Bryan Singer

Marvel Movie News

Viggo Mortensen Explains Turning Down Wolverine

Prior to Hugh Jackman, Viggo Mortensen was offered the role of Wolverine in the 2000 X-Men movie by Bryan Singer but turned it down in part due to his son Henry’s response to the movie script. While appearing on the Happy Sad Confused, Viggo Mortensen reveals he took his son Henry with him to go […]

Movie News

Bryan Singer Accused Of Underage Sex With Boys Again

Bryan Singer, known for directing the Fox Studios X-Men movies and Bohemian Rhapsody, is once again being accused of sex with underage boys. The latest allegations come from a report in the Atlantic where four men allege Bryan Singer had sexual encounters with them when they were teenagers in the late 1990s. One of the

Movie News

Bryan Singer Controversy At Golden Globes For Bohemian Rhapsody

There was a controversy at last night’s 76th Golden Globe ceremony as director Bryan Singer’s name was intentionally not mentioned when Bohemian Rhapsody won for Best Motion Picture and Best Performance by an Actor. Following Bohemian Rhapsody winning for Best Motion Picture, the cast and producers took to the stage to accept the award, with

Bryan Singer Looks To Be Booted From X-Men Franchise
Movie News

Bryan Singer Looks To Be Booted From X-Men Franchise

Bryan Singer looks to no longer be a part of the X-Men franchise as Singer and his production company have been fired by Fox Studios. While the X-Men haven’t specifically been named, Fox Studios and Bryan Singer have departed ways over Singer’s latest movie, the Freddy Mercury flick Bohemian Rhapsody, as Singer reportedly disappeared from the set

TV News

X-Men TV Series Filming Soon

It's being said the Matt Nix X-Men TV series will start filming as early as next month. A casting website has it that the X-Men TV series pilot will film March 13, 2017 in Dallas, Texas. The apparent working title also happens to be "Hellfire – w/t Heaven." Bryan Singer recently revealed he will be

Marvel Movie News

Bryan Singer Teases Crossover For X-Men Universe

Perhaps my guess of an X-Men vs. Inhumans crossover isn't too far off?  Bryan Singer will be directing the new Matt Nix X-Men TV series pilot, and while talking about show and the new Legion series, Bryan Singer teases there will be some sort of crossover for the X-Men franchise. Some crossover, is all I

TV News

Bryan Singer Directing X-Men TV Series Pilot

Rumors of Bryan Singer leaving the Fox Studios X-Men franchise seem to be untrue as it's learned Singer will be directing the pilot episode to Matt Nix's new X-Men TV series. Bryan Singer directed the first X-Men movie in 2000 and three other of the X-Men films, including the latest, X-Men: Apocalypse. The X-Men TV series is

Movie News

X-Men: Apocalypse: The Good and the Bad

X-Men: Apocalypse officially kicks off tonight, but yesterday saw advanced screenings take place, which I was privy to.

Currently at Rotten Tomatoes, X-Men: Apocalypse is considered “rotten” with only 47% of the ratings positive. 

Audiences listed are giving it a 74% positive rating, so there is a pretty wide gap.

Speaking of the gap, I’ve been traversing the internet checking out fan reaction (reddit is blowing up here), and I think reactions are based on expectations: For example, I went in with low expectations (wasn’t a fan of Days of Future Past or The Wolverine), so I pretty much enjoyed X-Men: Apocalypse; however, if you happen to be a die-hard X-Men fan, this movie probably comes off as disappointing.

So let’s take a look at the good and the bad of X-Men: Apocalypse (Spoilers follow):

The Good:

Opening scene: First Four Horseman: I loved the opening scene set in the past with Apocalypse and his original Four Horseman — those guys were bad ass! The scene got pretty graphic, too, which took me by surprise. The music was pretty epic adding to Apocalypse’s “godlike” presence. Hey, Fox! Can you release the names of the characters and actors! Off to a good start!

Quicksilver: We all recall that first look image of Evan Peters as Quicksilver in X-Men: Days Of Future Past — we all hated it! However, once we saw Quicksilver on screen, the character quickly (no pun intended!) became a fan-favorite and stole the show. Quicksilver steals the show once again in X-Men: Apocalypse. He has by far the best scenes and best written dialogue. How about a spinoff movie? 

Psylocke: Olivia Munn was bad ass as well! The look and feel of the character was pretty much straight out of the comics, something which Munn wanted to remain true to. Definitely worked! Another character deserving of a spinoff movie.

Yes. Fox spoiled the ending to the movie the day before its release.

Jean Grey: I’m a fan of Sophie Turner. I dig her in Game of Thrones and felt she played a good enough Jean Grey. What was pretty awesome was when they revealed the Phoenix at the end! Now that was cool to see and might lead into the next X-Men, movie, which may be set in space.

Stan Lee: Always good to see Stan Lee on screen, and this cameo happened to be very special to him because it also featured his wife. Very nice! 

Wolverine: I loved the Wolverine scene, it was straight out of the Weapon X comics. We know Hugh Jackman’s time is counting down, so including him with the Berseker Rage was pretty awesome. Thank you!


The Bad:

Visual effects were pretty much crap (guessing this movie is a disaster in 3D).

In my opinion, there is absolutely no excuse for Oscar Isaac to look as bad as he did as Apocalypse. NONE. Especially when they already had a costume designer working on the movie who came up with the exact look out of the comics! But they didn’t use it! This just screams that Fox is too cheap to do the character justice, and it came out as so. The special effects for the rest of the movie were sub bar, IMO, as well. 

