California Closes Again With Less Than 1% Infected By Coronavirus


California Gov. Gavin Newsom has once gain closed down movie theaters, all restaurants, and bars due to the coronavirus.

Deadline offers that due to 8,358 new cases reported in the state over the past 24 hours and with over 7,000 deaths in the state, that Gavin announced he is requiring counties to close their restaurants, movie theaters, family entertainment centers, wineries, zoos, bars, gyms, and churches for indoor service:

As of July 14, according to the California Department of Health (CDPH) website, California, a population of near 40 million, has 336,508 positive cases of coronavirus, which makes up less than 1% of the population at 0.84127%.

The CDPH also reports California has 7,087 deaths, making up 0.0177175% of the population.

The CDPH also notes that 67.2% of the deaths come from the 70+ age group, which makes up 8.5% of total cases.

As a result of the shutdowns across the world, California’s film industry has come to a standstill as movies such as DC’s The Batman and Marvel’s Shang-Chi have been forced to stop production, though it has been reported filming on various projects is supposed to start in August.  

California COVID-19 by the Numbers:

California covid numbers coronavirus

Cases and Deaths Associated with COVID-19 by Age Group in California :

California covid death numbers coronavirus

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