Alison Brie Rumored For She-Hulk


Twitter is ablaze right now with the rumor that actress Alison Brie is rumored for She-Hulk in the Marvel Disney Plus series of the same name.

A rumor has landed online that Marvel is looking for an Alison Brie-type actress, which of course would also include the actress among contention.

A similar rumor for Matt Reeves’ The Batman offered WB was searching for a Zoe Kravitz-type actoress for Catwoman, who of course got the part.

Regarding Alison Brie for She-Hulk, obviously it would be for the Jen Walters human version, with CGI used to make her as the She-Hulk.

I actually like Alison Brie a lot and thought she was pretty fabulous in the Netflix GLOW series, which I could see the She-Hulk show having similar humor and drama.

Alison Brie also has Marvel connections as she was featured on Community which the Russo brothers worked on, and she also voices Black Widow in the Marvel Avengers Academy video game.

She-Hulk Disney Plus

She-Hulk coming to Disney Plus

She-Hulk has no release date and was recently announced last Summer by Kevin Feige at the D23 Expo, with rumors offering Jen Walters might appear in Spider-Man 3 as the lawyer for Peter Parker.

Another name that has been rumored for Ms. Green Goliath is Ronda Rousey.

In the comics, Jen Walters gets an irradiated blood transfusion from her cousin, who happens to be none other than the Incredible Hulk himself, Bruce Banner; it’s also thought the She-Hulk Disney Plus series will feature Mark Ruffalo.

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