We could have had this:

But got:

Apocalypse: In addition to the crappy visual effects, his power base was pretty disappointing. The guy acquired thousands of mutant powers, but uses less than a half dozen? Laughable.

New Four Horseman: Storm and Apocalypse show up to Caliban and ask him to find the most powerful mutants. Psylocke steps in and says she knows them, etc. Off to Angel we go. Angel? Huh? He’s one of the most powerful? Again, missed opportunity to create “Archangel.” Angel was probably the most disappointing character in the movie. I felt they needed to transform Angel, like in the comics, to Archangel, which I felt they didn’t come close to. I also felt Magneto becoming a Four Horseman was a waste: We knew he was going to become a good guy. Again. I felt Kinberg and Singer played it too safe with these characters (probably because they’re all basically “good” guys). They didn’t even compare to the original Four Horsemen listed above. Meh.

Lamest character in the movie? 

Jubilee: The mall scene was cut from the movie for whatever reason, but hey, instead we probably got a bunch more of the Michael Bay-esque explosions, right? The mall scene featured the Dazzler Easter Egg and Jubilee using her powers. Bryan Singer said in an interview he wanted more of Jubilee — well, dude, you’re the director, give her some more screen time, then! Hello! The good news is that the scene will be in the Blu-Ray.

Psylocke: She goes on both lists because the bad is that she didn’t get enough screen time!

Danger Room scene: Another big time missed opportunity!! Mystique is the new team leader (or whatever) and we see the Danger Room unfold. Then we see — Sentinels?! The crappy Sentinels from Days of Future Past! Ughhh!! LOL! How epic would it have been if they showed the Sentinels from the comics! Instead, Singer uses his crappy version that is cousins with the Dyson vacuum cleaner. More piss-poor special effects from these guys! Inexcusable!

We hate this:

Love this:

Post-Credit scene: Haven’t these guys learned anything from Marvel Studios? You go out with a BANG! not a whimper. The post-credit scene revealed the involvement of Essex Corp, which we are to presume is Mr. Sinister; however, I felt like the reason they revealed so little is because they aren’t sure what’s next. I thought it was rather lackluster and lame.


On the Fence:

Havok’s death: Is he really dead? With Mr. Sinister teased, it’s possible Havok may have somehow survived. 

Mystique: Hey, it’s Jennifer Lawrence, so she has to be the leader of the movie, right?


Anything I missed? Let me know in the comments below.

Movie News

X-Force Movie In The Works; Singer Pitched X-23 Female Wolverine

Following Hugh Jackman, who will be the new Wolverine?

Well, my pick of Tom Hardy may have taken a hit as it’s learned Bryan Singer pitched the female version of Wolverine, X-23, to Fox.

Fandango caught up with Bryan Singer who also let it be known he pitched a version of X-Force, that Simon Kinberg is working on an X-Force script, and that following X-Men: Apocalypse, he won’t have much to do with the X-Men universe as he will be working on 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea.

Singer did previousy state that if he is going to continue on with the X-Men universe, he wants the next movie to be set in space.

Here is what Singer had to say about X-Force and X-23:

“I have discussed that with the studio,” Singer reveals. “I actually initially pitched the X-Force and the female.”

“Simon [Kinberg] is in the earliest script stage, so that’s kind of where that stands, and we’ll see how it evolves,” he says.

Regarding an eventual X-Men movie that, similar to Marvel, features all the X-Men universe characters (X-Men, Deadpool, X-Force, etc), Singer said:

“But it has to be done right,” he cautions. “Anytime you throw all these characters together to hit a start date, it can make a lot of money, but it can also be a clusterf**k. To me, it has to be done with a lot of care. These things can get overwhelming, and if a character doesn’t belong in a movie, don’t use him. If the tone can still maintain itself, I’m all for it. What I’m not for is throwing a bunch of characters together and hoping it works.”

In the comics, X-23 was cloned from Wolverine DNA and brought up in the Weapon X program to kill Wolverine; however, she ended up joining the X-Men where Wolverine became a father-figure to her.

Movie News

Next X-Men Movies Set In 90s & Likely Space

Following X-Men: Apocalypse, the X-Men movies look to be going cosmic.

With the success of Star Wars, Star Trek and most recently Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, Bryan Singer hints that’s where the next X-Men movie – which is confirmed to be set in the 90s – may headed, which is outer space.

Regarding the 90s setting, Singer told Fandango:

That was something Simon [Kinberg] and I discussed a long time ago, all the way back to when I first pitched the studio on First Class — that they do each movie in 10-year increments. It’s a nice way for the audience to kind of keep track of the timeline, and it’s fun to play in these different eras. So that’s a good starting point.”

On being set in space:

But we’ve also introduced the tenants of time travel, which already exists in the comic book. Also I imagine – and this is the first time I’ve actually answered the question this way – but another thing that’s been introduced in the comics is a big alien, interstellar tenant within the X-Men universe that hasn’t been explored. And to me, that might be kind of fun because I’m a huge Star Wars and Star Trek fan, and exploring the X-Men universe and being able to utilize that would be exciting, visually. 

