be?

In some ways, yes; Marvel has recaptured the overall units sold in the months since Avengers Vs. X-Men has come out — no small feat since DC is right behind, chomping at the bit, waiting for Marvel to slip. And there are some truly great moments that occur in this book: We finally see the return of Nova, albeit for a mere moment and as someone we wish he wasn’t, but he is there. We also see some touching instances, too few and one in particular that I wish was especially more prominent, but they are there as well. The action is intense and the art was well crafted – an overall well done book – but was this the “epic” conclusion to the biggest event Marvel has tried to produce in decades?

Sadly, no.

This could have been a truly emotional tale of a man who was lost in order to save an entire race. A great character that has become a pivotal part of the entire Marvel U. in the last year. For a glimpse it was, but only for a glimpse. The defeat of the Dark Phoenix was quite unremarkable, but the direct moment before — could have been amazing! That’s how the whole book felt, like it was grasping for greatness and then watched as it slipped through its fingers. I am not trying to dissuade you from this book, the five dollar price tag may do that on its own, but it is a good read. I just wish there was more to it. 

The “Architects” have finished their opus. Whether we are fans of it or not, it is finally through. I, for one, felt that it was done well half of the time, the other half could have been forgotten. The Marvel Universe as a whole has not been changed for better or worse! It is the same status quo we have always had. Yes, new teams will emerge from this and apparently everyone will be some form of an Avenger! Whether they are Uncanny, Astonishing or Spectacular, does it really matter anymore when they are all in the fraternal brotherhood of Steve Rogers? 

All it took to wrap up this entire event was just three little words, so my review will be summed up by some as well, “What could’ve been!”

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Justice League Dark #0

Let me put the record straight, this is not Hellblazer, this is the John Constantine of the DCnU. In many ways it is close, but not so far as to say they are the same character. They share the same name and the same innate ability to be a deadly bastard when push comes to shove, but that is where the similarities generally end. And when it comes down to the bottom line, at least as of late, Jeff Lemire’s John Constantine wins — hands down!

An origin story, at least for the hows and whys of the trench coat, Justice League Dark #0 does a fine job of familiarizing the audience of the key players of the book and their roles in forthcoming storylines. It is a glimpse of Constantine’s “coming of age” trek to America, where he can build upon his magical skill set. It is also the first meeting of Constantine and Zatanna, a meeting that sets in motion everything we know about Justice League Dark thus far.

The name Jeff Lemire is synonymous with great stories, and this one is no different. He incorporates miniscule nuggets of knowledge from character back stories, thus enhancing his vision of the character as well as placating to the inner “fanboy” in all of us (thanks for the Mucus Membrane T-shirt nod by the way!). But it his depth of character he creates that separates him from most writers today. He reaches into a character, pulling them apart to see how they function, and evolves them past their current incarnations. He makes them richer, more complex and, in the case of John Constantine — darker! It is this evolution of the Constantine character in a 32 page format, that makes this book so perfect.

Fans of the Hellblazer series should be excited to have their favorite character mucking up the DCnU, and doing justice to the original incarnation as well. Fans of comics in general, will be ecstatic to finally get the New 52 origin of one of the most beguiling characters ever created — John Constantine!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Talon #0

James Tynion IV and Scott Snyder team together again, this time they bring you the harrowing tale of Calvin Rose — Talon! The first brand new hero introduced into the “Bat family” in the DCnU!

From abused child to trained killer, Calvin Rose, has been raised to look for the worst in people in order to justify his actions. Unfortunately, all he has truly seen the entirety of his life are horrific events. It doesn’t take much for the Court of Owls to mold this young man into the perfect weapon and point him at any target they choose. But deep inside, there is a conscience that whispers to get out, to be free. A conscience that will forever set him at odds with the Court themselves!

A tragic and emotional tale, Talon, is a classic warrior’s story. One where the main character must shed the shackles that bind him in order to find his own path in the world; even though his freedom means an ever increasing threat from those that wish to use him for their own devious plans. Calvin Rose is a character that is never truly left to his own discretion, even his freedom is seen as a misdirection by other people. A choice that will force him to fight or die, but death will only place him back in the arms of those he so desperately wants to forget. So, for Calvin Rose, their is only the choice to fight and escape. The two things he has done all his life!

