DC Comics

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Comic Book News

Review: Justice League Of America #1

There is something amiss in the DCU. The Justice League, a team that has been put on a pedestal by the general public, has been falling out of favor with the U.S. government. Mostly resulting from the ramifications of the attack by Atlantis, the Justice League now finds itself with a target on it’s back, one that has been put there by the same people that helped to back them in the first place. Now, another team has been put into play, and this one has been hand picked to take the Justice League down!

Blockbuster scribe Geoff Johns and fan-favorite artist David Finch have come together to give us a tale of deep intrigue, covert operations and betrayal that will both excite and captivate readers. Though the general outline of the story has been done many times before -government covert ops set up a team of super powered individuals to take down other super powered individuals – it is the structure and scope of the tale that will entice readers to dive into the series wholeheartedly. Through flashback sequences mingled with aspects happening in the present, Johns builds a powerful story of a manipulative Amanda Waller that will not take no for an answer as she builds her ultimate team to become the poster child of the U.S.. government.

The tale is steeped in collusion, bringing some fan-favorite characters back into the DCU in completely new ways and bringing them to the forefront, whether they like it or not. Personally, it was a pleasure just to see Star Girl and Hawkman in the same book once again, and although they have become foreign to me in their New 52 incarnations, they are as exciting to me now as they were the first time I read them in James Robinson and David Goyer’s JSA #1 in 1999! But the character to watch will be Vibe — I know, I can’t believe I said it either! With a completely new origin, Vibe has the potential to become a truly fantastic character and one that will far surpass it’s previous incarnation.

Although Johns weaves a fantastic first issue of beguilement, it is David Finch’s artistic duties that catapults this book further than it would have reached with a lesser talent. His work on Avengers was great but this is truly something special! Darker and using slightly different techniques to diversify the core characters, Finch has given his all for this book. He has gone from a well rounded penciler to an outstanding artist that will tantalize the eyes.

As “set-up” issues go, it is outstanding and will envelop you into Johns’ vision of the new JLA! His opening salvo into a darker era is intense and exceptional while his choices for the team and the reasoning behind them are fantastic, if not somewhat diabolical. I can’t wait for everyone to see who is chosen to take out whom, it will definitely light up the message boards! So, choose your individual state flag cover and get to reading!

Comic Book News

Review: Batman #17

This is it! The finale of the “Death Of The Family” arc, by the dynamic duo of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo, has hit the shelves and everyone has been clamoring over just what the Joker has been planning for dinner!

A visually intense and emotionally jarring tale awaits you in the pages of Batman #17, one that fans will be heatedly discussing on whether the tale truly paid off or if it was just an ending filled with mediocrity. Personally, I thought it was a combination of both aspects. Part of me was satisfied with the way Snyder exposed the overall “death” of the family, creating a new and intriguing future for the “Bat” kids that has never been truly done before. Part of me was anxiously awaiting something horrifying and epic in scope that would exponentially change the characterization, tone and over all future for Bats. That part of me is still waiting for something that will never come and lies confused, broken and disappointed with the entire issue.

Portions of Snyder and Capullo’s tale resonate with me deeply while others left me wanting so much more than what was given. The coming crescendo of a masterful performance up to that point, fell flat. The build up to issue #17 was pitch perfect but the tale we were given within the finale seemed like it was done using a completely different character than the one that murdered an entire force of the G.C.P.D.in a matter of minutes! When faced with his obsession, the Joker crumbled into a character that we thought was buried under Snyder’s watch, never to return.

I have mixed emotions over this grand finale. Torn between awe and disappointment, I will admit that the final few pages were outstanding! A wrap up worthy of the entire arc that will leave a smile on your face, and you didn’t even need Joker gas to get it!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Green Arrow #17

Jeff Lemire wastes no time turning a faltering book on it’s ear, creating a fresh and visually stunning book that will get fans raving about the “Emerald Archer” again!

Let’s not pull any punches, Green Arrow has been a book that has failed to hit its mark from the initial issue under the leadership of J.T. Krull. And the recent issues by Ann Nocenti, haven’t been able to truly find the “voice” of Oliver Queen, either. Overall, the New 52 version of Green Arrow – as both a character and a book – has been less of a thrill ride and more of a slow descent into obscurity for fans.

Today, all of that changes!

Fan favorite, Jeff Lemire (Animal Man, Justice League Dark, Sweet Tooth), has taken over the reins and has set the world of Oliver Queen ablaze. Literally! There are going to be some drastic changes in the setting, tone and most importantly — the characters of this book. Everything you knew before will be burned away and what is left, is a character that has been broken down to his core elements. He has become, again, a character that must learn to survive with absolutely nothing; there will be no quarter given — he must prove his worthiness on his own!

As fresh and exciting as Jeff Lemire’s tale is, the artistic talent of Andrea Sorrentino (I, Vampire) raises it to an entirely other level! There is an unmistakable realism in Sorrentino’s art that solidifies this tale with a more “urban” feel. The spectacle of the brightly colored super hero has been replaced with a darker tone that matches Lemire’s “breaking of a hero” tale perfectly. It is rich and moody, creating a feeling of an underlying dread that is awaiting Oliver around every corner. It is a visual masterpiece that will stun fans optic nerves as much as Lemire’s tale will rock them emotionally!

Lemire and Sorrentino burn away the last sixteen issues of a mediocre series and leave it in ashes. But what emerges from the minds of this extremely talented duo will catapult this series back into the spotlight for 2013! You owe it to yourself to reexamine Green Arrow, it’s a bullseye

Comic Book News

Review: Green Lantern Corps #16

Guy Gardner sits depowered in a prison cell, kicked out of the Green Lantern Corps, and a blight on the brilliant Gardner family name. But it doesn’t matter what has been done to you or how people perceive you, it matters what burns inside you. And what burns inside Guy Gardner is the heart of a hero!

Peter J. Tomasi takes one of the best cosmic team books and boils it down to one man and what it truly means to carry the moniker of “hero.” Tomasi has taken a character that has been seen as a joke, a third rate GL and made him one of my favorite characters by instilling in him a sense of “never say die” attitude. This attitude is what makes any normal man stand up and take charge of a situation where others freeze in fear. This attitude is what makes you a person others can rely on, this attitude makes you a “hero.” And that is exactly what this issue is about.

Faced with the force of the Third Army, Guy must make tough decisions in order to not only save others but his family as well. It is a great character piece that shows that it doesn’t take super powers or cosmic rings in order for you to stand up against insurmountable odds, all it takes is heart. And when new GL Baz shows up with his trainer B’DG, the subtle clash between Guy and Baz makes for some great comedic moments! Plus, John Stewart is still on the trail of the pieces of Mogo and he finally realizes all may not be right on Oa.

All in all, a great look into a broken GL and another link in to the tale of “Rise Of The Third Army.” But remember to read Green Lantern #16 BEFORE you dive into this one! And be sure to prepare yourself for the epic conclusion of “Rise Of The Third Army” in the pages of Green Lantern Corps Annual #1 on sale next week!

Marvel Movie News

The DOC’s A Year In Review: 2012

“In My Rearview Mirror”

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


It’s late, my wife and daughter are snuggled up in their beds as visions of super heroes dance in their heads. Well, possibly my daughter’s but my wife is probably having visions of Channing Tatum! I cannot believe another year has passed us by and I ponder all the things that have occurred in one of the most tumultuous years comic fans have ever seen. There were the seething fans from the The Dark Knight Rises vs. The Avengers debate, the uproar over The New 52 Alan Scott’s sexuality, the shock over the brutal death of Glenn in The Walking Dead #100, the return of the Joker, Indie comics creating a big buzz with fans, Second Waves, Third Armies and Kirkman becoming the king of the world! 2012 was truly THE year to be a comic fan and my list is only the tip of the iceberg of all the things that occurred last year. So, take a look. Agree, disagree, it’s all in good fun. And remember, my list only contains things that I have personally seen or read so, if your favorite book or movie doesn’t appear here — make your own list in the comments below to share with us!