Singer also notes if he is going to be involved with further X-Men movies, it has to be different, which is what the space setting offers:

Like Apocalypse – like some of the imagery and characters and stakes [in that movie] – it’s something we haven’t seen before. If I’m going to be involved in a significant way, it has to be something different. Visually different and aesthetically different.”

So the ‘90s is a good jumping off point, but as we established in Days of Future Past and now with the formation of the X-Men – some characters in Apocalypse move towards their destinies. The characters who we knew from X-Men 1, 2 and 3. Meanwhile, some characters move in opposite directions. So it’s somewhat limitless.”

As noted, it’s possible the movie could be an adaptation of the Marvel Comics “Dark Phoenix” storyline which sees Jean Grey (Sophie Turner) exile herself to space where she draws upon the energy of a star which ends up destroying a planet causing the alien race known as the Shi’ar to take notice (and maybe even Gladiator and the Imperial Guard).

“X-Men: Apocalypse” has a May 27, 2016 release directed by Bryan Singer starring James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar Isaac, Nicholas Hoult, Rose Byrne, Tye Sheridan, Sophie Turner, Olivia Munn, Lucas Till, Evan Peters, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Alexandra Shipp, Josh Helman, Lana Condor & Ben Hardy.


Following the critically acclaimed global smash hit X-Men: Days of Future Past, director Bryan Singer returns with X-MEN: APOCALYPSE. Since the dawn of civilization, he was worshipped as a god. Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant from Marvel’s X-Men universe, amassed the powers of many other mutants, becoming immortal and invincible. Upon awakening after thousands of years, he is disillusioned with the world as he finds it and recruits a team of powerful mutants, including a disheartened Magneto (Michael Fassbender), to cleanse mankind and create a new world order, over which he will reign. As the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance, Raven (Jennifer Lawrence) with the help of Professor X (James McAvoy) must lead a team of young X-Men to stop their greatest nemesis and save mankind from complete destruction.

Movie News

Bryan Singer Responds To Ivan Ooze X-Men: Apocalypse Complaints

When Fox Studios and Bryan Singer revealed the first look at Oscar Isaac as Apocalypse in X-Men: Apocalypse, the internet erupted with comparisons to the Power Rangers bad guy, Ivan Ooze.

Just check out the image above, and you can see for yourself the look is not too far off; however, it’s learned the reason for the color was due to the image not being of the right color.

Singer told IGN the following about the Apocalypse image as well as the size of the character in the film:

There was an image released on Entertainment Weekly, where the effect hadn’t been put in yet, so everyone was — the effect has a pink light on it, and everyone got lit up pink, so people thought Apocalypse was going to be pink. I was like, ‘No, no, they’re all pink. Take a look. Everyone in the picture is pink. It’s a pink picture.’ They maybe just should have taken the pink out of the picture — I should have taken the pink out of the picture. I’m going to take some blame for that. My fault, not Entertainment Weekly’s. That’s the picture I gave them.

“So then people were like, ‘He’s small.’ I’m like, ‘Okay, I got the same s*** when I cast a six-foot-three actor to play five-foot-four Wolverine. I got the same s*** when Quicksilver’s very sweet, 1970s costume was released on an Empire Magazine cover.’ You know, every time. I could have made him a giant through the whole movie, or some muscle-bound guy who can’t act — I could always do that. But the reality is, among his many powers — and you will see him change size — but among his many powers is his power of persuasion, and it was very important that he’d be able to connect with his horsemen, at their level, and that he’d be played by a guy who can actually act like Oscar, who’s a fantastic actor.

So do Singer’s words regarding the color correction hold true? You betcha. Check out the original image followed by a quick photoshop removal of the color pink we did:

“X-Men: Apocalypse” has a May 27, 2016 release directed by Bryan Singer starring James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar Isaac, Nicholas Hoult, Rose Byrne, Tye Sheridan, Sophie Turner, Olivia Munn, Lucas Till, Evan Peters, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Alexandra Shipp, Josh Helman, Lana Condor & Ben Hardy.


Following the critically acclaimed global smash hit X-Men: Days of Future Past, director Bryan Singer returns with X-MEN: APOCALYPSE. Since the dawn of civilization, he was worshipped as a god. Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant from Marvel’s X-Men universe, amassed the powers of many other mutants, becoming immortal and invincible. Upon awakening after thousands of years, he is disillusioned with the world as he finds it and recruits a team of powerful mutants, including a disheartened Magneto (Michael Fassbender), to cleanse mankind and create a new world order, over which he will reign. As the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance, Raven (Jennifer Lawrence) with the help of Professor X (James McAvoy) must lead a team of young X-Men to stop their greatest nemesis and save mankind from complete destruction.

Movie News

Bryan Singer Teases New Wolverine For X-Men: Apocalypse

Yesterday saw Hugh Jackman tease Wolverine in X-Men: Apocalypse on his social networks, and then we all saw Wolverine in the final X-Men: Apocalypse trailer.

Empire caught up with director Bryan Singer who offered an enigmatic response about the scene. While Singer at least offers more of Wolverine will be seen in the film, Singer also says it’s the “birth of a new direction.”

 “Make of that what you want,” he pokerfaces. “I will say, it’s not simple. There’s something more pivotal that occurs with that. It hints to a sequence that again fits within the canon of all six movies, and the birth of a new direction. It’s not insignificant, nor is it simply just a throw-in.” So, will we find out to whom the claws belong? “It’s not the only shot you’re gonna see, let’s put it that way.” 