A fantastic tale and a great way to introduce a new book for the “Bat family.” The Third Wave isn’t quite upon us yet, but if the other books are half as good as this one, we’ll be in for one hell of a ride! 

Comic Book News

Review: Justice League #0

Do not fret Justice League fans, although not a single Leaguer is seen in this book, it is still a great story that gives us the New 52 origin of Shazam!

Finally, no longer just a back-up story, Geoff Johns gives fans what they have been clamoring for! Billy Batson may have entered this series as a mere troubled boy, but he emerges as the wielder of the living lightning — Shazam!

The story is one of power and what you can do when the odds that have always been stacked against you, come crumbling down. What would you do if you were suddenly able to do anything you could ever dream of? What if you could do anything, but still retained the mind of a troubled youth — one that has seen too many hardships over the years? Would you squander it, do horrible things with it or just have fun with it?

Johns isn’t afraid to ask the smart questions in this book, but at times his tale seems to parallel Mark Millar’s Superior mini-series far too closely. Not to say this tale doesn’t have a unique story to tell, quite the contrary, but it does have similarities that are far too glaring. Similarities aside, the book itself is very well done and will make any fan glad that Shazam is back in the DC Universe!

As good as the core story is, the back-up is the one that will garner the most buzz. Written by Johns and drawn by Ethan Van Sciver, we are drawn into the web of the enigmatic — Trinity of Sin. We witness Pandora’s frustration over her judgment and finally get to see a fleeting glimpse of the mysterious “third” sinner. What we don’t know is why these beings are here, what they mean to do and if they are working for or against mankind. A truly rich and intriguing finish to a great book, one that will leave you with questions. Or better yet, THE Question!

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for September 19th, 2012


The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


( A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER! )


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these five titles to your list of goodies! Forget that “apple a day” nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five books of the week!


1.  Daredevil #18:  Continuing the further demise of Matt Murdock and “Foggy” Nelson’s friendship, this issue brings pack someone from their past. But can they truly be who they say they are? If it is, ol’ DD may be headed for the psych ward!

2.  Justice League #0:  Don’t fret JL fans, even though none of them are in this book, we get a great story of Billy Batson and the origin of — Shazam! Finally, there is no debate as to calling which character Captain Marvel anymore! Plus, is that the Question? Hmm?

3.  Lobster Johnson: Caput Mortuum (One-shot):  After a lackluster one-shot last time round, Mike Mignola more than makes up for it this time! High stakes action and Nazis on blimps? Who doesn’t love that?

4.  Red Hood and the Outlaws #0:  We all know the story of how Jason Todd died, but now we get to see his entire origin! From birth until now, Jason’s life has been full of tragedy, but what if it all hasn’t been by chance? What if someone has been manipulating every moment for their own sinister pleasure? This book is twisted! 

5.  Revival #3:  The “smart” zombie book, this one is completely different than all the others in the genre! Eerie and unnerving, Revival will get you that horror fix without falling into the trappings of dumb jokes and even worse scenarios. I just wish they would stop showing the “little white guy!” Creepy!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: The Walking Dead #102

After the deaths of Glenn and Abraham, there has been a lull in action, but a real focus on how the characters develop from here. Kirkman has dialed the brutality back to a minimum, giving ample time to see exactly how Rick and crew choose to deal with their new world dynamic. A world that is now more dangerous than ever before, a world that must deal with — Neegan!

Though we all love the insane twists and turns that Kirkman does so well, it is the “quieter” times when his writing skills really shine. The introspective stories of these hardened individuals, are truly what makes this book stand out more than anything else on the stands today. And with issue #102, we get more of the same.

Touching upon every major character, Kirkman reveals Rick’s new strategy for survival and the reactions to it. This is the book where everything truly changes! The group’s function, their outlook and eventually, a shift in their core dynamic; sets the stage for something we have never seen before. Loyalties change, relationships become strained, secrets are sworn and Rick puts himself in the cross hairs for the good of the group. But does the group need him to be there to begin with?

