‘Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League’ Game Reveals Retconned Final Ending

'Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League' Game Reveals Retcon Ending

Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League has revealed its official ending with the release of Season 4 Episode 8, the final content update for the video game.

And boy, it’s a big retcon. Warning: Spoilers follow.

suicide squad game ending

It has been clones all along

So the final update reveals that as part of Batman’s plan, the Justice League actually have been clones all along. The real Justice League shows up at the end to save the day and stop Brainiac.

Yep, that means all the members of the Justice League that the Suicide Squad killed throughout the game were not the real Justice League but clones. Batman is alive. They were never the real deal.

So it was never “Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League” but really, “Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League Clones.”

The game also released the big reveal through comic-inspired panels not footage, just as it has done in the various updates following Rocksteady having announced it would be stopping development and support of the game.

The final footage also reveals that the Suicide Squad have escaped Waller’s implants but will continue to remain as a team exploring the Elsewords universes. Finally, the footage also offers tribute to the late Kevin Conroy who voices Batman in the game and who passed back in 2022. Watch below.

Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League was a complete disaster from launch. It’s full full of woke content from Sweet Baby Inc. who gamers have come to abhor and avoid at all costs.

Rocksteady is now said to be developing a new Batman game.

Watch the Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League ending:

Batman Is Alive Cutscene  - Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League Ending

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