BEST MOVIE: The Avengers: This summer blockbuster was so full of those classic, fun comic moments that you just couldn’t catch your breath. It was everything that Marvel had been painstakingly building up to for years — and it completely blew me away! The original Superman may have made us believe a man could fly, but The Avengers made me believe that gods live among us!

WORST MOVIE: Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance: Everyone forgot about this Valentine’s Day weekend blockbuster, didn’t they? Apparently, Ghost Rider did so well that they NEEDED to make this steaming pile of a sequel for the six fans that enjoyed it! I will sum this movie up in two words: Flame Urine! ’nuff said! 

BEST “NON COMIC” SUPER HERO MOVIE: Chronicle: This “found” video film about teenagers that acquire super abilities had amazing scope and even better special effects. Though, by the final battle scene, I was finding it hard not to scream out, “Tetsuo!” at the top of my lungs!

BEST MOVIE CAMEO: Sam J. Jones a.k.a. Flash Gordon, Ted: When I first saw this movie, I nearly went into convulsions as “Flash” appeared on camera! Flash Gordon is one of my favorite childhood movies and all those scenes in Ted hit me with a wave of nostalgia. Fantastic!

THE MOVIE WTF!? MOMENT OF THE YEAR: John Blake knowing Bruce Wayne is Batman in five seconds: The Dark Knight Rises was a good movie, but it was riddled with WTF!? moments that I just couldn’t shake off. After three movies, Commissioner Gordon can’t figure out who Batman is but an orphan turned cop can the first time he meets Bruce Wayne as a adult? Crazy!


BEST “NEW” COMIC COMPANY: Valiant Entertainment: The nineties are alive and well again and you can thank Valiant for that! But these aren’t your daddy’s comics anymore, each series has been laced with some of the industry’s top talents and are making a race for a top spot on your pull list each week! Smart and engaging, each book has it’s own niche in the grand scheme of the Valiant Universe, and if you didn’t get caught up in the “Summer of Valiant,” you still have a chance to catch up with the newly released $10 trades before the Harbinger War begins! Great stuff!

BEST ONGOING COMIC SERIES: Batman: Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo have taken the character of the Batman and completely remade him for a new generation without losing any of the nostalgia that older fans love so much. Not only have they perfected Bats himself, but the entire supporting cast and the rogues gallery as well. Not to mention, creating new villains such as the Court of Owls and their assassin Talons to further cement their names in the Batman mythos for all time. Oh yeah, and they created the scariest version of the Joker I have ever seen!

BEST NEW COMIC SERIES: Archer & Armstrong: Well, if you want to get technical, A&A was around in the 90’s but this “new”version surpasses it’s predecessor by leaps and bounds! Andy Diggle has created an amalgam of Lethal Weapon, National Treasure and part Animal House that will keep you enthralled and amused! There is nothing better than a drunk immortal and a virgin ninja fighting off assassin nuns!

BEST “NON SUPER HERO” COMIC SERIES: Mind MGMT: Matt Kindt stunned fans with his espionage, secret society, psychic warfare book! It is eloquent and atmospheric, creating a world that may or may not be reality but hooks you just the same. Don’t wait for the trades on this one, folks, Kindt has said that the single issues hold clues that WILL NOT be in trade form! GET IT NOW!

BOOK MOST IN NEED OF A MEPHISTO DEAL: Amazing Spider-Man #700: Okay, so everyone has been complaining about this book enough already so I’ll make it short and sweet. How can a villain who has wanted to kill you since issue #3 suddenly change his mind in the last five pages of issue #700 because he saw your memories? Yeah, I thought so! 

WORST CROSSOVER: Avengers Vs. X-Men: With another shameless money grab by Marvel, the fans lapped up this horrible series that promised everything and gave nothing! Well, Professor X died, but besides that everything else went back to the same ‘ol same ‘ol. The Avengers are the world’s favorite again and mutants are hated more than ever! Too bad it cost fans almost forty dollars to get right back to where they started from!

BEST COMIC WRITER: Scott Snyder: Between Batman, Swamp Thing, American Vampire, American Vampire: Lord of Nightmares and Severed, Scott Snyder has created some of the most disturbing and fascinating books in 2012. Every issue is done with a true passion for the characters and an eye for detail that is missing in a lot of books today. He may not be Rob Liefeld’s first choice, but he’s alright by me.

BEST INTERIOR ARTIST: Esad Ribic: Some of the most stunning images have come from the hands of Esad Ribic. Whether it be variant covers for various Marvel books or the interior pages of Uncanny X-Force and Thor: God Of Thunder, Ribic is at the top of the art field. Quiet and reserved, this man let’s his images speak for him!

RETURN OF THE PRODIGAL ARTIST: Mike Mignola: Although Mr. Mignola has never stopped writing both B.P.R.D. and Hellboy, he hasn’t drawn any in quite some time. So, with one month left in the year, Mike Mignola sent the comic world into a frenzy when he returned to art chores on Hellboy: In Hell #1 in December 2012. It was utterly outstanding and made all our Christmas wishes come true!

BEST COVER ARTIST: Joao Ruas, Fables: Joao Ruas creates the most haunting and visually stunning covers you will see on the racks today. Mired in folklore and whimsy, these somewhat disturbing images are the perfect match to the stories found inside his astonishing covers. They are true works of art that everyone should behold.

FAVORITE VARIANT COVERS: Scottie Young’s “baby” covers: Scottie Young, the artist on Marvel’s OZ books, has been churning out very rare “baby”covers for all the Marvel Now! books and they are amazing! Well, maybe I’m biased because my daughter and I have read the OZ books and have a few of Scottie’s posters, but they are very cool collector covers. So, make sure you ask your local retailer if they get any in, you won’t regret it!


BEST COMIC CHARACTER: The Joker: Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo have created the most sadistic, cunning and scary Joker character I have ever read! They have taken a character that has sometimes been used as a veritable joke in the DCU and made him someone that they should all be afraid of, especially since he seems to be always two steps ahead of everyone! Completely creepy!

TOUGHEST CHARACTER TO FOLLOW: Superboy: So, he has his own comic, he has been in Legion Lost, he has been in Teen Titans and he has been in The Ravagers. He is supposedly on the Teen Titans and the Ravagers teams but he is only there for an issue or two and then he vanishes! No explanation is given, he is just gone and no one knows where the hell he goes! Here’s a tip: put him on one team or none, but please make a decision! It is beyond annoying and he’s not that great a character to begin with — so just decide already!

MOST BRUTAL COMIC DEATH: Glenn, The Walking Dead (Image): TWD #100 was one of the most horrific books I have ever read. The utter disregard for human life that Neegan portrays is alarming and what he does to one of the most beloved characters in the TWD universe — completely sadistic. Kirkman knows how to pull on the ‘ol heart strings and that’s why The Walking Dead is no longer the little book that could, but a money making machine!

MOST POINTLESS COMIC CAMEO: Nova, Avengers Vs. X-Men: Okay, so he crashes to earth, mumbles and then falls into a coma. Twelve issues later, he flies out of nowhere punches a Phoenix charged Cyclops and then gets beaten to a pulp. Then Thor asks him is if he wants to join the Avengers? So, if I put on a football helmet, jump off the roof and fall into a coma — I could possibly become an Avenger too? Why didn’t anyone tell me it was so simple?!