Well executed and thoughtfully expressed, Kirkman is the best at deepening the emotional bond between characters and the readers! He makes it so easy to get lost in their world and even easier to care about them. Fans of The Walking Dead television show, will undoubtedly recognize some of the same plot threads from Season Two in this book. And even though you may feel a slight sense of deja vu, it is comforting to see some aspects of the different genres meld into great stories for both avenues. Plus, it will make it easier to become a fan of the comic if you haven’t already! But, who am I kidding? Who isn’t a fan already!

Comic Book News

Review: X-O Manowar #5

The “Summer of Valiant” may be coming to a close, but the comics world continues to heat up each week as another Valiant book hits the shelves! Not only does Valiant strive to push their characters forward into the hearts and minds of fans, they also are bringing some of the best comic characters back to the forefront of the industry. This week it’s — Ninjak!

Robert Venditti’s tale of a man displaced in time continues here, and we get an inside look at just how emotionally scarred Aric is from knowing everything he has ever held dear is gone. Venditti makes the reader connect on a deeper level with Aric, revealing his vulnerabilities and even his arrogance while wielding the X-O armor. A flawed man in a desperate time, Aric is someone we can sympathize with and enthusiastically root for as he unleashes his frustrations upon an unwitting world! 

The juxtaposition between the morose barbarian Aric, and the calculated assassin Ninjak — is perfect. Ancient ideas and modern concepts clash in a too short battle. Their differences are vast, while their parallels end at a mounting body count. And believe me, the bloodshed is quite staggering in this issue! All the more reason to covet this series!

A fast paced, intelligent tale — Robert Venditti delivers lightening in a bottle yet again! If you haven’t picked up this series yet, there is still time to delve into the Valiant Universe. The “Summer” may be over but the “Arcs” are just about to begin!

Be bold, be unique — be Valiant!  

Comic Book News

Review: Batman #0

I would like to thank Scott Snyder for NOT churning out yet another rehashed origin story. The tale of Bruce Wayne becoming Batman has been done so many times that even my nephew knows it — and he’s only two! 

Rather than giving fans more of the same, Snyder tells a tale of a young Bruce Wayne trying to find his niche in the war against crime. Both eager and naive, Bruce dives in head first, but he doesn’t know the depths he will need to go in order to save the city he loves.

Building upon the mythos he has crafted so well, Snyder gives the reader a barrage of ideas in this tale. From the first Batarang, a chance meeting with James Gordon and a glance at Bruce Wayne’s original “home base”, fans will be clamoring for more just as it comes to a close. Curiosities about the past and how it will resurface in the future will abound you in this well crafted and refreshing tale. But, for me, it is the follow up story that truly makes this book pitch perfect.

On a single night, five years in the past; the “Bat family” ponder just what heroism — or lack there of — means to them. From an alleyway, a principal’s office, a circus tent and a rooftop, these people’s lives have been inexplicably changed by a man they have never met, although his shadow descends over them all. 

Rife with characterization and overwhelmingly intelligent, James Tynion IV has set the bar for emotional tales in eight pages or less! From loyalty to bravado, from fear to childlike awe, this tale gets to the center of all the characters in a simple yet, stunning manner. It is a rare story that will make you appreciate how precious good stories are — even without the “Bat.”

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for September 12th, 2012


The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


( A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER! )


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these five titles to your list of goodies! Forget that “apple a day” nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five books of the week!

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:3024:]]1.  Batgirl #0:  Gail Simone has been hinting about Batgirl’s origin since issue one, especially that fateful night when it was all taken away from her. Well, you won’t see how she learned to walk again here, but you will see her heroism in full swing and her first meeting with a certain Knight! Well paced and very rich in characterization, this is a fantastic series!

2.  Avengers Vs. X-Men #11:  This is the single most impressive book of the series. Continuity issues aside — Cap asks the Hulk to join the Avengers? Wait, isn’t he already one in Avengers Assemble? Oh, that one’s only about Marvel movie characters? Okay! — this one gets the heart racing again! Plus, someone gets kill… oh, right –NO SPOILERS! I always forget!

3.  X-O Manowar #5:  One of Valiant’s coolest creations comes back in it’s flagship title! Enter–Ninjak! Finally, Aric has his hands full when Ninjak is paid to retrieve the X-O armor. But, will the world’s deadliest assassin turn it over or keep it for himself?