We know Hugh Jackman will be featured in his last Wolverine movie, which hits next March. Is there a chance X-Men: Apocalypse will give us a glimpse of a new – assumed younger – Wolverine?

Watch the X-Men: Apocalypse trailer below.

X-Men: Apocalypse” has a May 27, 2016 release directed by Bryan Singer starring James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar Isaac, Nicholas Hoult, Rose Byrne, Tye Sheridan, Sophie Turner, Olivia Munn, Lucas Till, Evan Peters, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Alexandra Shipp, Josh Helman, Lana Condor & Ben Hardy.


Following the critically acclaimed global smash hit X-Men: Days of Future Past, director Bryan Singer returns with X-MEN: APOCALYPSE. Since the dawn of civilization, he was worshipped as a god. Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant from Marvel’s X-Men universe, amassed the powers of many other mutants, becoming immortal and invincible. Upon awakening after thousands of years, he is disillusioned with the world as he finds it and recruits a team of powerful mutants, including a disheartened Magneto (Michael Fassbender), to cleanse mankind and create a new world order, over which he will reign. As the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance, Raven (Jennifer Lawrence) with the help of Professor X (James McAvoy) must lead a team of young X-Men to stop their greatest nemesis and save mankind from complete destruction.

Final X-Men: Apocalypse Trailer:

Movie News

X-Men: Apocalypse Reveals The Blob? New Behind-The-Scenes Images

The Blob might have been snuck into X-Men: Apocalypse.

Bryan Singer took to Instragram to reveal a new image from the movie where we see what looks to be an unconscious Blob as a possible result of fighting Angel.

“Mutant Martial Arts. Light as a feather. #MMA #Xmen #xmenApocalypse,” Singer included in the post.

Kevin Duran played Fred Dukes, aka The Blob, in X-Men: Origins Wolverine.

It’s not clear if this is the Blob or just a “heavy” weight opponent.

Check out two behind-the-scenes images below as well.

“X-Men: Apocalypse” has a May 27, 2016 release directed by Bryan Singer starring James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar Isaac, Nicholas Hoult, Rose Byrne, Tye Sheridan, Sophie Turner, Olivia Munn, Lucas Till, Evan Peters, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Alexandra Shipp, Josh Helman, Lana Condor & Ben Hardy.


Following the critically acclaimed global smash hit X-Men: Days of Future Past, director Bryan Singer returns with X-MEN: APOCALYPSE. Since the dawn of civilization, he was worshipped as a god. Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant from Marvel’s X-Men universe, amassed the powers of many other mutants, becoming immortal and invincible. Upon awakening after thousands of years, he is disillusioned with the world as he finds it and recruits a team of powerful mutants, including a disheartened Magneto (Michael Fassbender), to cleanse mankind and create a new world order, over which he will reign. As the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance, Raven (Jennifer Lawrence) with the help of Professor X (James McAvoy) must lead a team of young X-Men to stop their greatest nemesis and save mankind from complete destruction.

Marvel Movie News

X-Men Rumored To Marvel & Avengers Again; Singer Leaving Franchise?

Once again it’s being rumored that the X-Men will be coming back to Marvel.

Back last July saw a rumor hit that Fox and Marvel are planning an Avengers and X-Men move for 2020.

Now it’s being said that following X-Men: Apocalypse, the X-Men will be rebooted within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, though Fox will still retain the rights.

The latest info comes from Comic Planet Culture For Life that also states X-Men: Apocalypse will be Bryan Singer’s last X-Men movie.

It’s also again said an announcement will be forthcoming; the first rumor stated an announcement about the X-Men and Marvel Avengers movie would be made at this year’s Comic-Con, which follows the May premiere of X-Men: Apocalypse. Whether the announcement comes this year (if it happens) remains to be seen, but Disney could always announce the Avengers and X-Men event in 2017 at their D23 Expo which just moved to the month of July (the month Comic-Con is normally held).

Regarding any evidence that Fox is teaming with Marvel for Avengers and X-Men, back about two years ago Kevin Feige said “never say never” regarding Marvel teaming up with any of the other studios. Of course, now we know Marvel is working together with Sony on Spider-Man.

Notable X-Men producer Lauren Shuler Donner is also close to Marvel’s Kevin Feige, as the two worked together, and previously offered she would “love it” if the characters worked together with an enthusiastic “yeah, absolutely,” when questioned about a potential X-Men and Marvel crossover.

Possible further evidence may lie with the recent smash hit Deadpool movie, which features Marvel’s Avengers hellicarrier in the climactic scene. The Hellicarrier in Deadpool was confirmed by the concept artist: “[I] was asked to redesign the helicarrier so it looked as different as possible from the one in The Avengers. And it had to look like it had been taken apart in some places,” Emmanuel Shiu said.

It’s also suggested the previous rift between Marvel Comics and Fox may be over as Marvel Comics is now producing various X-Men related comic books. Marvel Comics previously killed off various X-Men characters including Wolverine and blew up the cast of the Fantastic Four reboot in one of their books. There is also the fact Marvel and Fox are working together on the FX X-Men TV series Legion and Hellfire.

Regarding Fantastic Four, no rumors have suggested the property may be going back to Marvel, but if the X-Men rumors pan out, more than likely Kevin Feige and Marvel will be coming in to save the day for FF as well.