THE COMIC WTF!? MOMENT OF THE YEAR: Peter Poctopus/Dr. Octavpider-Man: Oh, you know what I mean! 


WORST TOY OF THE YEAR: DC two packs of Squinkies: Okay, I know Squinkies have been around for years, but 2012 had some exclusive stocking stuffer two packs hit the shelves at local retailers. Now, can anyone tell me what these squishy miniature versions of The New 52 heroes are good for? They can’t fit as a pencil topper, they’re too light to use as a paper weight. Mostly, I scream Shazam at the top of my lungs and throw them at my intern, D-ROX’s head! If anyone has a better idea, let me know!

COOLEST TOY OF THE YEAR: The Walking Dead Minimates: Now we all know Minimates are AWESOME, but 2012 saw them become even better! With the launch of TWD Minimates, you can now control the fates of little versions of Rick, Glenn and Shane against a horde of four zombies! My desk has never looked better than strewn with “Lego-style” zombie parts!


BEST TELEVISION SERIES: The Walking Dead(AMC): This series has been top notch since it’s inception and, as a fan on the comic as well, I couldn’t ask for anything more! Human drama mixed with a zombie backdrop, TWD has taken the world by storm and it goes to prove that comics are not just for “geeks” anymore! Plus, any show I can watch with my wife that doesn’t contain a judge’s chambers or cheating senators is a definite win!

BEST REALITY TELEVISION SERIES: SyFy’s Face Off: One of the most creative shows I have ever seen, Face Off, brings make-up and visual effects artists from around the country to compete against each other in a series of challenges. I am astonished by how creative the artist get with minimal time and equipment. Plus, there is always a bevy of quest stars to help judge their work, such as, Kevin Smith and LeVar Burton!

BEST CARTOON SERIES: Ultimate Spider-Man: This series is what I wish the Spider-Man cartoons of my day would have been like! Spidey’s witty banter, great looking art and friends that couldn’t negate each other’s powers! Now, I know Sam Alexander Nova is in there and that might not sit well with some of you, but it really is a great show! And anything I can watch with my daughter is well worth a fake bucket head any day!

BIGGEST MISSED OPPORTUNITY: Cartoon Network’s DC Nation: DC Nation is actually my favorite block of comic cartoon gold, but since Cartoon Network pulled both Green Lantern and Young Justice(my personal favorite cartoon) for no definitive reason, fans couldn’t enjoy their favorite shows! So, without there being any DC cartoons on Saturday, we all moved onto Marvel ones on Sunday, hence my pick for Spider-Man over Young Justice! Horrible idea by Cartoon Network!

MAN OF THE YEAR: Richard Corben: This living legend artist has churned out more books in 2012 than most of the “hot” young talent that the “Big Two” clamor over and he’s 72 years old! Well known for his work in the horror genre, Mr. Corben has seen quite a demand for his talents lately, especially from Dark Horse. He has worked with Mike Mignola on Hellboy, Jan Strnad on Ragemoor and has translated Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Conqueror Worm” into comic form. Mr. Croben was also inducted into the Will Eisner Award Hall of Fame in 2012 for his continued artistic prowess over the years!


THE MOMENT THAT SET THE WORLD ON FIRE: Disney buys Star Wars: This was one of those events that takes you by surprise and you’re not actually sure if it’s true or not! I remember continually telling EIC Matt McGloin to, “Shut up!,” on the phone because I was so floored! Though fan reaction has been mixed, I personally cannot wait to see what will eventually come of this. At least it can’t be any worse than the “prequels” right?

If you made it this far — Thank You! I hope you all had a great year and we hope to see your ideas in the comments! Now, I have to go find my Squinkies for Monday morning — SHAZAM! 

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Batman #15

There are times when a book or storyline will hit you so hard visually that it immediately takes your breath away. There are times when a writer can move you with as little as a single word, captivating you in their world which then transcends everything around you. Then there are times that you get the perfect combination of both aspects and you marvel at how few times this caliber of greatness actually occurs. Batman #15 is such an instance, revel in what great comics look like!

I used the first page of the issue as my teaser image, a bit unorthodox, but I wanted everyone to see just how captivating a single page can be when done to perfection. You are drawn in immediately, first by Capullo’s completely unnerving rendering of the Joker. The image dredges up such deep rooted emotions in the reader in a single second. It appalls, and yet hypnotizes you with the sheer horror of the image. An unsettling visage that seems to stare through your eyes and directly into your soul. As you gaze away, it lingers there deep in the recesses of your mind, turning and forever grinning that Cheshire smile. It is an image that will become as iconic as the the first time he appeared 73 years ago!

Secondly, as you peel your eyes away from the toothy leer, Snyder ensnares you with the written word. He taunts you stating, “Look into his eyes and tell yourself he’s just a man.” He breaks you with but a single phrase, cracking the fourth wall and sending you back for another look at the diabolical creatures face glaring at you. You read on, realizing that it is Batman talking, but not to you. He is speaking to himself, trying to rationalize the creature in front of him exactly as you do the same. Just as you feel safe again with the notion that someone else is here, standing beside you, giving you hope that the lights may soon come on and the thing in the dark isn’t truly as scary as it seems — the hero blinks. He maybe here but he is unnerved as well and your hope slides out of you as chill laces it’s fingers around your heart. 

Dwell on this outstanding page and then realize it occurs another thirty times throughout the book, each page an emotional whiplash of revelation, speculation, fissures and breakdowns. It is a breathtaking whirlwind that solidifies itself as some of the best storytelling in the Batman mythos! Fall into this book and pray that you will have the strength to pull the light switch on by books end. If you can’t — you never will again!

Comic Book News

Review: Green Lantern Corps #14

The green light that emits from the heavens used to be so blinding that only the most vile of criminals would dare to oppose the will of the Green Lantern Corps. Now, the light has begun to fade ever so slowly, creating shadows for every form of evil to take solace in. But what if the center of all evil was standing directly in the light? A stance that made it seem that the light was coming from directly inside them the entire time, but in actuality, they were truly there to negate it!

Peter J. Tomasi has been toying with the notion that there is something astoundingly wrong with the Guardians of Oa from this series opening salvo. But this issue takes that notion and turns it into a cold hard fact as EVERYTHING the Corps holds dear is thrown asunder!

This tale, of a broken Corps, solidifies itself as one of the best in this series. It makes characters question the very reasons behind their decisions and puts them at odds, not against an enemy, but with themselves. Part mystery play, part internal character piece, Tomasi has out done himself in the deconstruction of the Green Lantern Corps! There is dissension, slight of hand and, most importantly, fear that is creeping through this book. And by the final page, one Corps members decisions will have him severed from the rest of the Corps!

Outstandingly paced and beautifully – yet horrifically- rendered by Fernando Pasarin, Green Lantern Corps #14 is a must read for all Lantern fans! The future is will not be as bright as the moment it was before you turned the first page — I guarantee!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Batman #14

Far too often in the comics world, we see villains repeat past deeds over and over again with exactly the same results. Plan + Crime = the hero thwarting every move and taking the villain down with minimal effort. It is a cycle that is so predictable, fans have become numb to the very thought of the villain getting the upper hand at all. 

Finally, that cliche‘ can be disposed of thanks to Scott Snyder and crew! Not only does this wickedly evil new version of The Joker get the upper hand, he squeezes so tight — he actually breaks some bones!

Batman #14 delves deeper into the twisted world that The Joker is creating, not only for Batman, but for his entire “family” as well. It is a decent into depravity, one that will scar every aspect of our hero’s world and in some cases — make it unrecognizable! There have only been a handful of writers that have ever unnerved me so much while reading a comic book story, that I’ve actually had to catch my breath. Scott Snyder is now one of them!

