She-Hulk Filming Hints At Spider-Man Crossover


She-Hulk may crossover with Spider-Man in the MCU as production information has hit the net offering both projects will film at the same time.

It has previously been rumored that Jennifer Walters, aka She-Hulk, will be Peter Parker’s lawyer in Spider-Man 3, as the end of Far From Home saw Peter on the run due to Mysterio setting Peter up for his death as well as exposing Spidey’s true identity.

The production information for Spider-Man 3 reveals the movie is supposed to start filming in July, the same time as She-Hulk, with both said to film in Atlanta, Georgia at Pinewood Studios.

Spider-Man 3 is due to start filming July 3, with She-Hulk on July 6 (assuming the coronavirus doesn’t delay things).

Worth a mention is that in addition to filming in Atlanta, Spider-Man 3 does have additional filming locations, but She-Hulk is only listed as filming in Atlanta.

If Jen Walters is going to be featured in Spider-Man 3, it would make sense to film her scenes at the same time for both projects (cost-effective). Walters might not even have a big role, especially if Spider-Man is on the run for most of the movie, so the cameo could be a set up for the She-Hulk series which is supposed to air on Disney Plus sometime in 2022, after the release of Spider-Man 3 (rumored title “Home Run”).

No specific details are known about She-Hulk but Mark Ruffalo recently confirmed he is in talks to appear in the series.

A recent rumor also offered that She-Hulk is less about Jen Walters and She-Hulk and more about “Hulks,” which sounds like the series may feature more “Hulks” than just Jen Walters and Mark Ruffalo’s version.

Alison Brie is also rumored as the titular character.

She-Hulk Disney Plus

The production info also offers the following She-Hulk description:

Following an injury, Jennifer Walters receives an emergency blood transfusion from her cousin, Bruce Banner, and acquires a milder version of his Hulk condition. As such, Walters becomes a large, powerful green-hued version of herself while still largely retaining her personality. In particular, she retains her intelligence and emotional control, although like Hulk, she still becomes stronger if enraged.

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