Movie News

Watch: Bryan Singer Teases A Big Storm For X-Men: Apocalypse

X-Men: Apocalypse Super Bowl Trailer

Bryan Singer posted a behind-the-scenes set video from X-Men: Apocalypse teasing a big storm.

“Here we are on the set of X-Men: Apocalypse. Lots of things are happening. Rain. Lightning. But something else,” Singer said.

Whether that something else actually means the X-Men Storm remains to be seen.

Check out the video below.

“X-Men: Apocalypse” has a May 27, 2016 release directed by Bryan Singer starring James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar Isaac, Nicholas Hoult, Rose Byrne, Tye Sheridan, Sophie Turner, Olivia Munn, Lucas Till, Evan Peters, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Alexandra Shipp, Josh Helman, Lana Condor & Ben Hardy.


Following the critically acclaimed global smash hit X-Men: Days of Future Past, director Bryan Singer returns with X-MEN: APOCALYPSE. Since the dawn of civilization, he was worshipped as a god. Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant from Marvel’s X-Men universe, amassed the powers of many other mutants, becoming immortal and invincible. Upon awakening after thousands of years, he is disillusioned with the world as he finds it and recruits a team of powerful mutants, including a disheartened Magneto (Michael Fassbender), to cleanse mankind and create a new world order, over which he will reign. As the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance, Raven (Jennifer Lawrence) with the help of Professor X (James McAvoy) must lead a team of young X-Men to stop their greatest nemesis and save mankind from complete destruction.


Pick up day. #XMen #xmenapocalypse

A video posted by Bryan Singer (@bryanjaysinger) on

Movie News

X-Men: Apocalypse Horsemen Concept Art

X-Men: Apocalypse Trailer

Check out a cool piece of X-Men: Apocalypse concept art featuring three of the four Horsemen with Magneto unleashing his powers.

“One of Apocalypse’s many powers is he can imbue other mutants with greater ones,” director Bryan Singer told “Magneto is demonstrating a small taste of what he can do now. Magneto is already enormously powerful…. Now Apocalypse gives him powers far beyond what we’ve seen before.”  

The Four Horseman are: Magneto (Michael Fassbender), Storm (Alexandra Shipp), Psylocke (Olivia Munn), and Angel (Ben Hardy).

“X-Men: Apocalypse” has a May 27, 2016 release directed by Bryan Singer starring James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar Isaac, Nicholas Hoult, Rose Byrne, Tye Sheridan, Sophie Turner, Olivia Munn, Lucas Till, Evan Peters, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Alexandra Shipp, Josh Helman, Lana Condor & Ben Hardy.


Following the critically acclaimed global smash hit X-Men: Days of Future Past, director Bryan Singer returns with X-MEN: APOCALYPSE. Since the dawn of civilization, he was worshipped as a god. Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant from Marvel’s X-Men universe, amassed the powers of many other mutants, becoming immortal and invincible. Upon awakening after thousands of years, he is disillusioned with the world as he finds it and recruits a team of powerful mutants, including a disheartened Magneto (Michael Fassbender), to cleanse mankind and create a new world order, over which he will reign. As the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance, Raven (Jennifer Lawrence) with the help of Professor X (James McAvoy) must lead a team of young X-Men to stop their greatest nemesis and save mankind from complete destruction.


Movie News

Bryan Singer Breaks Down X-Men: Apocalypse Trailer


With the release of the new X-Men: Apocalypse trailer comes the following details as director Bryan Singer breaks down the footage. Singer also participated in a Twitter Q&A.


On Sophie Turner as Jean Grey:

 “It’s all about their potential. Jean has a special connection with Xavier, she has a special connection with the psychic world and she has enormous untapped power that’s growing. The take I used for the movie is a less sincere take. In the movie it’s an intense moment, a psychic moment happens between [Jean and Charles] and the take is a much more suspicious take.”

On Alexandra Shipp as Storm:

“…she’s looking for a mother and a father and the village she lost”

On the new younger versions of the mutants (includes Tye Sheridan as Cyclops, Lana Condor as Jubilee, Kodi Smit-McPhee as Nightcrawler):

“It was important to show that these are kids,. There’s no way anybody can get in there but them, and do what needs to be done, and yet they’re kids…[Mystique] works alone. The very last thing she wants to be is in charge of a group of young mutants. But we find everybody at a certain place in the movie and take them to the very opposite of where they started.”

On Tomar Lemarquis as Caliban:

 “bald and has funky eyes. He’s a great character. Really cool.”

On Evan Peters as Quicksilver:

“There’s one sequence that took one and a half months to shoot for three minutes of film. It involves the most complex camera moves, very sophisticated explosive algorithms, 3D Phantom cameras travelling at 50mph while shooting at 3,100 frames per second. Evan worked more days on this movie than any other actor because of this one sequence.”

On Michael Fassbender as Magneto (you can read more specific details/spoilers here):

“[Apocalypse] found Erik at the most vulnerable place in his life. He’s searching for God. Remember, he was a young Jew in a concentration camp when he first lost his family and now here comes this man who was, is, or claims to be God. The power of persuasion is Apocalypse’s greatest power.”

On Magneto as a Horseman:

“He’s one of the most pivotal characters. Fassbender really delivers here in non-traditional comic book style. There are scenes here you will not see in any other comic book movie. I really think Erik goes through one of the most complex journeys in the movie.”

