Zack Snyder Teases Martian Manhunter For ‘Justice League’


Zack Snyder takes to social media to offer a new look at Cyborg and teases the Martian Manhunter for the upcoming release of Justice League on HBO Max.

“There’s a war coming,” teases the pic which is a quote from Martian Manhunter in the movie.

Martian Manhunter will be played by Harry Lennix who recently confirmed he is playing the character, J’onn J’onzz.

“It’s going to be great to be up there with Batman and Superman and my pals,” Lennix said about the Snyder Cut which gets released March 18 on HBO Max. “Yeah, I’m once again like a kid at a candy store.”

Lennix also plays General Swanwick who was first introduced in Man of Steel where fans theorized Swanwick was Martian Manhunter from the get-go. The scene where Henry Cavill’s Superman breaks the handcuffs and approaches the mirror reveals that everyone in the room but Swanwick backed away which suggests Swanwick wasn’t afraid of the Man of Steel. The end of the movie also saw Superman trust Swanwick, for some reason, which may have been because Superman knew Swanwick was like him, an alien, and in disguise.

Zack previously revealed a scene involving Martian Manhunter and Amy Adams’ Lois Lane and teased a first look.

Zack Snyder teases Martian Manhunter and Cyborg:

Sndyer Cut War Is Coming Martian Manhunter teaser

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