Samuel L. Jackson Teases Spider-Man: Far From Home

Samuel L. Jackson Spider-Man: Far From Home

Following his return to the MCU with Captain Marvel, it appears that Samuel L. Jackson will be featured as Nick Fury in Spider-Man: Far From Home.

The actor took to social media to tease a return to the role.

Back to the familiar, the comfortable, the lovably fierce! Loving today’s mood! #Can’tkeepagoodmandown#deliriouslyfurious

Samuel L. Jackson posted a Nick Fury SHIELD business card on Instagram where his current location is revealed to be in the United Kingdom.

Currently, Spider-Man: Far From Home is the only Marvel Studios movie filming, and it is filming in the United Kingdom, which the recent set video and images have confirmed.

If Samuel L. Jackson is returning as Nick Fury in Spider-Man: Far From Home that must mean that somehow the events from The Avengers: Infinity War are reversed in The Avengers 4. While Jackson and Fury are in Captain Marvel, that movie is a prequel to the MCU set in the 1990s, which will see technology used to de-age Jackson 25 years. The post-credit scene for The Avengers: Infinity War featured Fury turning to dust and signaling Captain Marvel.

Of course, it’s entirely possible that Spider-Man may travel back in time in Far From Home (title then makes even more sense) and visits a past Nick Fury as the setting of the movie has yet to be confirmed.

Spider-Man: Far from Home has a July 5, 2019 release directed by Jon Watts, said to feature Jake Gyllenhaal as Mysterio and Michael Keaton as Vulture.

Captain Marvel hits March 8, 2019; The Avengers 4 lands May 3,2 019.

Spider-Man: Far From Home

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