DC Comics

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The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for February 8th, 2012

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley

(A weekly quick pick of the five titles that should reside at the top of your pull list. In no particular order!)


I do the research, you reap the reward! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, make sure you add these books to your list of goodies. Forget that apple a day nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five books of the week!



1.  Severed #7:  Scott Snyder’s classic look at American horror reaches it’s conclusion! This is the best mini-series I have read in a very long time and if you haven’t been reading this one — you missed out on something amazing!

2.  Wolverine and the X-Men #5: Kitty’s pregnant, Beast teaches a biology class inside a living mutant and the school is completely out of money! Jason Aaron continues his fabulous run on a series that is both fun and thought provoking!

3.  Suicide Squad #6:  The hunt for Harley Quinn begins with this issue! Plus, this is the only place you will be seeing the Joker anytime soon, too bad it’s only in flashbacks! Great story!

4.  Lobster Johnson: The Burning Hand #2 (of 5):  Mignola’s pulp hero returns for his second mini-series and you will be kicking yourself if you don’t pick this one up! B.P.R.D. fans will be pleasantly surprised by the last page reveal!

5.  Black Panther: The Most Dangerous Man Alive #529:  David Liss‘ fantastic work, on redefining the Black Panther for future generations, ends here with the series finale! This underrated character has never before been so appealing!

Movie News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile for February 1st, 2012

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley

(A weekly quick pick of the five books that should reside on the top of your pull list. In no particular order!)


I do the research, you reap the rewards! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, be sure to add these titles to your list of goodies. Forget that apple a day nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health begins with these top five books of the week!



1.  Swamp Thing #6:  Scott Snyder continues to prove he is the new face of horror, and this book will embed itself in your nightmares for weeks to come! Just a tip, leave the lights on for this one! Check out my review for all the gory details here!

2.  The Strange Talent of Luther Strode #5: Luther is finally forced to make a decision on whether he will become the man the Librarian wants him to be or not. But things aren’t so black and white when they’re covered in red! Check out Kenneth’s review here! 

3.  Dark Horse Presents #8:  Mike Mignola headlines this one with a compelling story of Kate Corrigan and her revelation about Hellboy! Plus a creepy Beasts of Burden story by Jill Thompson and the continuation of Neal Adams’ Blood! 80 pages of great stuff!

4.  The Boys #63:  Garth Ennis’ over the top series may be gradually coming to it’s conclusion, but the story continues to heat up! Both teams take some big losses when the Seven and the Boys begin their cataclysmic collision course! The end begins here!

5.  Fatale #2: Ed Brubaker weaves a crime noir tale like no other! Now factor in devil worshippers and demons, and you have another amazing book from an amazing trio! Don’t believe me? Read my full review here!

Movie News

Review: Swamp Thing #6

This is the day the world dies! No one can withstand the Rot, it has chosen it’s Black Queen and she will rule the very fabric of reality!

Snyder’s darkest book to date, Swamp Thing #5, is a complete assault to the senses. Visually traumatic and emotionally jarring, it will nest itself within the recesses of your consciousness, waiting there until you slip into a calming slumber — just to assault you again as you close your eyes! 

Dr. Alec Holland can no longer run from his responsibilities as the avatar of the Green. It is not because he has finally chosen to accept his fate, it is because he no longer has the luxury of a choice. While he has been trying to find answers to a past life, one he can barely remember, the Rot has been moving with urgency against him. A veritable life or death chess match, Alec has lost far too many moves from indecision. Now, all he hears is the whispering voices of the Rot as it utters the word — checkmate!

This book will seize your attention and not let go until you give into it’s overwhelming sickness! Snyder is a classically trained maestro of the horror genre and he is conducting his most disturbing symphony for us right now! Although Yanick Paguette is absent from interior art chores this time around, Marco Rudy does a phenomenal job of rendering the pure viciousness of the book. His style, especially the splash pages, remind me of Tom Mandrake’s work on the Spectre series oh so many years ago. It is perfect for the Vertigo-esque style of this book!

Filled with horrifying revelations and pushing the characters to their breaking points, issue five is now the catalyst for things to come. The road from Snyder’s Swamp Thing to Lemire’s Animal Man is growing ever shorter — you need to get this book now before they converge! Don’t be the last to get to your local comic shop, you may just miss out on this amazing book!

Movie News

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Comic Book Pile For January 25th, 2012

The “DOC’s” Top Of The Pile

By: Chris “DOC” Bushley

(A weekly quick pick of the five books that should reside at the top of your pull list! In no particular order!)