On James McAvoy as Charles Xavier Vs. Oscar Isaac as Apocalypse:

“The two of them really go at it,” Singer said of Charles’ fight scene with a (literally) growing Apocalypse. “The end of the movie becomes an all-out battle with a force that’s very formidable. He’s a hard man to break, Apocalypse. It’s why he thinks he’s God.”

On the size of Apocalypse:

“…couldn’t go full Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man where he’s just Giant Apocalypse, swatting at things. I did something a little interesting in how I addressed the size thing, but I think the audience will get a kick out of it.” 

On Charles Xavier:

 “I wanted to remind the audience that this isn’t just the climax of three movies. It’s the climax of six movies, beginning with X-Men 1…It’s the original chair from the first movie – we bought it from a collector.”

On the destruction seen taking place in the movie and NYC:

“It’s not just New York, it’s all over the world,” he said, referring to cyclones hitting the Big Apple. “They’ll be visually different than things you’ve seen in these kinds of destructive movies, like Roland Emmerich’s films or Michael Bay’s. There are large-scale setpieces.” 

“X-Men: Apocalypse” has a May 27, 2016 release directed by Bryan Singer starring James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar Isaac, Nicholas Hoult, Rose Byrne, Tye Sheridan, Sophie Turner, Olivia Munn, Lucas Till, Evan Peters, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Alexandra Shipp, Josh Helman, Lana Condor & Ben Hardy.


Following the critically acclaimed global smash hit X-Men: Days of Future Past, director Bryan Singer returns with X-MEN: APOCALYPSE. Since the dawn of civilization, he was worshipped as a god. Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant from Marvel’s X-Men universe, amassed the powers of many other mutants, becoming immortal and invincible. Upon awakening after thousands of years, he is disillusioned with the world as he finds it and recruits a team of powerful mutants, including a disheartened Magneto (Michael Fassbender), to cleanse mankind and create a new world order, over which he will reign. As the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance, Raven (Jennifer Lawrence) with the help of Professor X (James McAvoy) must lead a team of young X-Men to stop their greatest nemesis and save mankind from complete destruction.

Movie News

Watch: Bryan Singer’s X-Men: Apocalypse Q&A


With the release of the new X-Men: Apocalypse trailer and poster, director Bryan Singer participated in a Twitter Q&A.

You can watch Singer answer the questions below.

Michael Fassbender also offered spoiler details for Magneto, and Oscar Isaac and Oliva Munn talked Apocalypse.

“X-Men: Apocalypse” has a May 27, 2016 release directed by Bryan Singer starring James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar Isaac, Nicholas Hoult, Rose Byrne, Tye Sheridan, Sophie Turner, Olivia Munn, Lucas Till, Evan Peters, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Alexandra Shipp, Josh Helman, Lana Condor & Ben Hardy.


Following the critically acclaimed global smash hit X-Men: Days of Future Past, director Bryan Singer returns with X-MEN: APOCALYPSE. Since the dawn of civilization, he was worshipped as a god. Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant from Marvel’s X-Men universe, amassed the powers of many other mutants, becoming immortal and invincible. Upon awakening after thousands of years, he is disillusioned with the world as he finds it and recruits a team of powerful mutants, including a disheartened Magneto (Michael Fassbender), to cleanse mankind and create a new world order, over which he will reign. As the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance, Raven (Jennifer Lawrence) with the help of Professor X (James McAvoy) must lead a team of young X-Men to stop their greatest nemesis and save mankind from complete destruction.

Movie News

Bigger X-Men: Apocalypse Trailer Coming & New Poster Released


I felt the X-Men: Apocalypse trailer released earlier this morning was actually pretty decent. For one, even though the look of Apocalypse has been met with a lot of initial disdain and comparisons to Ivan Oooze, Apocalypse in the trailer looked better than the first promo images and thankfully wasn’t bright purple.

Now with the first trailer release, Bryan Singer lets it be known a new one will be coming next year, which he states will be even bigger than this one. Singer also talks a bit about what the story is about as the X-Men: Apocalypse Twitter Q&A has kicked off.

A new poster has also been released.

Check out the video:


“X-Men: Apocalypse” has a May 27, 2016 release directed by Bryan Singer starring James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar Isaac, Nicholas Hoult, Rose Byrne, Tye Sheridan, Sophie Turner, Olivia Munn, Lucas Till, Evan Peters, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Alexandra Shipp, Josh Helman, Lana Condor & Ben Hardy.


Following the critically acclaimed global smash hit X-Men: Days of Future Past, director Bryan Singer returns with X-MEN: APOCALYPSE. Since the dawn of civilization, he was worshipped as a god. Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant from Marvel’s X-Men universe, amassed the powers of many other mutants, becoming immortal and invincible. Upon awakening after thousands of years, he is disillusioned with the world as he finds it and recruits a team of powerful mutants, including a disheartened Magneto (Michael Fassbender), to cleanse mankind and create a new world order, over which he will reign. As the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance, Raven (Jennifer Lawrence) with the help of Professor X (James McAvoy) must lead a team of young X-Men to stop their greatest nemesis and save mankind from complete destruction.

Movie News

Bryan Singer Holding X-Men: Apocalypse Trailer Live Twitter Chat


Following the release of the X-Men: Apocalypse trailer, Fox has announced Bryan Singer will be participating in a live Twitter chat at 12:30pm ET PT (see promo pic below).