I will not divulge any spoilers – where’s the fun in that! – but I will tell you that there are scenes in this issue that will hit you hard. There are moments when things will transcend the scope of a mere “funny book” and make you feel uneasy with what is happening. You will feel panic and nervousness for these characters like you never have before, and you will relish just how damn good this story is through all the horrific deeds happening to them. You will smile at how devilishly clever this Joker is and you will ponder why it took so long for him to get there. But above all the pain, torture and maniacally well thought out plans of an amazing villain, you will enjoy ever single page of this stunning work by Snyder and Capullo — and you will crave more!

Nothing is more precious than the private moments we share with the ones we love. The moments when we can let our guard down and truly show who we are. No secrets, no bravado, just a person exposed for the people we hold most dear. But what if, somewhere in the dark corners of our home there were eyes that didn’t belong there? Eyes that leered at our exposed selves and snickered at our weaknesses. Eyes that calculated our faults to use against us, then slowly slinks back into the shadows and made plans of their own. That is The Joker of Snyder’s world and things will never be the same again!

Pick up Batman #14 in stores tomorrow!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Green Lantern #0

First, there was all the hype regarding the reexamining of the Alan Scott character. Then last week we saw “the kiss heard around the world” as Superman and Wonder Woman locked lips! This week is Geoff Johns’ turn to generate hype for the DC Universe! The introduction of a new Green Lantern is never an easy task, especially when it revolves around such a hot button issue such as religion.

When the first pictures arose of Simon Baz, the new GL, there was already people up in arms regarding the fact he was holding a gun. But when it was revealed he was Arab-American — it became an intensely more heated discussion. 

Geoff Johns has crafted many outstanding tales for the entirety of the DC Universe and Green Lantern #0 is more of the same. He has created a character that, not only will be controversial, but has a depth and range that far outreaches the shackles laid upon him by the public over his religion. Empathetic and jarring, the tale follows Simon from an innocent youth to criminal intentions in his adulthood, making him nothing short of a questionable “hero.” And therein lies the intrigue! Johns tale is littered with enigmas, from Baz’s past to his current stressful situation, the reader is bombarded with an array of winding questions that leave you craving more. 

Insightful, and well paced, Johns has broken through the walls of the status quo, creating a character that may not be worthy of the power he is bestowed but has the heart and drive to. An everyman that is just trying to do right by his family, and we can all empathize with that.

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Justice League #12

Everyone has been clamoring over the image of Superman and Wonder Woman in a passionate embrace that adorns the cover of Justice League #12. It has been donned here at the CBN offices as, “The kiss heard around the world!” But, is the hype regarding this image actually warranted? Does the book stand on it’s own merit, or is it just an afterthought overshadowed by the big, money grab cover?

I am pleased to say, that issue 12 has been one of the best books of this entire run! Rife with characterization, Johns and his army of artistic talent, have crafted an outstanding tale that is a solid foundation for all the pomp and circumstance that comes with it’s cover. One that finally shows, an often at odds group of heroes, meld into something they haven’t truly been before — a team! Relying on each other, seeing each other’s fears and overcoming them as a single unit, the Justice League solidifies itself just in time to see it all come crashing down. Subsequent events will forever change the dynamic of these heroes, but it is their journey together that makes this book worthwhile. 

Johns has taken every essential aspect needed to craft the perfect tale, stirred them together and created something better than the sum of their parts. He both excites and moves us, from our rudimentary need for action to our longing to be understood by another — it is pitch perfect! And the cover, which will be eclipsed by the story within (trust me!), is just icing on the cake. Nothing can overshadow the frailty Johns bestows on his godlike characters. The least human of characters that can become the epitome of humanity in one single moment! Amazing!

This is my pick for best book of the week — hands down! Not for the kiss, but for what transpires to make the kiss occur.

Movie News

Advanced Review: Earth 2 #3

The most controversial DC book to date,  Earth 2, continues this week, and I am over joyed with the story that James Robinson unfolds before us!

Creating a completely new vision for some of the oldest characters in the DC Universe has to be an undaunting task. Anyone would be overwhelmed by the sheer thought of it, but James Robinson has truly created something special within the pages of this book. He has brought a level of excitement to these characters again, a “golden age” quality to a “modern day” book. 

We see the creation of the “first” Green Lantern for the very first time, and it is a wonderful amalgam of the original tale with fresh sensibilities! The tale is engaging and fast paced, hitting on all the major characters while adding something new as well. There is a deeper sense of these heroes being connected by unforeseen forces, something that heightens the level of intrigue while building the “team” mentality of the book. But there is something else at play here, something sinister and unnerving that slowly seeps into the world of Earth 2. A familiar villain that has been transformed into a pure force of nature, something that can rival life itself!

Highly engaging, with phenomenal art by Nicola Scott, Earth 2 #3 is a book no DC fan should miss! It is a window into the past and a reminder of how fun and intriguing “super hero” books can be!

Movie News

Advanced Review: Before Watchmen: Ozymandias #1 (of 6)

Whether you refuse to by into DC’s prequel series, or are absolutely loving the new tales of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ creations, one thing is for sure — everyone’s talking about it! Controversial to say the least, these books have been hit or miss with the fans. Personally, Before Watchmen: Ozymandias is the best of the bunch so far and is sure to make a fan of even the most skeptical reader!

Len Wein takes his time, weaving a story of the man that will become the greatest enemy to his allies. We are shown his life from birth, to the eventual donning of his “super hero” costume, never missing an opportunity to flesh out every nuance of Adrian Alexander Veidt. It is a stunning tale of an amazing child that must live in the throws of submission to inferior humans in order to live a “normal” life. It is emotionally jarring and yet, enthralls the reader to venture through Adrian’s life, just to catch a glimpse as to how he will overcome obscurity. And when he does, it is with a flourish of pomp and circumstance that has rarely been seen!

Jae Lee is the perfect choice as artist for this well crafted tale. He has always amazed the eye with his skill, but he has truly reached the pinnacle of his career with his work on this book. Every page is flawlessly crafted, a true wonder for the eye to behold. Using the word “beautiful’ to describe this work is under rating it. It is most definitely — stunning!

If you were at all nervous about this series not living up to Mr. Moore’s “holy grail” of comics history, fear no more. It is handled with the utmost care, and dare I say, professionalism. If you are to read any of the prequel series, I highly recommend this book to be your gateway!

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: The Ravagers #2

Coming off a mediocre first issue, The Ravagers #2 is a book that will hook you instantly — leaving any qualms you had about how good this series could be by the wayside!

Howard Mackie has done a full three sixty with only two issues out on the shelves. The Ravagers #1 was a mish-mash of concepts that never struck a cord with readers and left another “Second Wave” book teetering on a precipice to oblivion. But this issue is a TRUE page turner that ensnares a reader, creating a new core “teen” title that is on par with Teen Titans!

Issue two finds our rag tag group of survivors trying to refocus after an attack by Warblade and Rose Wilson. Though not fully trusting one another, they manage to keep each other alive long enough to encounter the most heinous Ravager yet — Shadow Walker! This sadistic menace has tortured Thunder, Lightning and Ridge before, and it is their fear that feeds his insatiable thirst. Can Fairchild teach this group enough about their own humanity to save them, or are they already too far gone?