I do the research, you reap the rewards! Before you head out to your favorite shop today, make sure you add these titles to your list of goodies. Forget the apple a day nonsense, this “DOC’s” prescription to good health starts with these top five books! 

1.  Justice League #5 : Johns and Lee are on fire with this book, creating some awesome moments and hokey catch phrases to boot! One word sells this book — Darkseid!!! For more, read my review.

2.  Secret Avengers #21.1 : Uncanny X-Force scribe and CBN favorite, Rick Remender, breaks his way into the Bendis Fort Knox world of the Avengers! It’s a Hawkeye run team but all we care about is Venom!

3.  Teen Titans #5 : Scott Lobdell pits his teenage team against Superboy with disastrous results. His re-imaginings of these characters are outstanding and so is Brett Booth’s pencils! Now check out my review!

4.  American Vampire #23 : DC’s golden child, Scott Snyder, has made vampires cool again! But they’re not as cool as the kid hunting them down! Take a trip back to the fifties and hold on as the book careens out of control! Here’s my review for that.

5.  The Walking Dead #93 : “Jesus” has come to save Rick and his crew, but do they really want saving from the guy who just kicked their ass? Kirkman’s next big arc starts here and Rick is more pissed than ever!

Movie News

Review: Justice League #5

Destruction rains down wherever the eye can see. Creatures from another world soar through the air, causing chaos to the very fabric of the earth. All this, the pain, the suffering, is being done on the breath of a single name — Darkseid!

Johns and Lee pit our newly formed heroes against one of the greatest foes the world has ever seen! And the victor in this malevolent battle — the reader!

I must say, that between Lee and his bevy of inkers and colorists, this is the best work he has put out to date. Not only beautiful, it is explosive and fluid — creating page after page of pure excitement! If this book doesn’t get your pulse pounding — you’re dead inside!

Not to be outdone by his artistic counterpart, Geoff Johns creates a tale that is brimming with action and yet, focuses in on select characters of the team to further enhance who they are. Yes, we all know these characters, but Johns brings new niches to their iconic status. He makes them fresh and energetic for not only new fans, but for all fans of these beloved characters. I personally appreciate that Johns does not set these heroes up as the near omnipotent Justice League that they will become. Remember, this story takes place five years in the past, this team is actually forming before your eyes and Johns makes their partnership faulty at best. But, it is the lack of leadership, even teamwork, that makes this book so well done. Plus, Johns has made Green Lantern one of the cockiest S.O.B.’s around, and yet, he gets pummeled EVERY issue! Brilliant stuff! 

The alien, the amazon, the cyborg, the king, the lightning bolt, the hotshot and the human; all heroes in their own right, must finally learn to depend on others to topple this unstoppable force set before them — before it’s too late! An amazing book, full of velocity, ferocious action and whip smart tenacity; this one should sit proudly atop your pull list. Pull up a chair and watch Hal Jordan break! Too bad it wasn’t Ryan Reynolds instead!

Movie News

Review: American Vampire #23

Travis is a young man with a lot of likes. He likes fast cars, records by The Nocturnes, he likes girls in poodle skirts and cigarettes. Like I said, he has a lot of likes. But he only has one love. The love of killing vampires!

Chapter two of the “Death Race” storyline comes out of the gate full throttle, shifting gears between Travis’ past and present faster than a race down Deadman’s Curve. Through flashbacks, Snyder shows us there is a depth to this “greaser” that we never knew, and maybe don’t want to. Tragedy seems to have nestled its way into the soul of Travis, and nothing will help rectify that incessant ache like killing the man that is speeding away from him. The man that killed his parents!

This is a fabulous issue, loaded with tension, slamming gears and revelations! After the — what I thought to be not on par — “Beast In the Cave” storyline, Snyder is firing on all cylinders with the past two issues. Excitement pummels you as the “Rock A Billy” style tale slams into drive and you are forced to hold on as Travis’ world is sent careening over the edge. The youngest vampire hunter and coolest cat since the originator Skinner Sweet, must decide how much he is willing to lose in order to exact revenge. Especially when his prey is even more vicious when cornered!

Snyder and Albuquerque have outdone themselves on this issue. To create a character that fans instantly love is no small feat, but to have done it twice in a twenty-three issue span — completely unheard of! I hope that we get to see the character of Travis far past the four issue arc of “Death Race.” He is unique and multi-faceted, a true pleasure to read.