4.  Batman #0:  A cool tale about Bruce Wayne’s first attempts at bringing justice to Gotham, but it’s the back-up tale by James Tynion IV and Andy Clarke that makes this book worth while! Revolving around the “Bat family” of characters, we get to see their different perspectives regarding heroism in a single night. Really well done!

5.  He-Man and the Masters of the Universe #2:  Purely for nostalgic reasons, this one continues James Robinson’s tale of young Adam and his quest to remember his past. It seems a certain sorcerer has made him forget the man he truly is, but that won’t stop him from trying! Not even — Trapjaw! Let the eighties reign supreme!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Archer and Armstrong #2

Wonderfully written and stunningly drawn, Archer and Armstrong is at the pinnacle of Fred Van Lente and Clayton Henry’s careers! There is so much crammed inside this 32 page package, that it is only fitting it explodes from page one!

Fred Van Lente is one of the most underrated writers in comics today! He melds the mundane and the fantastic together so well, that the reader has no choice but to be completely engulfed in his tale. And what a tale it is!

Rife with modern sensibilities, conspiracies, historical references, action, intrigue and a comedic repertoire that could challenge any stand-up comic — this is the book everyone should be clamoring for every Wednesday! Enthralling to say the least, the juxtaposition between the over the top Armstrong and the virgin assassin Archer — is top notch! Nothing feels forced between the polar opposite heroes as Van Lente’s skills as a writer take center stage again, creating a homey feel as we witness the characters battle wits and fists against one another. It’s as if we were reading a book about the “original” Odd Couple, Oscar and Felix, but with way more bravado and way more bruises! 

The richness of the characters is what truly makes this book as amazing as it is. The social commentary and intricate conspiracy plot threads do nicely to raise the bar as well, but it is the focus on defining these characters that sets it apart from the “bigger” titles on the racks. 

As our summer slowly dwindles down, the “Summer of Valiant” continues to heat up — so don’t be left behind! Get in the shops and ask for some of the best books around — Valiant books! You won’t be disappointed!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Green Lantern #0

First, there was all the hype regarding the reexamining of the Alan Scott character. Then last week we saw “the kiss heard around the world” as Superman and Wonder Woman locked lips! This week is Geoff Johns’ turn to generate hype for the DC Universe! The introduction of a new Green Lantern is never an easy task, especially when it revolves around such a hot button issue such as religion.

When the first pictures arose of Simon Baz, the new GL, there was already people up in arms regarding the fact he was holding a gun. But when it was revealed he was Arab-American — it became an intensely more heated discussion. 

Geoff Johns has crafted many outstanding tales for the entirety of the DC Universe and Green Lantern #0 is more of the same. He has created a character that, not only will be controversial, but has a depth and range that far outreaches the shackles laid upon him by the public over his religion. Empathetic and jarring, the tale follows Simon from an innocent youth to criminal intentions in his adulthood, making him nothing short of a questionable “hero.” And therein lies the intrigue! Johns tale is littered with enigmas, from Baz’s past to his current stressful situation, the reader is bombarded with an array of winding questions that leave you craving more. 

Insightful, and well paced, Johns has broken through the walls of the status quo, creating a character that may not be worthy of the power he is bestowed but has the heart and drive to. An everyman that is just trying to do right by his family, and we can all empathize with that.

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for September 5th, 2012


The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


( A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER! )


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these five titles to your list of goodies! Forget that “apple a day” nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five books of the week!


1.  Archer and Armstrong #2:  Fred Van Lente is one of the most underrated writers in the world of comics today! This book is full of action, social commentary, history and comedy — combining in a whirlwind of pure excitement that will leave you wanting more. Oh, and there are Nun Ninjas! Yep, Nun Ninjas! Awesome!

2.  Damsels #1:  Leah Moore and John Reppion’s take of classic fairytale “damsels” is as fun and irreverent as we always wished they would be! Full of intrigue, this one will keep you pleasantly puzzled but never completely confused. Plus, you have to check out the cover by J. Scott Campbell — stunning!