Fans can submit questions using the hashtag #ASKSINGER anc can follow along the live chat on the official X-Men Movies Twitter.

Bryan Singer also has a Twitter account and Instagram account.

I’m curious to see if Singer takes any questions on the controversial look and design of Apocalypse or rumors of Wolverine appearing in the movie.

X-Men: Apocalypse” has a May 27, 2016 release directed by Bryan Singer starring James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar Isaac, Nicholas Hoult, Rose Byrne, Tye Sheridan, Sophie Turner, Olivia Munn, Lucas Till, Evan Peters, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Alexandra Shipp, Josh Helman, Lana Condor & Ben Hardy.


Following the critically acclaimed global smash hit X-Men: Days of Future Past, director Bryan Singer returns with X-MEN: APOCALYPSE. Since the dawn of civilization, he was worshipped as a god. Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant from Marvel’s X-Men universe, amassed the powers of many other mutants, becoming immortal and invincible. Upon awakening after thousands of years, he is disillusioned with the world as he finds it and recruits a team of powerful mutants, including a disheartened Magneto (Michael Fassbender), to cleanse mankind and create a new world order, over which he will reign. As the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance, Raven (Jennifer Lawrence) with the help of Professor X (James McAvoy) must lead a team of young X-Men to stop their greatest nemesis and save mankind from complete destruction.


Movie News

First Look At X-Men: Apocalypse Trailer


We get a first look at the upcoming X-Men: Apocalypse trailer as director Bryan Singer has offered an image of James McAvoy as Professor Xavier.

“Finishing up the first teaser,” Singer posted on Instragram.

It’s been said the X-Men: Apocalypse trailer will be released with Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

“X-Men: Apocalypse” has a May 27, 2016 release directed by Bryan Singer starring Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Nicholas Hoult, Evan Peters, Ian McKellen, Rose Byrne, Sophie Turner, Tye Sheridan, Alexandra Shipp and Oscar Isaac.


Finishing up the first teaser. #xmen #xmenapocalypse

A photo posted by Bryan Singer (@bryanjaysinger) on

Movie News

New X-Men Filming Details Rumored To Be False? But…


A couple of days ago saw a report come out of Montreal that Fox has made plans to film another X-Men movie in the city, which would be the third film following X-Men: Days Of Future Past and X-Men: Apocalypse.

The head of the production studio in Montreal confirmed the news.

Now the Collider web site is stating the “recent report is absolutely false” as they reached out to “a very trusted source.” The report mentions:  “No plans have been made to start filming the X-Men: Apocalypse sequel in Montreal in 2017, and Singer has not signed on to direct.”

Honestly, this sounds like Collider providing spin for Fox and Singer as Montreal’s Mels Studios president, Michel Trudel, stated that convinicing Fox to come back for a second X-Men movie (Apocalypse) and also a third X-Men movie is amazing.

Would the guy be lying (lol)?

The Collider speculates as a reason why the Montreal rumor is not true is because the franchise’s stars – Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, and Nicholas Hoult – contracts are up for renegotations. My response to that: So what? Fox has already signed younger actors on board X-Men: Apocalypse, who you can bet on are on board for mutiple movies. I’ve said it a couple times before, so it’s worth stating again: If the franchise actors aren’t coming back, you can bet the X-Men universe is getting a reboot due to whatever happens in X-Men: Apocalypse. We already know Hugh Jackman is done as Wolverine, so this would be the perfect time to introduce new younger actors for the roles.

Collider also argues that Singer may be doing 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea; however, while that may be true, Singer himself confirmed the future of the X-Men universe as well as stating he is still involved.

We’ll eventually find out, but I’m not buying this “Fox isn’t filming another X-Men movie” in Montreal rumor.

I guess Collider may be “technically” correct that the “sequel” to X-Men: Apocalypse won’t be filmed there — if it’s a new X-Men reboot movie altogether, eh? Note: The Montreal report didn’t specifically state the third X-Men movie to be filmed there is a sequel to X-Men: Apocalypse, just the third in the saga.

Movie News

New X-Men Movie Slated To Film In 2017

The next X-Men film is stated to begin filming in 2017 with production to kick off November of 2016. Word comes from The Montreal Journal offering the city will be the location of a third X-Men movie following X-Men: Days Of Future Past and X-Men: Apocalypse. No specific details about the new X-Men movie are

Movie News

X-Men: Apocalypse Trailer Coming Soon


Following the potential news of the inclusion of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine for X-Men: Apocalypse, a new behind-the-scenes set image is released along with the news the X-Men: Apocalypse trailer will be released soon.

Bryan Singer posted the image and news on Instagram: Back in the cutting room w #johnottman teaser coming soon.

X-Men: Apocalypse has a May 27, 2016 release directed by Bryan Singer starring Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Nicholas Hoult, Evan Peters, Ian McKellen, Rose Byrne, Sophie Turner, Tye Sheridan, Alexandra Shipp and Oscar Isaac.


A photo posted by Bryan Singer (@bryanjaysinger) on

TV News

X-Men Legion TV Series Details Revealed


Marvel and Fox recently announced two X-Men TV series with Legion and the Hellfire Club. Regarding the former, which features Professor Xavier’s schizophrenic son David Haller, showrunner Noah Hawley recently offered up some details while speaking with TV Insider including that the series will start shooting at the end of January or the beginning of February.