Ian Churchill’s art is outstanding and his correlation with Mackie’s script — makes one beautiful book! The odd thing about this series, is that the “heroes” of the book are not the main reason why it is so good! It is the perfectly honed villains that push this book beyond its limits! They are pure evil, a sadistic cornucopia of horror and “super villain” that creates a perfect suspense filled ride! The “heroes” almost seem like an afterthought when it comes to their development; they are there, but not as thoroughly fleshed out as the villains seem to be. And for now, I am completely okay with that! Especially after seeing what is coming up next for Caitlin Fairchild and her runaways! They say every hero is only made better by the caliber of their villains, if that is so, then The Ravagers will become some of the best heroes ever created!

Comic Book News

Review: Earth 2 #2

I must say that I have been a JSA fan for many a year, and I was quite disappointed when DC announced that those characters would not be arriving in the New 52 amongst their peers. And once it was announced that the JSA characters would be arriving in the “Second Wave” as “new”versions of themselves — I was taken aback for a second time. So, when Earth 2 #1 came out, and I wasn’t blown away, it didn’t shock me! But today, as I read Earth 2 #2 â€” I was completely shocked!

This issue was fantastic, THIS is why I read comics!

Now, don’t think I was shocked by what you have all heard in the media regarding this book. Yes, DC has made the first Green Lantern, Alan Scott, gay. That’s great, we need more diversified characters – and readers for that matter – in the genre. When has ones’ sexual preference ever determined how great of a hero they will be? Never! 

No, I was shocked at how well James Robinson channeled classic DC storytelling to create new origins for some of the oldest characters in the DCU! This is great storytelling personified! Not only do we get Mr. Terrific back into the swing of things, we get Jay Garrick back as the Flash! And the fumbling, self critical Jay Garrick is a refreshing look at how an everyman would act if thrown into an incredible situation such as his! Robinson’s story was fluid, touching on all characters without diverging from the overall story and creating intriguing situations and – even a new villain – along the way! A new villain that will strike a cord with old JSA fans to say the least! By book’s end there were four old JSA teammates together again in the same book – for the first time – and it just felt exiting! Robinson made this book feel like home again for old JSA fans — a classic for future generations!

Now I do have one complaint, what is up with Jay Garrick’s helmet? I thought I was watching an old Buck Rogers episode and Twiggy was running around! Seriously, Nicola Scott is a great artist, but that thing has to go!

Okay, now go get this book!

Comic Book News

Review: The Ravagers #1

I was anticipating another great “teencentric” book from the company that does them so well. But Ravagers is a hit and run of fantastic art and nothing more!

If you have not been reading the “Culling” storyline – the crossover that has been going through Teen Titans, Legion Lost and Superboy – you will find yourself lost in a quagmire of action and a befuddling storyline! Even if you have been reading the crossover, this issue does nothing to engage the reader with the cast of characters that have escaped the clutches of N.O.W.H.E.R.E.! There is no time to flesh out the core characters, besides what you have seen in other books, and the reader has no vested interest in them when everything goes from bad to worse. You will be privy to brutal slayings and a sheer lack of respect for human life, as the escapees take out their fear and anger on surrendering guards and each other in order to live free.

New characters like Ridge, Thunder and Lightning, do little to make the reader feel anything for their plight and background characters, Bright Eyes and Windshear, come off more interesting. Caitlin Fairchild, the scientist that worked for N.O.W.H.E.R.E., is placed as the central character that tries her best to form this rag tag group into something more, but her plight is laughable and she comes off more whiny than Luke Skywalker in “A New Hope!” Any chance of reconnecting with characters that longtime Titans fans will recognize, Beast Boy and Terra, are doused as they leave the book by page five! My only hope for this book was when Warblade and Rose Wilson were unleashed upon the masses and a true culling began. Unfortunately, they didn’t wipe out the entire cast!

I will give this book a second chance to draw me in , but if issue two follows the same formula as the first one — it will be staying on the racks. So far, DC’s “Second Wave” has been mired in mediocrity, and The Ravagers is no different! Besides Worlds’ Finest, “Second Wave” doesn’t stand a second chance!

Comic Book News Marvel

What’s Your Angle On The Tesseract?

Just What The “DOC” Ordered


“What’s Your Angle On The Tesseract?”

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley



Ever since Marvel Comics decided to unveil their most powerful weapon in Iron Man 2, the cosmic cube – renamed the Tesseract – has been causing fanboys to drool and movie goers to ponder, “What is a Tesseract?” That’s the million dollar question, I suppose! And it all depends on what company, field or genre you support!

A tesseract, first used in the book A New Era of Thought by Charles Howard Hintin in 1888, means the four lines from each vertex to other vertices, or the four-dimensional analog of the cube. The tesseract is one of the six convex regular polytopes. Even in geometry, there are numerous names and ideas as to the different functions of a tesseract. There is no definitive idea of the tesseract that does not open itself to other possibilities.

Take for instance, the use of the tesseract in the great work of fiction, A Wrinkle In Time, by Madeleine L’Engle in 1962. Here it is used more as a wormhole, a portal that sends Meg Murray and her friends through time and space by literally bending the space-time continuum. This seems more in line with the “cosmic cube” that was created by Marvel Comics in July 1966. Is it a possibility that good ol‘ Stan and Jack loved A Wrinkle In Time so much that they created a homage to it in Tales Of Suspense #79? Possibly, but Stan will probably never admit to hearing of the book and claim sole creative control!

Though there have been three different versions of the “tesseract” in various Marvel comics over the years, there has been one constant about them. They have all had the potential to be the most powerful cosmic device ever created! They can alter reality, transfer the essence of one individual to another, make any wish come true regardless of the consequences and — it has even become a sentient life form! Its powers, creators, users and destroyers have all been linked to cosmic energies in some shape or form. And just like Avengers the movie, I am sure we will be seeing a lot more of what destruction can be wrought by its power!


But now there is a new version of the tesseract that is completely different than all other versions. While previous incarnations have all been birthed in true science, geometric shapes and cosmic fundamentals — this new version is birthed in magic! Found on the last page of Justice League Dark #9, DC Comics has entered into the fan frenzy of the tesseract movement. Jeff Lemire has wasted no time amping up this book in only one issue, and it will only get better from here! DC’s version of the tesseract is said to be The Eighth-Dimensional Map, not just a map but â€” THE map to the four most powerful artifacts in the DCnU! Locked inside the tesseract is the hidden locations to the Four Pillars Of Existence, the source of all magic on earth — The Books Of Magic! As astounding as that revelation is, it is a comment that is made by a character named Dr. Mist that has piqued my interest more. He not only calls the box the tesseract but the FIRST tesseract! Does that mean there are more? Maybe a total of three? More? Remember folks, during the Avengers/JLA crossover a cube was seen in the DCU! Could this be it? Who knows? All I know, is that I am extremely excited to see where this is going!

To wrap up, “What is a Tesseract?” I guess you can choose your own answer. A scientific theory, a portal to save your father, the Cosmic Cube or a map to The Books Of Magic! Hell, there’s even a band! So, pick what best suits you and run with it! No matter who Marvel and DC’s characters are getting married to, comics’ real buzzword is — Tesseract

Comic Book News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for May 23rd, 2012

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley


(A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. In no particular order!)


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these books to your list of goodies! Forget that “apple a day” nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five titles of the week!



1.  Resident Alien #1 : A mystery tale about the murder of a small town doctor is enough to get me in the door, but it’s the twist about the choice of a stand-in doc that puts it on the list. He’s an alien, folks! And no one knows the truth! Intriguing and completely different than anything out there today!

