DC Comics Omega Men Will Continue To Issue #12


A few days ago saw word hit that DC Comics is cancelling five titles with Omega Men amongst the list.

Fan outcry ensued, which saw DC Comics co-publisher Dan DiDio responding that it was a “tough decision,” but that sales dropped quicker than expected.

The good news is that DC has listened to the fans and has decided to give Omega Men at least a full 12 issues.

Jim Lee, DiDio’s fellow DC Comics co-publisher, tweeted they are continuing Omega Men — all because of the fans.

Omega Men is written by Tom King with art by Barnaby Bagenda.

King is excited by the news as well: “You asked. It happened. Thank you so much. DCYou. Hell yeah,” King posted on Twitter.

You can catch up on Omega Men through DC Digital. The next issue, Omega Men #5, hits October 7th.

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