So roll up your boot cut jeans, tuck a Lucky Strike behind your ear and get your motor runnin’ to the nearest soda shop with the newest copy of American Vampire! It’s the coolest daddio!

Movie News

Review: Teen Titans #5

Just like their older counterparts, the Justice League, the Teen Titans must face a dire threat while the team is still in it’s infancy. But at least the Titans know who they are fighting against, not that it will help them much!

N.O.W.H.E.R.E., an international organization that has been collecting young metahumans for unknown reasons, has set their sights on Wonder Girl to be their next acquisition. And who better to collect the reluctant hero than their top science experiment — Superboy

From issue one, Lobdell and Booth have created a book that has thoroughly blown me away! They have brought a newfound richness to the core characters, while creating some amazing new ones as well. Though some of these characters have been around for decades, Lobdell makes them completely accessible for new readers and completely exciting for ALL readers. The way he has amped up their personalities, Kid Flash especially, brings excitement to the reader and a smile to your face. The infighting, the lack of control, teen angst and the overall camaraderie of these new found friends in the face of overwhelming odds, harkens back to the days when five mutants first enlisted in a school for gifted youngsters. It is a pleasure to read characters that have been given so much depth in such few issues. Lobdell truly has a vested interest in the development of these heroes and it shows.

Teen Titans #5 is vibrant, fierce and explosive with a break neck pace! It exudes excitement on every page, culminating in a violent crescendo that leaves everyone rocked to the core. Lobdell and Booth have created something quite special here and you owe it to yourselves to check it out. You will not find a better written teen dynamic book on the shelves today!

