Marvel Unveils Richard Rider Nova For November


It’s going to take a lot from Marvel to get the Cosmic fans back on board, but at retailer presentation at Comic-Con, Marvel took a step in the right directio by officially revealing that Richard Rider will be back in November as a new Nova #1 launches.

The bad news is that Rider’s replacement that Jeph Loeb created when they cancelled the title along with Abnett and Lanning’s Guardians of the Galaxy is in the book as well.

Bleeding Cool reported on the matter noting it was said Richard Rider returns to the role of Nova, and that the title will feature both Sam Alexander and Richard Rider.

I’m still remaining skeptical as they could still be using Rider just to further cement NINO as Nova some where down the line, and they also replaced Wendell Vaughn as Quasar once again.

No creative team on the new Nova has been announced, but it won’t be written by Dan Abnett, who recently signed exclusive with DC Comics and is writing Aquaman and Titans.

I also can’t help but wonder if Marvel will announce Ed McGuinness or Steve McNiven on the title and give it a hundred variant covers to boost sales. Here’s hoping.

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