Sony Moving Forward With Jump Street And Men In Black Crossover


Back in December of last year saw the leak of the hacked Sony e-mails mention a potential crossover between Jump Street and Men In Black.

Now it’s being reported the crossover is a reality in addition to a female Jump Street spinoff.

The Wrap reports Broad City writers Lucia Aniello and Paul Downs have been hired by Sony to pen the script for the female Jump Street movie, and that Sony is moving forward on the JS/MIB crossover.

It’s said Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum will be involved in the Jump Street / Men in Black crossover, though it’s currently unknown whether Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones or Josh Brolin will be a part of the project.

The previous leaked e-mails stated Sony wanted the crossover to be released in 2016 or 2017 and would see Hill and Tatum as cops interacting with the sci-fiuniverse of Men In Black. The e-mails also stated Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones would not be included in the movie, at least in prominent roles.

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