Movie News

2011: A Year In Review

2011: A Year In Review
By: Chris “DOC” Bushley
comic books


I have finally worked through my Holiday coma that was induced by a combination of turkey, sugar cookies and egg nog, and found that it was time to look back on the year 2011. And since this will be the last “Year in Review” I will ever get to do — damn you Mayan calendar — I better get crackin’!
(NOTE: This list is compiled of media that I personally read or saw throughout the year 2011. Sales charts and reviews have no sway over this list! It is my pure, unadulterated opinion! So have some fun and read along, and if your favorites don’t appear here — go to the forums and make your own list. We always want to know how other fans feel. This is a site for you after all!)
BEST WRITER:  Scott Snyder — This man really came into his own in 2011! With three amazing ongoing series, American VampireBatman and Swamp Thing, as well as two spectacular mini-series, American Vampire: Survival of the Fittest and Severed; Scott Snyder churned out some of the darkest, most engrossing books on the shelves today. All that, plus he’s the nicest guy you’ll ever meet!
BEST ARTIST:  Jim Cheung– The artist on Avengers: The Children’s Crusade, makes every panel dance with excitement. From splash pages to close-ups, everything he does is poster worthy!
BEST ONGOING SERIES:  Uncanny X-Force! — Shocker? Not to those that read this book! Rick Remender really knows the voice of these characters, making them better than they ever were before! Every issue is a complete tour de force of action and characterization. Plus he had Fantomex shoot a child Apocalypse in the face! Brilliant!
WORST SERIES:  Heroes For Hire — This series started out as one of my favorites, but by issue four, I was running for the door! Multiply artists that were not on par with Brad Walker and storylines that kept getting worse — made me feel as if DnA were D.O.A.!
BEST COVER ARTIST:  Joao Ruas — The covers to Fables are some of the most poetic images I have ever seen! Gallery worthy, Raus mixes nostalgia with modern sensibilities to create truly breathtaking images.
BEST LIMITED SERIES:  Baltimore: The Curse Bells — Mike Mignola trumps his first Baltimore series, Baltimore: The Plague Ships, by weaving in plot devices to further enrich the Lord Baltimore character. Demon births, tortured children, black magic and a coven of vampire nuns — how can you get any better? 
BEST CHILDREN’S SERIES:  Tiny Titans — My four year old and I truly love this book and are saddened that it will end with issue 50. Art Baltazar and Franco do a great job of making the book fun for the kiddies, while factoring in current storylines for the adults. They even had the mysterious Pandora make an appearance, only to be revealed that it was really Ambush Bug in disguise!
BEST TV SERIES:  The Walking Dead — Did I really need to include this category on my list? Hell yeah! Everyone needs to watch this show! If it can get my wife hooked, than anyone can become a fan of this amazing series. Sunday nights will never be the same again!
BEST COMPANY:  DC — This should come as no surprise! 2011 was the year that saw DC finally take the reigns back from Marvel on the sales charts, though just barely! But it was the decision to throw caution to the wind and relaunch 52 new number ones that made them outshine the competition. What could have been an epic fail, turned out to be the biggest success of any company this year! Their multiple genre product line has something for everyone, from horror to cosmic, anyone can find a book that will appease them. I personally read more DC books now than I ever have in my life! 
BEST RELAUNCHED SERIES:  Animal Man — This Jeff Lemire book is one of the best things I have ever read! It is disturbing and horrific, but it also has a depth to it that is astounding! He has taken the Buddy Baker character and stripped him of all the hokey aspects DC has pumped him with over the last few years, and made him superb again!
BEST STORY ARC:  “No Way Out” The Walking Dead — Robert Kirkman finally settled his characters into a nice, safe environment. And just when everyone was starting to conform back to electricity and warm baths, BOOM, all hell breaks loose! Mamma always said, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, they might break.” And that’s exactly what happens in this arc — things break!
BEST GUILTY PLEASURE:  Hasbro’s Marvel Universe 3.75” figures — No they are not dolls, they’re action figures! I just wish they had these when I was a kid. These are the coolest toys on the shelves and some of the toughest collectibles to get your grubby little hands on. Everyone has Iron Man, but how many of you got the super rare Archangel with the full wings? Oh, I’m the only one who knows what I’m talking about? Okay.
MOST SHOCKING MOMENT:  Carl shot in the face! The Walking Dead #83 — Just when you think Rick and Carl will make it through the zombie hoard that is ripping through the streets, Kirkman kicks you in the gut and flips you off! I have to say that Robert Kirkman has put more holy $#*% moments in this series than any other I have ever read, but the splash page of Carl with a hunk of his head blown off — shocked the hell out of me!
BEST VILLAIN:  Norman Osborn — Brian Bendis has taken a classic character that had become mired in mediocrity, and created one of the most maniacal villains ever! The best part of the character is that even though he is on the fringe of insanity, his plans actually make sense and they make you second guess every move the Avengers have made in the last five years! 
MOST IMPROVED CHARACTER:  Cyclops — No longer the whiny Boy Scout, Scott Summers has emerged to become the patriarch of the whole mutant race! It took a group effort of great writers, Matt Fraction, Kieron Gillen, Mike Carey and Paul Jenkins, to get him to that status though. But now he is one of the best X characters around! I mean, how many people has Magneto bowed down to before? ‘Nuff said!
BEST NEW CHARACTERS:  The Black Legion, Uncanny X-Force — Okay, so they aren’t really “new” characters but whose nit picking? These amalgams of Marvel elite characters are completely bad ass! Hailing from the Age of Apocalypse storyline, we can only hope to see more of them in the new Age of Apocalypse book in March! An Orange Hulk that is energized by the sun and Ghost Rider wearing Iron Man armor–too cool! 
BEST BOOK YOU ARE NOT READING:  The Strange Talent of Luthor Strode — This crazy book by Justin Jordan and Tradd Moore is visceral, grotesque and yet, spends enough time on characterization that you actually care about these characters! The brutality of Kick-Ass and the heart of Invincible, this is an awesome book for the not too faint of heart!
BIGGEST FLOP:  X-Men: Schism — This book had so much promise and gave off too little bang for the buck. Wolverine and Cyclops almost kill each other over who had better management skills? C’mon Jason Aaron!  The reasoning behind the “schism” was laughable at best, but it did lead to my next category!
BEST NEW ONGOING SERIES:  Wolverine and the X-Men — What Jason Aaron lacked in thought for Schism, he more than made up for here! Funny, charming and action packed; this book has it all! Great character development and a quick wit makes this book stand out above the rest. Plus, it has tiny Nightcrawlers called BAMFs, that steal Wolverine’s whiskey — AWESOME!
WORST RUNNING THEME:  Marvel’s “not dead” revival — Over the past year Marvel said they would kill a character every quarter. Now, that may have technically happened, but how many of these characters are still gone? And what about those characters that “died” years ago? Here is a list of those that “died” and have now come back in 2011. Hence the phrase “not dead!”  Johnny Storm, Thor, Cable, Aerial, Bucky Barnes, Sabretooth, Joseph (Magneto’s clone) and Scott Lang! I probably missed a few, but I stopped counting! Make death in comics mean a little more and fans will appreciate it more!
CREATOR OF THE YEAR:  Robert Kirkman — The man writes four comic series, has a hit T.V. show, a hit novel, is the COO of Image comics, created his own imprint under the Image banner called Skybound, has a TWD board game, TWD action figures and countless merchandising! Plus, he’s a family man! I don’t know when this guy has the time to breathe let alone sleep! And the crazy part? All his stuff is great! He is a fan favorite and one of the nicest guys you will ever meet, just don’t ask him why Atom Eve has put on so much weight!
HIGHLIGHT OF 2011:  The New York Comic Con — This was fanboy nirvana all wrapped in a four day package! From the free swag, the acquired art work, Marvel’s exciting panels, the interviews, the Mark Hamill panel, hanging out with the guys from DC, the MTV Geek party and the general camaraderie of the fans and the CBN staff– THIS WAS AWESOME! Thanks to everyone who came out and we hope to see you in 2012!
Well, that’s the list! Now we want to see what you thought of 2011. Go to the forums or hit us up in the comments below, and tell us all your favorites or what really ticked you off about the past year in the world of comics!   
And tell us what you are most looking forward to in 2012, besides the end of the world!
Movie News

