Venom Movie Gets A Release Date: No Marvel Studios?


We are Venom and we have a release date! But we’re not associated with Marvel Studios!!


The Sony Venom movie now has a release date, which is October 5, 2018, the date recently vacated by WB’s Aquaman movie

It’s reported that the Venom movie has a script from Scott Rosenberg and Jeff Pinkner.

Now for the bad news.

The first bit of bad news is that Jeff Pinker also wrote the disaster that is known as Amazing Spider-Man 2.

The second bit of bad news is that Venom has Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach as producers with both overseeing the project. Arad and Tolmach were responsible for the Amazing Spider-Man movies being so bad, whom both Andrew Garfield and the composer blamed as being responsible.

The third bit of bad news is that Marvel Studios apparently is not involved. As part of the Spider-Man: Homecoming Sony and Marvel Studios deal, Kevin Feige basically booted both Arad and Tolmach from being involved, so it’s unclear weather Venom will actually be some sort of spinoff or a new standalone movie. 

THR notes the studio hopes to launch a new franchise with Venom; so hopefully Sony, Arad and Tolmach have learned from their past mistakes with Amazing Spider-Man.

Arad and/or Tolmach are also behind the Miles Morales animated Spider-Man movie which has nothing to do with Marvel Studios as well.

Regarding Venom being some sort of spinoff from Spider-Man: Homecoming, that would mean the alien black Spider-Man suit would need to be introduced either in Homecoming or possibly Avengers: Infinity War. The latter would make more sense as Infinity War has an outer space setting, so possibly Infinity War could go the route of Secret Wars from the comic books and introduce the black symbiote costume for Spider-Man, which would see Tom Holland shedding it with (assuming) Eddie Brock discovering it in the Venom movie.

A Venom franchise also has the potential to introduce Carnage, a more evil spawn of Venom paired with the sociopath Cletus Cassidy, which would be a definite positive and added bonus.

I’ll say a Venom movie could definitely work and would be pretty cool, Sony just needs to get the story right and not expect fans just to go see it because it’s “Spider-Man” related or “Venom.” That’s basically why Amazing Spider-Man tanked as Arad and Tolmach were said not to care about the story, but thought if they just “threw” in some cool action, fans would watch it in droves, and that nothing else matters.

Fans are smarter than you think, Sony, and have pretty high standards. Just look what happened to Ghostbusters! 

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