Bendis On Iron Man For Marvel Fall Reboot


Today at the Special Edition: NYC comic book festival, Marvel announced that come their Fall reboot, Brian Michael Bendis and David Marquez will be on Invincible Iron Man.

The above teaser image was released.

It’s also learned that following in footsteps of the Marvel Studios movies, Marvel Comics is re-positioning Iron Man to be most prominent character in the “All-New All Different” comic book line.

Marvel’s Tom Brevoort told Newsarama the following about Iron Man taking over the reins from Spider-Man:

I think Iron Man’s prominence is something pretty much everybody who encounters Marvel in every other medium already knows. While the masked head of Spider-Man has historically been most associated with Marvel as a defacto mascot, in the last ten years in every field outside of publishing Iron Man is Marvel Comics. If you’re talking about the people who see the films, buy the t-shirts or merchandise, watch the television shows, it all comes back to Shellhead. We’re going to make a concerted effort with All-New All-Different Marvel to make Iron Man the forefront of the comic books’ universe as it is elsewhere.

The Iron Man movie was the spine that the Marvel Cinematic Universe grew out of it. Once you look globally, Iron Man the character is Marvel’s Mickey Mouse. I Hate to put it that way, but no disrespect to Mickey. When people think of Marvel and not steeped in our world of comic books, they think of Robert Downey Jr. and Iron Man.

Marvel recently announced plans for their Fall reboot/relaunch which will include 55-60 new #1 titles, and released two teaser images.

Updated: with art:

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