Review: Animal Man #5

I’m just going to throw this out there — THIS BOOK IS COMPLETELY INSANE! And I love every single moment of it!

Jeff Lemire and his entire artistic crew have created something that is equal parts disturbing and fascinating. A cornucopia of twistedness that assaults the senses, Animal Man is a book that is beyond expectations for any genre! It is something that worms it’s way inside you and nestles within, scratching you tediously until you want to scream! 

Issue five is a blur, a quickened pace to the story because there is a true need to run. The third Hunter has stalked it’s prey long enough and now it must feed. And Buddy Baker’s family is the main course! Buddy, Maxine and “Socks” rush to save them, but who will be there to save the trio once the Hunter sets its gaze upon them? Maxine makes a decision that will not only forever change the dynamic of the book, but that of the entire DCnU as well! There is only one hope for triumph over the Rot, but it lies in the pages of another book! 

Look at the cover to this book. It is one of the most horrific covers I have ever seen! Now, imagine a book that mimics that grimacing emotion on every page and you will understand Animal Man. It is completely amazing how Travel Foreman can conceive of such horrific images and still be able to sleep! There is a section of the book where the Hunter shows Buddy just how the Rot will change Maxine when they get their hands on her. It is quite disturbing and yet utterly amazing! The caliber of talent on this book, from art to prose, is unfathomable! Other than Scott Snyder’s Swamp Thing, you will find nothing like this book on the shelves today. 

If you are not reading this book you are missing out on something that will change your mind about the landscape of comics today. It is a rare and wretched book that deserves more than just a mere moment of your time. And once you read one issue, you will be hooked like a rotting piece of meat on the end of barbed wire! Ewwww! But oh so good!

Movie News

Review: Batman #4

Explosions rock Batman as he continues on his quest stop the Talon, the Court of Owls menacing assassin. But it’s not the explosions that will cause the most damage, it is Batman’s disbelief that the Court of Owls even exists that will hurt him the most! Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo continue on their quest

Movie News

Review: Green Lantern Corps #4

A small band of Green Lanterns have been stranded on the planet Xabas, surrounded by executioners that have a far greater grasp of “will” than any Lantern — ever! All hope is lost and Guy Gardner’s interrogation of one of the murderers has proven fruitless. That is, until Guy has a surprise visitor, someone he

Comic Book News

Review: Swamp Thing #4

  In the desert, something is building a kingdom. It is not built with brick or mortar, or by the hands of man. It is built with pain and flesh. Disease and sinew are it's bonding agent, and it is growing bigger by the day. In the desert, where few things can survive the brutal

Comic Book News

Review: Animal Man #4

  Buddy Baker has always known he was special. Animal activist, father, superhero; the man does it all! But when his link to his animal powers begins to grant him with strange new abilities, he begins to question his role in the grand spectrum of things. A role that now casts him in the shadow

Comic Book News

Review: Red Hood and the Outlaws #3

Chaotic, craziness jumps off the pages of Scott Lobdell's fan favorite Red Hood and the Outlaws! But don't get lost in the nexus of insanity, there is an intriguing tale hidden just beneath the surface that allows us to see our "heroes" in a whole new light! To describe this book in one word would

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Green Lantern Corps#3

The Corps has their back against the wall, broken, beaten and excepting of their fate. This could be the end of the Corps "honor guard," and the cover says it all — "Beware the Ring Slayers!" Tomasi gives new meaning to the phrase "action-packed!" From start to finish, we are continually assaulted by scenes of

