Retailers Slam DC Comics New 52 & DC YOU


With DC Comics recently cancelling five titles, and then uncancelling Omega Men, in addition to recent negative comments from comics writer Joshua Hale Fialkov and rumors of DC being $2 million in the hole, now comes the retailer side of things. caught up with five retailers inquiring about their thoughts on the New 52 as well as the new DC YOU initiative, which has been rumored to be dumped by DC (and un-rumored).

I’ll just grab a few excerpts from the interview; you can check out the interview via the link above.

On expectations going into the DC YOU:

…ordered stronger on the #1s than the ones that had continuations in numbering.

With the number or relaunches (and) reboots in the last few years we had zero expectations going into it. 

…the expectations for DC You were low.

After much disappointment (and diminishing returns) from DC’s New 52, I wasn’t overly optimistic about their new DC You initiative.

Our expectations were low, but optimistic, if possible to be both.

The books have been not selling well at all.

I wish I had better news, but the response hasn’t been great … Interest in DC Comics has continued to drop and I don’t think the DC You initiative was enough to reinvigorate it again. 

None of the new titles are doing well at all, while we like a couple of them, none seem to be resonating with our readers.

People are just sick of relaunches. And the talent on many of these books is, quite frankly, subpar.

I think there’s almost a vote of no confidence against DC these days.

I don’t see these books selling better as collections. Why would they? A bad book is a bad book.

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