Scott Eastwood Wants To Play Wolverine

Scott Eastwood Wolverine

Logan marked the last time we’ll see Hugh Jackman as the adamantium-wielding berserker-raging mutant Wolverine, which means eventually the baton will be passed to a new actor. 

How about Scott Eastwood?

Legendary and Universal recently debuted the new Pacific Rim Uprising trailer, which stars Scott Eastwood, at this weekend’s New York Comic-Con.

Following the Pacific Rim Uprising panel, Scott Eastwood was asked if would be interested in tackling a superhero movie role, which saw Scott Eastwood not hesitate and reply with (via CB):

Weapon X. I mean Logan! You gotta give it to Wolverine! Wolverine, all day.

Scott Eastwood, who was also featured in DC’s Suicide Squad movie, has been a long time fan-favorite pick to play the new Wolverine. Even Scott Eastwood’s dad, Clint Eastwood, has been a pick for Wolverine! 

Regarding a new Wolverine on screen, Fox Studios hasn’t announced anything as of yet, but most recently did see head of FOX Studios, Stacey Snider, offer up that is indeed a possibility.

Wolverine is by far the most famous of the X-Men, so a return to the movies for Wolverine should be happening sooner rather than later.

Check out Scott Eastwood as Wolverine fan art and Clint Eastwood:

Scott Eastwood Wolverine

Scott Eastwood Wolverine

Scott Eastwood Wolverine

Clint Eastwood Wolverine

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