2.  Dark Horse Presents #12 :  Just in time for Ridley Scott’s Prometheus, we get a brand new Aliens tale from John Layman and Sam Keith! Plus – Cosmic fans rejoice – the return of Mike Baron and Steve Rude’s — Nexus! But it’s the Black Beetle tale by Francesco Francavilla that really helps this book get on my list. Well, that and the hysterical strip of Sabertooth Vampire by Mike Russell! Hilarious!

3.  Mind MGMT #1 : 121 people get on a plane but only 120 get off when they land! And all of them have complete memory loss of their previous lives —  except one small boy! Matt Kindt, creator of Revolver, brings forth another outstanding book that is complete action and intrigue! Plus, there are added secret images and numeric sequences that Matt Kindt says will never be republished into trade form! He wants this to be THE monthly book on the top of your list! Well, he’s made it on mine — it should be on yours!

4.  Justice League Dark #9 :  The only thing that this book was missing before was a solid direction and a “team” leader. Well, now we have both in — Jeff Lemire! That’s right, folks! The man behind the amazing Animal Man, makes his JLD debut here! Not only does he put Constantine as “leader” of the group, but he also debuts Felix Faust to the DCnU! Anyone who loves Vertigo books will feel right at home!

5.  Fables #117 :  Bill Willingham and Mark Buckingham are celebrating ten years of Fable goodness with this issue! Not only do you get an eerie tale of Dare’s journey to save his sister from the Land of Discardia, but you get a back-up tale of Bufkin and the revolution in OZ! Plus, as an extra bonus, we get to see a sneak preview of Scott Snyder’s new limited series — American Vampire: Lord of Nightmares! All for only $2.99! Ya can’t beat that with a stick!

Comic Book News

Review: Batman #9

Exciting, engaging and enthralling, Scott Snyder’s Batman opus continues here with the “Night of the Owls” storyline!

Trapped beneath Wayne Manor, with all his secrets revealed to the Court of Owls, Bruce Wayne and Alfred make a last stand for the very soul of Gotham! Encased in his “Bat Armor,” Bruce holds the ferocious Talons at bay, while Alfred directs the rest of the “Bat Family” from a secure room. But even if Alfred and Bruce survive this brutal attack, Gotham’s leaders may not!

Each issue brings a depth of history to the Bat mythos that makes you yearn for more! Compelling back story, crazy fisticuffs and a dinosaur that stomps Talons into a pulp — makes this issue the most action oriented yet! Everything is fresh and exciting, creating an epicenter for the entire Bat family to live up to. Snyder and Capullo continually make Batman the MUST read book each and every month!

Even though the main story will get fans in the seats, it is the back-up tale by Snyder and Albuquerque that is the most compelling. Following Jarvis Pennyworth as he writes to his son Alfred about the dealings in Wayne Manor, we may just be privy to the first attack by the Talons on the Wayne family! Could it be that Thomas and Martha weren’t just gunned down by some random act of violence? Could the Court of Owls be responsible for the birth of Batman? Okay, maybe I’m putting the cart before the horse — but it’s fun to speculate!

Get this book and get in on the most intriguing crossover running through the DCnU! You don’t need to pick up all the other series to understand what’s happening , but it’s amazing to see how this story affects every aspect of Gotham! So, collect ’em all!

Comic Book News

Review: Worlds Finest #1

DC’s “second wave” hits the stands today! Although not as grand as the first time around, this second set of the New 52 definitely has some shinning stars! The first of which — Worlds’ Finest

Now, even before this series launched, George Perez had been getting some pretty heated fan response to his renderings of “Power Girl.” Once you read this, I hope all of your reservations can be put aside. DC has been letting you know that this “Huntress” and “Power Girl” are not ones you are familiar with, believe me — it’s true!

I do not want to spoil anything that Paul Levitz has created here, and it is very difficult to do a review that can entice you to check out this book without blathering on and on about the story. So, I will try and keep it brief, yet, exciting!

Hailing from the pages of Earth 2, also on sale today, two heroines escape from a devastated planet only to awaken in one similar, but not their own! They change their identities in order to better conform to their new world and set off to fight the good fight, all the while searching to find a way home.

There, hope I didn’t give away too much!

Paul Levitz has crafted a tale that is already rich in the history of the New 52. From the Huntress mini-series to the recently canceled Mr.Terrific book, we are already familiar with these characters and their motivations. But now we are privy to parts of their lives we had been previously kept in the dark about, building those, “Ah ha!” moments comic fans all love. Pieces from this tale and other stories converge together, making the scope of Levitz tale brighter and broader than one could have foreseen. But it is the characterization of these two heroines, both singularly and dually, that make this story flow so naturally. It’s as if we are watching two old acquaintances stroll through our door with an incredible tale to tell us after a long hiatus. It is comfortable and engaging, drawing you into a world you already thought you new.

I have always been a fan of George Perez’s art, but this book reminded me of why and just how much I missed it! His skill is fathomless and just keeps getting better! Not that Kevin Maguire’s flashback sequences are anything to scoff at either! It is the duality of theses great artists that help project this book to a higher level!

This story has it’s fingertips on the biggest array of books in the New 52 that I have ever seen! If you are a fan of great art and amazing tales of misplaced heroes — this is the book for you! This “second wave” is bound together tighter than the first one — so get Worlds’ Finest and Earth 2 in tandem! You won’t regret it!

TV News

Review: Young Justice: Invasion “Happy New Year”


Now that the Justice League has been restored to their proper mindset by the combined effort of the Young Justice team and Red Tornado, there are some questions that are in need of answering: “Where is the real Speedy?” and “Just what did the six Leaguers do for the sixteen hours they are unaccounted for?”

Jump five years into the future from last episode! The team is bigger, Robin is now Nightwing but Artemis and Red Arrow are missing! “Where are they, what happened?” 

All that will have to wait, it seems a certain “Main Man” has taken a contract to cause a ruckus on earth. That’s right ya Bastich, Lobo is here to take names! But Wonder Girl and Batgirl have a little something to say — with their fists! 

Reminiscent of Men In Black, things aren’t always what they seem! Adam Strange is brought in to help explain how to gather up all the aliens, and it is revealed that the six missing Leaguers are considered criminals off world! The teams split up and it’s Blue Beetle, Lagon and Tim Drake Robin that take center stage as they come across kidnapped humans and a hive of aliens! The youngsters prove themselves in the eyes of the League and Young Justice, and it all wraps up with the Zeta Team arriving on Rann. To be continued!

This was a great episode, especially since we get to see so many new characters introduced to the show. Yeah, we had to jump five years into the future to do so but at least the storyline runs smoothly from the last episode. Plus, John Stewart takes the reigns for most of the episode and he even mentions the Green Lantern Corps! Awesome! While some questions are answered, there are so many that arise in this episode! So many that I cannot wait until the next episode to see what’s in store! This is the best comic related cartoon series on TV today, and you owe it to yourself to check it out!

Movie News

TV Review: Young Justice: “Usual Suspects”

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:1403:]]Revelations, secrets and lies abound in this fast paced episode that sets the stage for next weeks blockbuster battle — Young Justice vs. The Justice League!

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves! “Usual Suspects” lays all the secrets that the team has been holding — on the table! From Superboy’s split DNA, Artemis’ diabolical family tree and even Martian Girl’s reasons behind working for Queen Bee, everything comes to light and the team is finally whole again!

It was well paced, especially because of all the flashbacks and flash forwards used to explain the tale, and thoroughly enjoyable. Spectacular battles wrap around all the revelations, so the reveals are as exciting as the fights themselves and don’t become a “talking head” scenario that we have seen in other mediums. Plus, it is a veritable whose who of villains that challenge our young heroes! Lex Luthor, Queen Bee, Sportsmaster, Blockbuster, the Riddler, Cheshire and everyone’s favorite “Bat” villain — Bane, push our heroes to the edge of their abilities! But it is the final reveal that will shock you the most as the Justice League “mole” is exposed and the the Watchtower will never be the same again!  