3.  Fashion Beast #1:  Not to be outdone by his daughter, Mr. Alan Moore dredges up a play he wrote decades ago with fashion mogul Malcolm Mclaren, revolving around a modernized tale of high fashion and Beauty and the Beast. Antony Johnston’s adaption to comic form from Moore’s play, is quite curious and engaging, making us ponder just what is more important in life.

4.  Punisher #15:  The dual pistoled duo brings down the house in this bombastic issue! The Punisher and Marine Sergeant Rachel Cole-Alves, have taken the fight to the Exchange’s doorstep and not everyone will make it out alive! A great book with a great character that deserves so much more than going to space!

5.  Green Lantern #0:  Questions run rampant in this origin tale of the latest Green Lantern — Simon Baz! Although forged by his religious beliefs, he is so much more than the shackles the government places on him for them! Cool character that may or may not be worthy of the ring upon his finger! Check out the full review!

Comic Book News

Review: X-O Manowar #4

After the bombastic assault Aric bestowed upon the Vine army last issue, there is some much needed “down time” between the pages of this one. Though the introspective look is not focused upon the time displaced Aric, but rather the cause of all his woes — the Vine themselves!

It has been said many times before that a hero is only as good as his villains make him out to be. Venditti continues to prove this statement true, as he expands upon the background of the Vine and how far their influence reaches into the Valiant Universe! Perfect pacing and well thought out characterization, has brought these cruelly simplistic villains to the forefront as truly diabolical beings. Ones that have grand schemes already in place for our hero and, more importantly, the entire human race!

Venditti and Nord continue to create refreshing, poignant stories that captivate readers in ways that haven’t been done since the silver age of comics. There is an excitement that exudes from the page, even during the most mundane of scenes, that enthralls the reader. It instills a sense of awe and wonderment that can make the most hardened of cynics a fan of comics again.

If Venditti can make a bunch of spider faced aliens a fearsome force to be reckoned with, hold onto your hats my friends, because issue five will blow you away! That’s right, it’s the return of one of the most lethal assassins around — Ninjak! Aric’s world is about to get a whole lot more complicated!

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for August 29th, 2012


The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


( A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER! )


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these five titles to your list of goodies! Forget that “apple a day” nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five books of the week!

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:2800:]]1.  Locke and Key: Grindhouse (One-shot):  Joe Hill continually creates one of the best and yet, one of the most underrated books out there! If you haven’t picked up this series yet, you are sorely missing out on a completely mesmerizing, hauntingly amazing book! Dive on in, but remember where you left your keys!

2.  Justice League #12:  A truly great story that completely outshines the hype it is getting over the cover. Check out my full review for all the details!   

3.  Uncanny X-Force #30:  The “bad boys” take the child Apocalypse on a road trip to show him who he truly is! Cool tale that makes me want to see a “buddy” film starring Sabretooth and Daken!

4.  Green Lantern Annual #1:  This one will pave the way for the “Rise of the Third Army” arc that will hit all the GL books in the coming months! So, get out there and get ’em if you can! Some retailers ordered low due to the $4.99 tag price, but we don’t care about money! Right?

5.  American Vampire #30:  Holy schnikees! What is Pearl doing on that last page? Things are going to change in a big way in A.V. and you can thank Scott Snyder for that! It might not sell 80,000 copies Mr. Liefeld, but it damn well beats anything you’ve ever done!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Justice League #12

Everyone has been clamoring over the image of Superman and Wonder Woman in a passionate embrace that adorns the cover of Justice League #12. It has been donned here at the CBN offices as, “The kiss heard around the world!” But, is the hype regarding this image actually warranted? Does the book stand on it’s own merit, or is it just an afterthought overshadowed by the big, money grab cover?

I am pleased to say, that issue 12 has been one of the best books of this entire run! Rife with characterization, Johns and his army of artistic talent, have crafted an outstanding tale that is a solid foundation for all the pomp and circumstance that comes with it’s cover. One that finally shows, an often at odds group of heroes, meld into something they haven’t truly been before — a team! Relying on each other, seeing each other’s fears and overcoming them as a single unit, the Justice League solidifies itself just in time to see it all come crashing down. Subsequent events will forever change the dynamic of these heroes, but it is their journey together that makes this book worthwhile. 

