Spider-Man: Far From Home Title revealed

Spider-Man: Far From Home

The title for Spider-Man: Homecoming 2 stands revealed as Tom Holland shows off the info in an instagram video revealing Spider-Man: Far From Home.

“Sorry for no announcements, but I love you guys,” Tom Holland teases and then shows off an iPad with the Spider-Man: Far From Home title and logo.

“Hey, guys. What’s Up? It’s Tom Holland here. I am at the Ace Seattle Comic-Con having a great time, meeting everyone, it’s going really well. I wanted to apologize because there are no real revelations coming out this weekend about Spider-Man 2. I don’t know much about it. I am a little confused because I died; so I don’t know how it call comes into play, but I do know, I got the new script. I’m super excited to read it, and it’s going to be great. See ya. Spider-Man 2. Let’s do this,” Holland said.

Check out the video revealing Spider-Man: Far From Home.


Sorry for no announcements, but I love you guys

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Spider-Man Far From Home

Spider-Man: Far From Home

Regarding what “Spider-Man: Far From Home” could be referring to, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige did confirm that  Spider-Man will be going global: “We shot the first film in Atlanta. And we shoot a lot of films in London but there’s another reason we’re shooting in London which is, yes, Spidey, of course, will spend some time in New York, but he’ll spend some time in other parts of the globe,” Feige tol iO9.  

Another change could be related to the new Spider-Man costume, as costume designer Louis Frogley recently offered new details about the sequel, which includes mentions of potential costumes as well as the timeline related to The Avengers 4 and Infinity War. Frogley offered that while she worked on the first movie, she won’t be returning for the second.

“I am not actually working on that film, but the costumes will have very big changes because, in the film, Spider-Man becomes more like man and not teenager,” she said.

Spider-Man: Far From Home has a July 5, 2019 release directed by Jon Watts also starring Jake Gyllenhaal as Mysterio and Michael Keaton as Vulture.

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