As good as this episodes writing and execution was, the moment that I appreciated most was the induction of the Justice League’s newest members. Finally, Malibu Comics get their just desserts as Icon is inducted along with the Atom, Dr. Fate, Plastic Man and Red Arrow. Ever since DC had acquired the rights to all the Milestone characters, the have been used sparingly at best. A small stint in The Justice League of America book that pitted them against the League, wasn’t really deserving of these characters. And now that the Static Shock book has been canceled, it is good to see Icon and Rocket being used in important roles again.  

So check this episode out and prepare yourselves for the biggest battle yet — next week!

Movie News

Review: Swamp Thing #8

Week after week I ponder how to try and describe how great this book is. I have used the words brutal, chaotic, visceral and gut wrenching, but none of them can truly describe the achievements that Scott Snyder, Yanick Paquette and Marco Rudy have accomplished with this issue.

Issue eight is something special all to itself. It is the culmination of all that has come before it, and a turning point that pushes the series into what it will become. It is a gestation of ideas and a birth of one of the greatest under used characters in comics. It is the revival and reveal of this generations Avatar of the Green, the pure unbridled fury of nature itself — Swamp Thing!

Alec Holland finally transcends past his mere mortal status, becoming one with the Green in order to save his true love — Abigail Arcane. But Abby has been evolving as well and Alec’s plight to save her, may undo the fabric of nature itself! The Rot is in us all, slumbering on the fringe of consciousness, but some of us welcome it’s horrific siren call, devolving into pure chaos. What happens when a blind love becomes an Achilles’ heel? Especially, when it gives the Rot the a chance at a killing blow!

I have prayed on bended knee in the House of Snyder numerous times before, thanking him for all his diabolical mastery. Today, I will preach about the cunning artistic skills of Yanick Paquette and Marco Rudy. The pure Hell they can conjure on a page is astounding, any nightmare you have ever conceived doesn’t hold a candle to what they create! It is horrific and confounding, a tireless effort to break the minds of the reader and mold it to their own vision. If you can read a single issue of Swamp Thing and not cringe at least once — you are dead inside! From the majesty of Swamp Thing to the horrendously toothy Sethe, Paquette and Rudy are creating a masterpiece of the macabre that will leave you questioning your sanity!

If you have not been reading this book, I actually feel sad for you, but there is a chance at redemption! The trade will be out in May, and you can savor all the hellish brilliance over and over again! So get this book, read it now or store it away until May, either way you owe it to yourself to read something that challenges the boundaries of what great comics can be!

Movie News

Review: Animal Man #8

The Rot has come knocking at the door for Buddy Baker and his family — literally! They are drawn to the pure power of Buddy’s daughter Maxine, and will not surrender until she has become one with them. Even though Buddy will do everything in his power to stop their evil, will it be enough to keep everyone safe? Unfortunately — no.

Jeff Lemire has become one of my favorite writers since he began his quest to re-envision Animal Man, and take a great character back its roots. His ideas are disturbing and seep into your consciousness as you read along his winding tale of destruction. It is not the shock value that hits you the hardest, it is the knowledge that when you close your eyes — his horrific creations will be there smiling at you from the depths of the dark! There is a richness to his tales, one that will have you believe the bond between the Baker family will inevitably keep them safe, but in actuality, the only inevitable thing is complete chaos! 

This issue is a complete game changer for Buddy and Maxine, which in turn, makes it one for the entire DCU as well! Two shocking things happen in this issue, one held solely for Buddy while the other will have dire consequences for Maxine. Though I will not spoil Lemire’s tale by divulging more than necessary, I will say that I am extremely pleased Travel Foreman had the chance to draw the most gut-wrenching one before he left the book. You will be missed, sir!

Part two of “Animal vs. Man” will leave you gasping for air and beaming with pride that you had the foresight to pick up one of the best books on the shelves every month! Can Maxine still use her power to talk to animals when they are corrupted by the Rot? Is Buddy truly more than just a pawn in the eyes of the Red? You will find out both answers here — and you won’t believe how bad it can get!

Movie News

Review: Suicide Squad #7

The “Hunt For Harley Quinn” storyline wraps up this issue with a dramatic conclusion that will leave you breathless! Not only that, Adam Glass gives us Harley’s secret origin in which we witness just how far one has to fall in order to survive life with the Joker!

Did someone say Joker? This book is the only place you can actually see more of the Joker than just his torn off face hanging on a wall! Not that you won’t see that flapping piece of flesh in this book either, because you will, but you are finally witness to The New 52 version of one of DC’s most maniacal villains. And the things he does to impress the girls is a little over the edge! 

But that is what this book is all about! Suicide Squad revolves around a cast of villains, recruited by Amanda Waller, to do jobs that are just too dirty for anyone else to do. And if they happen to get out of line? Boom!! The nano bombs in their blood explode into a fiery mess, leaving an opening on the squad for new blood. Adam Glass has taken the classic concept of this “team” book and thrown out the rule book! It is a viscous, brutal book teeming with excitement and, at times — hilarity! Glass really draws you into these characters. He creates an aura of desperation where not only do you want to see what the characters do best, in all it’s bloody glory, but you actually root for them to survive every mission. And that therein lies the rub! This book, especially this issue, sees a lot of characters perish from beginning frame to end panel. Some you are shocked by the demented way Glass achieves his goal, while others, characters we have grown quite fond of — we are completely astounded by! This book will rock you each and every month!

Adam Glass is as insane as his cast of characters and when you read this issue, you will completely agree with me! But that is what makes this book so damn fun! Crazy clowns, assassins, exploding heads, killer sharks and — the Joker! Everything you need for a cozy night in!

Movie News

Advanced Review: Justice League #6

There is only one word that can be used to properly describe Justice League #6. It is a word that I have only used once before to review a book. It is a word that has lost it’s impact in recent years, becoming a type of catchphrase in social media, used by people that cannot see it’s true scope. By definition it means:

1. A literary or dramatic composition that resembles an extended narrative poem, celebrating the feats of a legendary or traditional hero. 2. Surpassing the usual or ordinary, particularly in scope or size. 3. Heroic and impressive in quality.

Geoff Johns and Jim Lee have brought together the Justice League for the first time — once again! Few of us remember the original origins of the Justice League, but no one will forget it the second time around! Darkseid has conquered many planets before and now he has his sights on earth. He says he is here for “her” and will stop at nothing to obtain his goal. He would have destroyed us easily, if not for the seven strangers that have aligned themselves to stand against him. Now they will stop at nothing to send Darkseid back to where he came from!

The scope of this tale is the exact reason why I started reading comics! The adrenaline, the art, the characterization and the pure heroism that leaves you breathless; these are the things that capture the soul of the comics industry! A whispered cheer escapes your lips as Superman slams into Darkseid. Amazement glazes over your eyes as Cyborg finds that he is more than the sum of his mechanical parts. And euphoria floods every pore of your body as the Justice League stands before you, and their adoring public, for the first time. An unstable team of individuals that would die for the very world they call home. It is “super hero” comics at it’s finest hour, spinning glimpses of nostalgia into something amazing for the future. One that I hope will see Johns and Lee teaming together for a very long time!

So, to return to my original statement, the only word that can describe, not only the sum of the book but every individual page, is — EPIC!      

Movie News

Review: The Flash #6

Everyone knows the saying “Everything old is new again,” but is it always better? Today we get to ponder that very question as The Flash #6 debuts The New 52’s version of — Captain Cold!

