X-Men Rogue’s Cut Teased For May 5th


The X-Men social networks have released the following teaser image featuring Anna Paquin.

On Tuesday May 5th, director Bryan Singer will be making an announcement, which is assumed to be a release date and maybe even a possible teaser trailer for the X-Men: Days Of Future Past Rogue’s Cut Blu-Ray.

Included with the image is the following:

Bryan Singer is making an announcement on 5/5. If you’re here from the future, try not to spoil it for anyone. #XMen #DoFP #RogueCut

The X-Men: Days Of Future Past Rogue’s Cut is said to have at least ten more minutes (possibly 20) of additional footage featuring Rogue, Storm and scenes from the future.

Blu-Ray box art also recently hit the net, which can be check out below as well.

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