Johns has taken every essential aspect needed to craft the perfect tale, stirred them together and created something better than the sum of their parts. He both excites and moves us, from our rudimentary need for action to our longing to be understood by another — it is pitch perfect! And the cover, which will be eclipsed by the story within (trust me!), is just icing on the cake. Nothing can overshadow the frailty Johns bestows on his godlike characters. The least human of characters that can become the epitome of humanity in one single moment! Amazing!

This is my pick for best book of the week — hands down! Not for the kiss, but for what transpires to make the kiss occur.

Comic Book News

Stephen King’s new short story, “Batman and Robin have an altercation,” will debut from Harper’s Magazine on 8/28/12!


The September issue of Harper’s Magazine, hitting shelves on 8/28/12, will feature a brand new short story from the “master of horror” — Stephen King! Although the tale is titled, “Batman and Robin have an altercation,” it has nothing to do with the “Dynamic Duo” in any way. Rather, it is about a middle-aged man dealing with his Alzheimer’s afflicted father. 

For three years, Sanderson has taken his father to lunch every week, to the same place and has had the same exact conversation. Until one day, while being brutally assaulted, Sanderson is saved by his father. A single moment of clarity after years of confusion, one that might change reality as they both know it!

Though the issue doesn’t hit shelves for five more days, you can subscribe to Harper’s Magazine and read it now! But, if you want a little more information before you buy, here is an excerpt for your viewing pleasure. Courtesy of Harper’s Magazine.

Batman and Robin have an altercation

By Stephen King

Sanderson sees his father twice a week. On Wednesday evenings, after he closes the jewelry store his parents opened long ago, he drives the three miles to Crackerjack Manor and sees Pop there, usually in the common room. In his “suite,” if Pop is having a bad day. On most Sundays, Sanderson takes him out to lunch. The facility where Pop is living out his final foggy years is actually called the Harvest Hills Special Care Unit, but to Sanderson, Crackerjack Manor seems more accurate.


Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for August 21st, 2012


The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


( A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER! )


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these five titles to your list of goodies! Forget that “apple a day” nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five books of the week!

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:2642:]]1. Rocketeer: Cargo of Doom #1( of 4):  There is no better way to celebrate the 30th anniversary of one of the coolest pulp heroes ever created than with — Mark Waid and Chris Samnee! Pull on your helmet and strap on your jet-pack, this is going to be one exhilarating ride!

2. Super Crooks #4( of 4):  Mark Millar’s amazing mini, about a group of costumed villains hitting their biggest score, comes to it’s stunning conclusion tomorrow! This one has enough surprises and twists that even M. Night Shyamalan is jealous!

3. Before Watchman: Dr. Manhattan #1( of 4):  J.Michael Straczynski and Adam Hughes create a metaphysical melody of a tale that will leave you pondering just about every moment of your life. This thought provoking story is the closest thing anyone will ever get to the original, Alan Moore, Dr. Manhattan. Well, unless Mr. Moore decides to write about him again. I won’t hold my breath!

4. Justice League Dark #12:  Since Jeff Lemire took over this book, it has been on fire! Vertigo fans can rejoice with the return of Neil Gaiman’s Timothy Hunter and the House of Secrets! But, all is not what it seems and our heroes stand divided against a barrage of ancient baddies that could spell the end of all existence! Brilliant!

5. Fables #120:  This is one of the most well done comics on the shelves each and every month! And the, Cubs In Toyland, storyline has been horrifically tender, jarring and completely disturbing! If you are looking for something that will move you with each page — this is it! 

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: The Walking Dead #101

After the shockingly horrific events taking place in issue #100, Robert Kirkman gives us a somewhat cathartic issue this week to let us recover. 

Although the characters, and we the readers, are still reeling from what happened to Glenn, there is no rest for the wicked. The pace is one of adrenaline fueled panic, which is exactly what the characters are feeling, but it rushes directly into a mediocre story. There is no time to flush out what these characters are going through, no contemplation regarding what to do and forgiveness given too freely to each other. The fleshing out of characters and their emotional distress is what The Walking Dead is known for, but these aspects seemed to be glazed over in this issue in order to make room for the next big surprise waiting around the corner. 

