Tom Hanks Okay, Home After Coronavirus


Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson offer an update on their coronavirus situation as the couple was diagnosed earlier in the month while filming in Australia.

“Hey, Folks… We’re home now and, like the rest of America, we carry on with sheltering in place and social distancing,” Hanks tweeted Saturday. “Many, many thanks to everyone in Australia who looked after us. Their care and guidance made possible our return to the USA. And many thanks to all of you who reached out with well wishes. Rita and I so appreciate it.”

Sunday also saw Tom Hanks tweet that they have been feeling better.

“Two weeks after our first symptoms and we feel better,” Hanks said. “Sheltering in place works like this: You don’t give it to anyone — You don’t get it from anyone. Common sense, no? Going to take a while, but if we take care of each other, help where we can, and give up some comforts…this, too, shall pass. We can figure this out.”

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson were also spotted in Los Angeles driving on Friday with big smiles are their faces, so they appear to be okay. See below.

Tom hanks

Tom Hanks coronavirus update:

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