Comic Book News

Review: Batman #3

The Court of Owls has taken roost within Gotham, and neither Bruce Wayne nor the Batman will ever be the same! Scott Snyder conjures up an eerie tale of hidden secrets and a haunted past. A tale that will send shivers of excitement down your spine as glimpses of Gotham's past emerge before you, as

Comic Book News

Review: Mister Terrific #3

Issue three of the DCnU's sci-fi, cosmic epic has hit the stands — and I couldn't be happier! When Eric Wallace told the CBN staff that something in issue three would change the status quo of Mister Terrific — he wasn't kidding! The tectonic plates of his whole existence have begun to shift, and Mister

Comic Book News

Advanced Review: Suicide Squad #3

I have read every incarnation of Suicide Squad and Adam Glass' take is hands down — the best version ever! Some may say that this is just an action junkie book, filled with third tier characters that no one even cares about. But it is so much more than that! It is an intriguing espionage book,

Comic Book News

Review: Batman: Detective Comics #3

The Dollmaker has torn the streets of Gotham asunder — literally! Jim Gordon has been taken captive, Batman has been poisoned, and the little girl that everyone has been looking for –just might be linked to numerous deaths. This will take all of Bruce Wayne's detective skills just to live through the night!  Tony Daniel

Comic Book News Reviews

Review: Deathstroke #2

It looks like Slade is continuing his all out war on his perceived diminished capacity as an all purpose, always getting the job done, merc with an attitude by DCU’s seedy underbelly, always looking to hire the best at top dollar.  This issue opens up with a little carry over from issue #1, namely, the

Comic Book News

Review: Suicide Squad #2

Glass and Dallocchio unleash their second installment of Suicide Squad on the masses, blasting your senses across the page like a hollow point to the head! Amanda Waller drops her band of misfits into their first mission, retrieve the "package" and kill eighty thousand people in the process! As you can probably guess, nothing is

Comic Book News

Review: Detective Comics #2 (Daniel)

Someone has broken the nefarious Joker out of Arkham, but not all of him has left the building. Joker's face has been pinned to the wall of his cell, and not even the Batman knows why – or even if the Joker is still alive. By the time James Gordon, Harvey Bullock and Batman can

Comic Book News Reviews

Review: The Fury Of Firestorm: Nuclear Men #1

Firestorm was always an odd sort of hero for me because as powerful as his abilities were, what made the character interesting was the fact he was a physical manifestation of dichotomy.  The first Firestorm was a fusion of the young Ronnie Raymond and the old Dr. Martin Stein.  Youthful creativity combined with experienced wisdom

Comic Book News

Review: Justice League Dark #1 (Milligan & Janin)

After writing my article, Drawing the Line At Constantine, on why John Constantine would not work in a team book, I couldn't wait to trash the new Justice League Dark book. But now I stand in front of the world, proclaiming that Peter Milligan is a genius – and I apologize for ever doubting his

Comic Book News

Review: Batman: The Dark Knight #1 (Jenkins & Finch)

Well, the third and final Bat book has hit the stands, but the punch has been pulled back a little. The art is outstanding, the story good, but there is really nothing that grabs you and makes you say "wow" when you close the book.  Last week we saw a breakout at Arkham in the

Comic Book News

Review: The Savage Hawkman #1 (Daniel & Tan)

Carter Hal may still technically be Hawkman, but this is far from the Hawkman that I remember! Besides the Nth metal and ties to archeology, nothing is the same, and normally I would be ecstatic about all the possibilities. But this book really did nothing for me. Not that it was a bad read or

Comic Book News

Review: Teen Titans #1 (Lobdell & Booth)

I have never read Teen Titans before, I just want to put that out there. So, going into this I had no preconceptions regarding the book. Yes, I knew all the characters that had been on all the different variations of the team, but I didn't really KNOW them. But I have to say, Lobdell

Comic Book News Reviews

Review: Blackhawks #1 (Costa & Lashley)

The New 52 delivers another team book in Blackhawks #1, DC’s answer to S.H.I.E.L.D.; well kind of.  What’s most interesting about this covert operation is the fact that it was commissioned by the United Nations, an organization notorious for not having a practical means of enforcing mandates and treaties because it has no threatening military

Comic Book News Reviews

Review: Voodoo #1 (Marz & Basri)

The New 52 wants all you guys out there to “get your hands out of your pants and into your pockets” to spend a little on some memories from Voodoo #1, yet another addition to DC’s re-launch that is all about sex, violence and a little mystery; but mainly SEX!  You know what kind of

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