Don’t get me wrong, the issue has merit and some well done scenes, but the pace is just way too fast. The connections between characters and the “little” moments seemed to loose their pull on the heartstrings the way they usually do — and it was sorely missed. The “Something To Fear” storyline has been one of the best overall arcs to this tremendous book, issue #101 is just the weakest link. 

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Harbinger #3

Peter Stancheck has decided that his old life has become too dangerous for his friends. So, for their safety, he has hesitantly joined the Harbinger Foundation in order to learn more about his abilities. But, sometimes, the more you learn about yourself — the more you have to fear!

The plot evolves to a new level between the pages of issue three, and we are introduced to a vast array of characters that will forever change the life of Peter Stancheck. Joshua Dysart creates a horrific picture of Peter’s past as flashback sequences envelop us. These sequences tend to make Peter a paradoxical character — one rife with power and yet, teeming with a crippling uncertainty to wield it. The fear of his past and the questioning of his future actions, mixed with an overwhelming cockiness, make Dysart’s Peter Stancheck character one of the best on the shelves today! 

Joshua Dysart continues to bring one of Vailiant’s most beloved books to the forefront of the industry. Completely immersive and highly recommended, Harbinger mixes dramatic character pieces with high octane action sequences that leaves you clamoring for more! Old fans will enjoy the way Dysart weaves elements and characters of the original book into his completely new vision, while new readers won’t miss a beat trying decipher old plot threads. It is a cornucopia of ideas that everyone can thoroughly enjoy — no matter which decade they became a fan in!

Comic Book News Marvel

Review: Gambit #1

The “Ragin‘ Cajun” has once again been given a chance to fly solo. But does the second most popular X-Men character “explode” on the scene or fizzle like a water logged firecracker? 

Although fan favorite Clay Mann does an exceptional job rendering the suave, ladies man — it is not enough to bring anything new to the evolution of the Gambit character. Asmus‘ tech savvy Gambit, sans a few funny quips, is quite bland and comes off as a poor man’s James Bond. Charming women and conning crooks is the normal M.O., and that’s all we get from this tale — a repetitive look at the same ol‘ same ol‘! 

Asmus does do a fine job finding the voice of Gambit. The internal monologues are well crafted and gives us insight into how Mr. Lebeau feels regarding being a teacher, hero and “sometimes” boyfriend to Rogue. But, all of that fades as the action ramps up and the story falls back into mediocrity. The con, the gadgets, the showmanship — it just isn’t enough to make this a story that we haven’t seen a thousand times before. 

The tale is fun, if not for a lack of originality, but if you were looking for something more “explosive” in terms of story — you won’t find it here! Even the ending, both strange and surprising, doesn’t warrant a purchase of a second issue. Sorry, “Mon ami!”

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Archer and Armstrong #1

The “Summer of Valiant” marches on — bringing fresh, creative ideas to their amazing 90’s properties. This week sees the debut of the fourth relaunched series, Archer and Armstrong, helmed by Fred Van Lente and Clayon Henry. Although they have big shoes to fill – the original was penned by the legendary Barry Windsor-Smith – they have crafted a fine book rich with action, humor and intrigue!

From ancient civilizations to modern day New York, Van Lente and Henry create a tale rife with excitement! It is a tale of two polar opposite men on a parallel course to save the world. One is naive of the ways of the “outside” world, having been raised by religious zealots in an amusement park, but has a keen sense of purpose and more than enough martial art skills to accompany him on his journey. While the other, a brazen drunkard, has had hundreds of years to acquire knowledge of the vast ways the world turns — just not enough drive to do anything about it! Old, young, seasoned and pure, it is formulaic of all good “buddy” stories — but is so much more!

Sprinkled with just enough social and political commentary as to not become preachy, Archer and Armstrong is an amalgam of everything readers want in a book. Stunning action sequences, well crafted characters that we can empathize with, an enigma that drives the characters to become better than they are and above all else — excitement! You are instantly hooked by Van Lente and Henry’s tale, a feat not easily done these days! Some may say that it pales in comparison to the original, but for me — it is a thrill ride that stands well on its own! 

