Superman, Wonder Woman Cut From ‘The Batman’


Both Superman and Wonder Woman were cut from The Batman by director Matt Reeves.

Note: Slight spoilers follow for The Batman.

The Batman Robert Pattinson and Zoe Kravitz

Matt Reeves has four hour cut of The Batman

Back in October of 2020, set images and video surfaced which featured a look at people wearing Superman and Wonder Woman Halloween costumes (see below), which of course would mean those characters exist in the ReevesVerse.

However, as the movie is now out, those scenes were absent from the theatrical version of the film which means they were cut from the film.

I don’t believe Matt Reeves has as of yet talked about why he cut those particular scenes featuring Superman and Wonder Woman, but it has been reported Reeves has a four-hour cut of the movie.

According to the Hollywood Reporter’s Heat Vision newsletter, Reeves showed off an early test screening of The Batman that was four hours long (here is an additional cut scene Reeves will eventually reveal – spoilers) which would mean fans didn’t get to see up to an hour of extra footage (personally, I hope a “Reeves Cut” doesn’t get released as I really like the theatrical version).

The Batman Robert Pattinson

Adding in Superman, Wonder Woman, Justice League would make things a big mess

Checking out the set pics and video below of Superman and Wonder Woman, I happen to think it was a good idea to cut them as they look really cheesy and goofy (this isn’t a Marvel movie), and I think it would have taken away from the movie completely by adding in those characters, as I have already heard some fans complain they wanted the flick to connect to other DC movies and characters, which I think would have been a big mistake.

Adding in just the question of Superman and Wonder Woman would have seen fans debating if its the same characters as the Henry Cavill Superman or the Gal Gadot Wonder Woman or if they were new versions and actors of the characters or if it is the same universe etc., which would have just totally taken away from this being about a new Batman (and the first movie).

Actually, I am hoping the Robert Pattinson Batman stays away from a connected movie universe and continues to go the way of the NolanVerse, being its own thing, as adding the Justice League characters would make things a big mess as it did for Zack Snyder (Snyder’s original plan was to just do Superman).

Rumors now offer DC is going to go with an all-female Trinity consisting of Wonder Woman, Supergirl, and Batgirl. 

The Batman movie

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