Now An Original X-Men Is Gay


The House Of Ideas is no more as it is now the House of the Mouse.

Just ask the Marvel Cosmic fans.

Tomorrow sees All-New X-Men #40 released featuring the ret-con of an original X-Men now being gay.

It’s Iceman.

Pages from the issue have leaked online ahead of tomorrow’s release (via 4chan).

Note: It’s Bendys’ last issue on the title.

I just wish Bendiss would also leave the Cosmic titles.

Update: Bendis offered the following:

“There are thousands if not millions of stories of people who, for many different reasons, felt the need to hide their sexuality. The X-Men, with the conceit of time travel, give us a fascinating platform in which to examine such personal journeys. This is just the first little chapter of a much larger story that will be told.” 

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