Probably the biggest eye-opener about the press release was the absence of “X-Men” or “mutants,” and Hawley offers up the reasoning, at least in regards to his Legion TV series.

It’s interesting; I do think that the show needs to stand on its own two feet. The people who care that it’s an X-Men title are going to know it’s an X-Men title. You’re looking for the largest possible and most diverse audience, so that’s not the most important thing. The most important thing is the show itself.

It’s also wondered how both shows will tie into the X-Men movie universe — if at all.

[Legion is] conceived more as a standalone. I don’t want to say too much more about it on that level, but certainly it’s not constructed as a back-door anything. It’s more just that there’s a story that I want to explore that has to fit into that larger universe, which is exciting.

Hawley continues with mention that Legion will basically stand on its own while also hinting that Hellfire Club may be tied more to the movie universe.

We certainly haven’t had any conversations about crossovers. I don’t know anything about it, but I think that one is more linearly taken out of the world of the movies. Ours has its own world to it.

The interview also reveals that Fox does own the X-Men TV rights, but did have to work things out with Marvel.

It’s been in the works for a long time. Some of that was Marvel dealmaking process. Fox has rights to make movies and sort of tacitly the rights to do TV, but they’ve never done it before so they had to work out all the details.

FX Productions is the lead studio. My relationship is with FX primarily, and I’m just getting to know Jeph Loeb and the people at Marvel, and I think it’s going to be collaboration in the best sense. 

Hawley also offers what he likes about Legion and offers a possible direction of the series:

What I really like about him is, here’s a character who is schizophrenic on some level, a character struggling with mental illness. Is he crazy or does he have these powers? The answer is, kind of both. I’m a big believer that the structure of a story should reflect the content of the story. And so I liked the idea that if you have a character that doesn’t know what’s real and what’s not real, that is also the audience’s journey.

Marvel Movie News

Is Stan Lee Bridging Marvel & X-Men Movie Universes With Spider-Man?

It was previously stated that Fox and Marvel had been at odds over the Marvel-licensed characters which includes the X-Men and Fantastic Four. Reportedly it got so heated that eccentric Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter ordered the cancellation of the various comic books and movie-related merchandise. The cast of the Fantastic Four movie was even blown

Movie News

Bryan Singer Confirms X-Men Future; Announces 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea


Following X-Men: Apocalypse, Bryan Singer will be tackling the Jules Verne classic 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea.

Singer posted a pic of the script on Instagram which also sees mention he is sticking with the X-Men universe.

It’s my 50th birthday (ouch), and I just put the finishing touches on the script for my next film. A story I’ve wanted to retell since childhood. I promise this will be an epic and emotional adventure for all ages! An adventure very dear to my heart. Not abandoning the #xmen universe. Very excited about #xmenapocalypse and beyond. #julesverne #20000leaguesunderthesea #nemo

Amazon describes the book as:

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is a classic science fiction novel by French writer Jules Verne published in 1870. It tells the story of Captain Nemo and his submarine Nautilus, as seen from the perspective of Professor Pierre Aronnax after he, his servant Conseil, and Canadian whaler Ned Land wash up on their ship. On the Nautilus, the three embark on a journey which has them going all around the world, under the sea. 

X-Men: Apocalypse has a May 27, 2016 release date. Fox also has Deadpool getting released on February 12, 2016, Gambit on October 7, 2016 and the third Wolverine on March 3, 2017. The next X-Men film has yet to be announced. 


A photo posted by Bryan Singer (@bryanjaysinger) on

Movie News

X-Men: Apocalypse Wraps


Joining Captain America: Civil War and Independence Day: Resurgence, now Fox and Bryan Singer have wrapped their X-Men: Apocalypse.

Singer took to Instagram to post an image from the wrap party featuring various X-Men flavored cocktails.

“X-Men: Apocalypse” has a May 27, 2016 release directed by Bryan Singer starring Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Nicholas Hoult, Evan Peters, Ian McKellen, Rose Byrne, Sophie Turner, Tye Sheridan, Alexandra Shipp and Oscar Isaac.


#wrap party #xmen #xmenapocalypse #apocalypse #Montreal

A photo posted by Bryan Singer (@bryanjaysinger) on

Movie News

Bryan Singer Teases Mutant Fight Club For X-Men: Apocalypse


Bryan Singer has posted a new set image from X-Men: Apocalypse that harkens back all the way to 1982 in Berlin.

Singer tagged the posted with “Fight Club,” “Ben Hardy” and “Angel,” in which we see what appears to be Hardy as Angel on the left, maybe the promoter/announcer on the right and the cage where the fight takes place. Interestingly enough, back in Singer’s original X-Men from 2000, Hugh Jackman was introduced as Wolverine in a similar scene. Jackman is not confirmed for X-Men: Apocalypse.

Singer also posted a pic of what may be the X-Men costumes.

“X-Men: Apocalypse” has a May 27, 2016 release directed by Bryan Singer starring Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Nicholas Hoult, Evan Peters, Ian McKellen, Rose Byrne, Sophie Turner, Tye Sheridan, Alexandra Shipp and Oscar Isaac.


#eastberlin #1982 #fightclub #benhardy #angel #xmen #xmenapocalypse

A photo posted by Bryan Singer (@bryanjaysinger) on


Reminds me of #area51 #roswell #xmen #xmenapocalypse

A photo posted by Bryan Singer (@bryanjaysinger) on

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