Since it is already headed for a second printing, be sure to be the first in line at your favorite shop to get your copy! You don’t want to miss out on, not only a great tale, but a sneak peak of X-O Manowar #5, too! Can anyone say Ninjak? Awesome!

Be bold, be noble — be Valiant!

Comic Book News Marvel

Advanced Review: The First X-Men #1

When I heard that the legendary Neal Adams was pitching an idea he had for an X-Men tale, I was quite excited. When I heard the idea, the excitement began to wane. As I read the book, my excitement dwindled even further.

The overall execution of the story is just not dramatic enough to capture the reader’s attention. We are thrust into a tale that portrays Wolverine as the self proclaimed “savior” of all mutants. He gathers a group to battle those who intend to harm them and — off we go! There is no drive to the story, there is nothing to make the reader feel vested in the tale whatsoever — except the fact that we will buy anything if Wolverine is attached to it! Yes, there are nods to X history within the book, and there are new characters introduced – Holo is done exceptionally well, but there just isn’t enough to warrant me to purchase the next issue. 

Mr. Adams art is as skillful as ever and it was a true pleasure to gaze upon his renderings again. But unfortunately, I need more than a legendary name and a flash bang story to make me shell out four dollars. There needs to be substance, a structure, a hook — something, that can drive some excitement for the reader. Otherwise, readers will look elsewhere for those books that can make them feel something more — regardless of the talent that is attached to the project.

If you want to read about the “first” X-Men team, buy an X-Men Archives hardcover and see what Stan created. The rest is second best!

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for August 1st, 2012


The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


( A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER! )


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these five titles to your list of goodies! Forget that “apple a day” nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five books of the week!


1. Beasts of Burden: Neighborhood Watch (One-shot):  Every time Evan Dorkin and Jill Thompson grace us with a story of these P.I. pups (and cat), it is thoroughly moving and exceptionally eerie! This one-shot even gives us a reprint of the tale, “The View From the Hill”; a truly wonderful tale that still creeps me out! 

2. The Boys #69 :  Garth Ennis is literally blowing the doors off of his creation that is so foul, DC didn’t want to be associated with it after six issues! This one sees Butcher move against his former teammates in a way that will shock you! Only two more issues to go!

3. Daredevil #16 :  Slow to start, this issue has a crescendo ending that will leave a serious division between Matt and “Foggy”! The “happy, go lucky” Daredevil days are over! Thank you!

4. Harvest #1 :  This book shows just how desperate someone can become, in order to regain that which they have lost. Medical depravity with no moral compass, this one will have you thanking your HMO!

5. Animal Man #12 & Swamp Thing #12 : That’s right, folks — a double header! The crossover of the century begins here and you can’t read just one! The “Rotworldprologue starts in Animal Man and continues in Swamp Thing, both books have been outstanding since the beginning and it continues here!

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for July 18th, 2012


The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


( A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER! )


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these five titles to your list of goodies! Forget that “apple a day” nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five books of the week!


1. Sunset (Original Hardcover Graphic Novel) :  Cristos Gage brings the hammer of revenge down with a thunderous strike in this original crime noir tale! Part Clint Eastwood, part Frank Castle — Nick Bellamy is the man no one wants to mess with! But when thirty years of past comes calling for payback, Nick locks and loads everything he has for one final stand! Grab this one as fast as you can!

2.  Alabaster Wolves #4 (of 5) : Caitlin R. Kiernan’s well woven tapestry of horror and mysticism, will entrance you and make you fearful of the dark in the same breath! This issue unveils the secrets of the town our albino heroine travels through, but will she be able to make it back out again? Amazing stuff!

3.  Saga #5 : Brian K. Vaughan has crafted an amalgam of Romeo & Juliet, Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings; all the while putting his own majestic spin on all of them! If you want a book that is truly epic in both scope and execution — look no further!

4. Captain Marvel #1 : Awesome art and a well paced, solid story; Carol Danvers is finally back in her own book! No matter what moniker she may have had before, she is now Captain Marvel and everyone should give this book a chance! Check out Byron’s full review here for further raving!

5.  X-O Manowar #3 :  Finally, Aric is wielding the X-O armor and no one will stand between him and freedom! Fast paced and to the brim with action, this is the issue that turns the series on it’s head and into the modern day! BANG!

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