Zack Snyder Reveals ‘SnyderCut’ Cyborg Grave Scene


Zack Snyder continues to release more images from his Justice League “SnyderCut”; this time with a pic of Ray Fisher as Cyborg at his family and mother’s grave.

“Vic pounds the earth at the family plot,” Zack Snyder posted on the Vero app.

Update: Justice League cinematographer Fabian Wagner also posted an image (see below) and offered, “This was a great scene to shoot. So nice to see this picture. We would have loved to have seen a final cut of it.”

Update #2: Zack Snyder explains the Cyborg image in the comments confirming that Vic is at his own grave. A fan also asked if Cyborg could bring back Superman, could he bring back his parents, with Snyder replying, “His father was disintegrated and by the time he would have tried to bring back his mother too much decomposition would have occurred; remember Clark doesn’t decompose like the rest of us.”

Original article continues:

In the comics, Cyborg loses his mother after a prolonged battle with cancer, which saw his father working on a cure for ten years or so. In order to fund his research, Cyborg’s father accepted funding from the government and became head of STAR Labs, something that he has always refused. Eventually, time would run out for Cyborg’s mother and Victor as well, as the cure wasn’t discovered in time, and the research led to the accident that caused Vic to become Cyborg.

Zack Snyder also previously released a pic from Justice League featuring a vision Vic had of his family together when Cyborg was projected into the Mother Box (see below).

It’s also known that Snyder had huge plans for Cyborg and also that Justice League was to feature a really cool “Knightmare Cyborg” scene. The plan for Cyborg, if everything went well, would have been a solo movie in addition to being heavily featured in two more Justice League films (details here), as Cyborg was supposed to have a definitive story-changing role.

Cyborg visit’s family grave from Justice League SnyderCut:

Cyborg Mother Grave Justice League Zack Snyder

Cyborg Mother Grave Justice League Zack Snyder

Cyborg Mother Box vision from Justice League SnyderCut:

Zack Snyder Cyborg Justice League

Knightmare Cyborg from Justice League SnyderCut:

Knightmare Cyborg Justice League

Knightmare Cyborg Justice League

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