I want to take a moment to thank Francis Manapul for his awe-inspiring artistic chores on this series. His page layouts and ingenious construction of panels is some of the best work I have ever seen! He incorporates ever aspect of the page, even the headlines, into something completely unique, and as a fan I am blown away each and every week!

Now on with the show! Issue six debuts the “new”Captain Cold. “New” because he looks different, but he is essentially the same old Rogues leader we know and love. He is bigger, stronger, and no longer needs to use his “cold” guns to emit freezing temperatures where he may, but the new outfit — AWFUL! It reminds me of something you would see in a Vanilla Ice video, all pun intended! Organic ice, sleeveless hoodie? The nineties are officially back kids!

But when you look past the easily mockable costume change, the story is what really counts. Manapul has been creating a great new niche in the Flash mythos over the past five issues! Making Barry responsible for tearing the very fabric of time when he taps into the speed force for too long — brilliant! It opens up new doorways for potential stories and weakens the Flash in ways no rogue could ever have. Barry finally has to adhere to a series of checks and balances which could tear the world apart if he doesn’t. Manapul is putting his personal stamp on one of DC’s greatest characters, and I couldn’t be happier!

But that “new” Captain Cold? I will use a direct quote from Barry Allen himself, “I liked him better with the guns.”

Movie News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for February 15, 2012

The DOC’s Top of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley

(A weekly “quick pick” of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. In no particular order!)


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these five books to your list of goodies. Forget that apple a day nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription for good health starts with these top five titles of the week!


fables #1141. Batman #6:  Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo are creating DC’s best book today! The Court of Owls has broken Bruce Wayne like they did to his ancestors before. Can he emerge from the horror unscathed or will he be changed forever? Check out my review for more details!

2. Green Lantern Corps #6:  It’s the Keepers against Guy Gardner’s band of warriors. All hell breaks loose, but did Guy bring enough bullets to save his fellow Lanterns? Find out more in my full review!

3. The New Avengers #21:  Norman Osborn has been two steps ahead of the Avengers the whole time. But when his new Dark Avengers unleash Ragnarok on them, will there be anyone left to outwit? Bendis gives us one awesome battle book way before A vs. X!

4. B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth – The Long Death #1:  The end is coming and wheels that have been set in motion years ago, begin to spin out of control! Mignola promises that, “we are breaking things that cannot be fixed!” Jump aboard now before it all goes to hell!

5. Fables #114:  As the cubs find out their foretold roles for the future, on of them maybe inviting in something demonic. Check out one of the most underrated books out there! You will never look at your childhood fairytales the same again!

Movie News

Review: Green Lantern Corps #6

The Guardians have kept yet another secret from their beloved Corps. Before they entrusted each Lantern with the safety of their own batteries, the Keepers were the ones who protected all of them! The residual power eventually intertwined with the very fabric of their world and it’s inhabitants, causing them to become quite dependent upon the batteries to sustain any form of life. Once the Guardians decided to remove the batteries from the planet Urak, their world withered into a shadow of what it once was. Now on the brink of oblivion, the Keepers lash out against the Green Lantern Corps and the Guardians themselves. They will stop at nothing to regain what they see as rightfully theirs, and the Corps will be the first to fall!

The Keepers have been decimating the Corps for the past few issues, using torture and death to pry information regarding Oa from them. Now, finally, Guy Gardner has amassed a small group of warriors that might be able to save their lost friends, but at what cost will freedom come? 

Peter J. Tomasi has been churning out some amazing stories for the past six issues. Full of betrayal, hatred, insane action and revelations, Green Lantern Corps has been the best of the “Lantern” books each month! But this week has been the best yet! The conclusion of the Keepers arc is chock full of battle sequences that will assault the senses! Page after page of brutality and strategy, this one might be a quick read — but it will blow you away! Pasarin has been working overtime creating splash pages that encompass every inch of the page! Blades, rings, bullets, body armor — everything stands out, creating a chaotic flow that entrenches you within the battle! You will return again and again to his page layouts, scouring the images for all the details you may have missed before. Perfection at it’s finest!

I really can’t say enough about this book. If you ever wanted an adrenaline ride that will make you wish you could throw on a ring and join the fight — this is it! It’s time the Corps kicked a little a$$ of their own! But don’t take my word for it, the cover says it all — Lock and Load!

Movie News

Review: Batman #6

Snyder’s viscous breakdown of the Batman continues here, and the Court of Owls is on the cusp of victory! The Talon has emerged from the shadows with his sights solely locked on the utter destruction of the Dark Knight. Will he be able to remove Batman from the heart of Gotham permanently, or can Bruce dredge up enough strength to live another day?

Continually spellbinding, Snyder’s vision for the premiere Bat-book is one like you have never seen before. Never have I read a Batman series that mentally and physically breaks him with every page. It is gut-wrenching to witness the amount of brutality that is bestowed upon such an iconic character, and yet — you will relish every moment of it! The pomposity that is the facade of Bruce Wayne is nowhere to be seen, this is The Batman; the hero that was created the night his parents were killed, the cunning nightmare that stalks the minds of criminals everywhere! When you are broken beyond repair, all you have is your mental strength to carry you onward. Will it be enough for Bruce Wayne, or has the Court of Owls already sunk their talons in too deep?

This series is outstanding! Snyder’s writing continually gets better with every page and Capullo’s art is off the charts. The cover alone is mesmerizing! It is a horrific amalgam of Bat and Owl, showcasing the utter hell that Bruce Wayne has been going through. I dare you to stare at it and not feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up! Utterly amazing!

This series is the best that DC is putting out right now! Every month it is the book I look forward to most — from any company! It is a complete re-imagining of the icon we grew up with and breaks down the walls of expectations. Bruce Wayne is a man that has over estimated his observations, and must now deal with a world that has been turned upside down. Gotham will change, Batman will change, and the scope of the book will forever change the way we see our hero. Snyder has changed the status quo of “super hero” books and I can’t wait for the future!

Movie News

Review: Suicide Squad #6

Harley Quinn has broken out of Belle Reeve prison, and Amanda Waller will not let that jeopardize her plans for the Task Force X program. “Suicide Squad” has been given their orders — bring Harley back any way you can!

Adam Glass is insane! Thank the Lord for that! This book is riddled with bullets and blood, midget clowns and man-eating sharks, and yes the rumors are true — good olpuddin‘ is thrown in there, too! The Joker has finally made his full debut in the new DCnU, not just a skinned face pinned to a wall! And even though it is through flashbacks that we see our insane fiend, it is well worth it! 

Though the hype has been about the Joker’s appearance, it is the origin of Harley Quinn that is the most intriguing part of this book. What could ever make Dr. Harleen Quinzel into one of the most deranged characters in the DCnU? Glass gives us an intense analyzation of how a devious mind can sift through your thoughts, finding the triggers within that will change you forever. The back and forth between Harley and the Joker is pitch perfect, leaving you with the feeling of two caged animals eyeing each other for weaknesses. A well played chess match that will leave one of them scarred and both of them smitten.

Adam Glass may well be insane, but his writing is completely engrossing. From the Harley horde to the eventual realization as to where Harley is truly going, Glass gives us an emotional roller coaster that is coated slick with blood! Not only does he create a solid tale of mayhem for his own book, he even intertwines storylines that are concurrently going on in Stormwatch, Green Arrow and Detective Comics! Amazing!

This is my “fun” pick of the week! It has everything a favorite comic needs to let you escape from reality for awhile. Guns, girls, razors, bullets, Siamese cross dressers — you name it, and Glass throws it in! But enough about what I think, get this book and enjoy one hell of a ride!

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